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Without Russia...

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So recently with the announcement of the new dragon and other things, a lot of hate has been thrown at russia. This post is to show what Russia has done for America and is basically a "thank you to them".

Without Russia:

US wouldn't know how to construct or maintain stations..

Atlas rockets wouldn't be as efficient.

Orbital couldn't launch their rockets.

The US wouldn't have had a way into space when the shuttle fleet was downed due to columbia.

The US wouldn't have had a way into space when the shuttles retired.

The US wouldn't have had a rival and none of this would have happened (well for a long time.)

There are probably more but the point is please have more respect for Russia since they have had kindness, patience and respect for you.

Respect to both your nations and their programs :D

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I do think that it's important that we have respect for our fellow human beings and their accomplishments, regardless of their place, time, or circumstances of birth.

That said, discussions of which nations are obligated to whom for what degenerate into producing more heat than light more often than not, which is why we have a ban on discussing political issues here. We'll be closing this thread, then.

Edited by Specialist290
Typo ;_;
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