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Kerbal PR? Seems to be on the right track.


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For those not in the UK or otherwise familiar with the Guardian (where this article appeared): It's one of the 2 or 3 'high end' newspapers here but satirically called the 'Grauniad' as it's infamous for its typos.

As a reminder to the interested, The Guardian Broke the Edward Snowden story, so it's a serious newspaper.

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As a reminder to the interested, The Guardian Broke the Edward Snowden story, so it's a serious newspaper.

Edward chose that.

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I once briefly considered making a giant paper mache` Jebediah, then using it to block traffic downtown in my home city.

Dont tell us, you checked the supplies of paper and 6 paper mills would'nt be able to keep up with your demand......... :D


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That's pretty funny. Are you aware of the reputation of the New York Post? How does that compare, or is that more The Sun?

The Guardian is very much a a newspaper of record along with, in the UK, The Times and The Telegraph. Historically "The Times of London" was IT in the days of Empire but now, sadly, it's a Murdoch publication and will print more or less anything that suits the stable (but still tries a bit to live up to its ancestory, just for the advertisers' sake). The Telegraph is a generally right-leaning and The Guardian left-leaning, although by the standards of most of the world they are both moderate - England's nice that way; we had a civil war 400 years ago and didn't enjoy it.

A write-up in the Guardian is significant; although with the decrease in print circulation it means less than it used to (as Squad is well placed to appreciate!)

A write-up in the Sun would reach more people but make less impression. People who read, or write for, the Sun are unlikely to be interested in learning orbital mechanics - as a generalisation.

PS: @ technicalfool - the Sun also got itself 'not quite banned but' from most Army barracks during the Falklands conflict. The headline that was one step (of many) too far was "*******s!" when the Argentina air force managed to bomb one of our troop ships. As we (I was a soldier) were told at the time, "Our enemies are not that or any other insult, they are people just like us. Making them less just makes you less for beating them". [Army rule - respect your enemy. More noted for its lapses than adherance (Abu Ghraib anyone?) but generally much more applied than not - by everyone.]

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I enjoy how they refer to the possibilities of the next generation.

I myself am only 12 years old and my knowledge of space, rockets, mission history, and all that has pretty much exploded from there.

I became someone who drives people away when they talk about rockets because I bore the crap out of them :P

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