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Sun should be brighter and scarier up close.

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So I ventured into low Kerbol orbit today and was disappointed at how ... dim it looks up close. It looks like a yellow gas giant with a couple of black spots. Compare that to the (fairly) realistic depiction in movies like Sunshine: it's so bright, the whole screen looks bright white from up close.

Obviously KSP won't ever be quite that accurate, but there should be a lot more to acknowledge the fact that your ship is in the most dangerous environment known to Kerbalkind. Even if it's not a huge solar flare or coronal loop, at least have it be brighter and difficult to make out its spherical shape.


, the sun used to be like that until it got its spherical model in version 0.11. Could the two be combined to make a semi-realistic solar experience?
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Hmmm, I actually think the Sun looks pretty imposing up close. I've never actually thought any depictions of the Sun appeared "scary" so I can't really help there. I looked at the video and I actually think the current version of the Sun looks fine because of better detail but this is just my personal taste.

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Yeah i agree, the same thing with jool too. Both should look like they have no surface with very opaque atmospheres that get harder to see through as they get deeper, for Kerbol it should be so bright that you can't look at it very well up close without your screen turning completely white. As you get closer every part of your ship starts to glow red and eventually overheats if you get too close. special shield would be required to get closer to it then Moho.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I do believe your are right. Although i do think Kerbol is simply majestic now (my desktop background is currently a screenshot of a death probe I sent into the sun) It could still be just a little bit better and more epic. Maybe Kerbol deserves it's own custom music when you get near it. Like, epic beyond imagination music.

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Well it will probably get solar prominences and flares as well as other visuals for the sun in the future. The Wiki mentions that, but as with everything on the wiki related to long term plans take it with a grain of salt.

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+1. Kerbol was a complete disappointment after getting up close.

Forget for a moment about solar flares, prominences or anything like that - it's just not bright enough. It should be nearly blinding, while right now it DOES look like a huge gas giant.

I guess much more elaborate stuff like heat mechanics will be added when they'll get around implementing heat shields but brightness with strong flares is something that can be added quite easily (perhaps also some god rays? Under some camera angles it'll look weird with no rays visible, but when viewing ship towards sun center of mass - it'll look stunning).

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