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[0.24] Spaceplane Plus 1.3


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Hey Porkjet love the pack! Do you have plans to make a mono-propellant tank in the MK2? I got tired of not having a nice streamlined one that I modified the drone core as a duplicate part, took away the electric charge and vessel type then put mono-propellant in it's place. Tweaked the texture a bit by adding a yellow band and warning markings. But would prefer a official part.

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This is one seriously slick mod, small spaceplanes just got a whole lot more interesting :D

Jeb approves, and so do I.

Quick question: Is there a reason the mk2CrewCabin has

crashTolerance = 6
breakingForce = 200
breakingTorque = 200

whereas say, mk2Fuselage_L, has

crashTolerance = 50
breakingForce = 50
breakingTorque = 50


Experimental testing (read: droping on the runway) confirms; the crew cabins are indeed far more explosive than any other fuselage part :cool:

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  Harvoification said:
I just downloaded the new version for .24.2, but all of the spaceplane plus wings have completely disappeared? Even in sandbox mode, they don't exist!

what new version?

- - - Updated - - -

  Bekiekutmoar said:
Well, the strange thing is FAR didn't had any effect on the plane shown above, so it flew as if FAR wasn't installed. This issue was however limited to non-stock parts; a plane made entirely out of stock parts, responded to FAR very well. When I replaced ModuleManager 2.2.0 with 2.2.1, the problem was gone and every part is now subject to FAR. Don't know exactly what changed though ...

do you have sp+ far cfg file in the install dictionary?

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Still adore this mod. However I want to make a request if I may?

The only part I feel is missing from this pack (and the stock game) is a mk2 to 2.5m adapter. Often I find myself clipping lots of parts together trying to make a nice smooth transition but the mk2 shape just doesn't really transition all that well. It would be great if you could include something like this in the future.

Thanks for all the work you've put into this :)

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  steve_v said:
This is one seriously slick mod, small spaceplanes just got a whole lot more interesting :D

Jeb approves, and so do I.

Quick question: Is there a reason the mk2CrewCabin has

crashTolerance = 6
breakingForce = 200
breakingTorque = 200

whereas say, mk2Fuselage_L, has

crashTolerance = 50
breakingForce = 50
breakingTorque = 50


Experimental testing (read: droping on the runway) confirms; the crew cabins are indeed far more explosive than any other fuselage part :cool:

Kerbals build everything out of corbomite.

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Hi, I really like this mod, however I have one point about capacity of crew module:


It seems to me little bit undercapacitated given that 6 kerbals can fit into cargo bay and cargo bay is 2/3 of crew module. Just saying that this is not habitat module, but rather charter flight cabin, so it may be bit tight.

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Yes, the cabin could easily hold 6 crew, if it was made of tinfoil and didnt have any other pieces of equipment/technology/Lifesupport in it. You'll see how tight its in there for 4 kerbals once I get around to make the internal model for it.

Another important point to consider is what number of crew makes sense from a gameplay perspective, given the parts size and mass compared to the rest of the game.

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  Pondafarr said:
Besides, you expect Jeb to fly cargo/business class? gotta have room for the reclining seats and stewardess!

Well, it is space program, I expect military class, so benches.

I would by size compare it with Concorde (about same performance needed, including radiation shielding) where fuselage of width 2.87m and height of 1,96m fits 4 people and aisle (note that Kerblas are 1/2 the size compared to Human). Crew module is 2,5m long, in easyJet airplane you have 74cm between rows. so in worst case scenario in similar space as your crew module, there will be 12 humans in Airbus A320... Given that kerbals are small and whatever else life support needed on board, It seems to me that 6-8 kerbals should fit...

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  nli2work said:
how did you attach the air scoops? octocube struts? added stack nodes? the jets already have Ka intakes. Cool looking ship!

yep the octocube, i made more images for in game usage rather then perspectives in hangar (now it was a v2), its totaly awesome, if you dont like the recources you can s easily edit all the jet engines to use lf , intake to keep forever.

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Reached 2132.3m/s with this baby. The design is clearly the SR-71 only with some changes. BTW is it natural to flame-out at 26-27km no matter the amount of intakes you put on your plane?


This is another inspired by the B2 Stealth bomber. Notice the complete absence of vertical wings. Despite this fact it flies surprisingly well. It has also reached the 2000m/s area. I think 1981m/s, not sure...


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  MrUberGr said:
Reached 2132.3m/s with this baby. The design is clearly the SR-71 only with some changes. BTW is it natural to flame-out at 26-27km no matter the amount of intakes you put on your plane?

pure wrong, add more intakes, by more i mean a lot more, 1 or 2 intakes wont make much difference when air gets thin, when you look at my designs you can clearly see one of my signatures: abused air intakes :D , i once made a plane so filled with air intakes it with turbojet engine worked above 40 kms, i was able to reach orbit of 350 kms. could have pushed a lot higher but i had to cut the testing.

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  MrUberGr said:
Reached 2132.3m/s with this baby. The design is clearly the SR-71 only with some changes. BTW is it natural to flame-out at 26-27km no matter the amount of intakes you put on your plane?

Tricks for high altitude jettage without air-hogging:

* Shut down as many engines as possible to concentrate the remaining air. Over 30,000m the drag is so low that it only requires a small amount of thrust to continue accelerating.

* Throttle down until your airtanks refill, then throttle back up as much as you can while keeping the tank levels stable.

* Minimise angles of attack and climb rates. Aim the air at the intakes, not at the underside of the wings. By the time you hit 30,000m, you want your climb rate down to around 10m/s.

You can get up to 35,000m or so with the jets still running if you do this. You don't need more than a couple of intakes per engine; one nacelle/ramscoop combo per jet usually does me fine.

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  Wanderfound said:
Tricks for high altitude jettage without air-hogging:

* Shut down as many engines as possible to concentrate the remaining air. Over 30,000m the drag is so low that it only requires a small amount of thrust to continue accelerating.

* Throttle down until your airtanks refill, then throttle back up as much as you can while keeping the tank levels stable.

* Minimise angles of attack and climb rates. Aim the air at the intakes, not at the underside of the wings. By the time you hit 30,000m, you want your climb rate down to around 10m/s.

You can get up to 35,000m or so with the jets still running if you do this. You don't need more than a couple of intakes per engine; one nacelle/ramscoop combo per jet usually does me fine.

Out of curiosity are you hitting these speeds with FAR and DRE installed or on stock?

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  MrUberGr said:
Reached 2132.3m/s with this baby. The design is clearly the SR-71 only with some changes. BTW is it natural to flame-out at 26-27km no matter the amount of intakes you put on your plane?

With that design, yes. Too many engines, not enough intake area.

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