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Pancake Space Enterprises MISSION LOGS


Should I do career or sandbox? (see "new save" post)  

  1. 1. Should I do career or sandbox? (see "new save" post)

    • Career
    • Sandbox

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This has been made a hub for all my mission reports.


Roving on Rayrod

Space Pickup on Minmus


Pixie 1 Failure

Joe Explores Minmus


Guslo's Bad Decision



Our aerospace division, click here.

Progress so far (as of 2/24/15 11:22 am)



Crew Roster:

Edvey Kerman

Commander, senior

Missions: 8



Karla Kerman

Engineer, senior

Missions: 5



Lolorf Kerman


Pilot senior

Missions: 3

Kelsby Kerman


Engineer 2

Missions: 1

2/15/15: Muna 1 launches, but is aborted due to insufficient lifter TWR. PSE rethinks Mun program.

2/16/15: Kelsey launches, and puts the first object on the Mun. After some hops, it stays on the surface awaiting future explorers.

2/17/15: Darren probe launches, and gets into Munar orbit. Scans surface of Mun to identify a possible landing zone.

2/17/15: Alpha launcher tested. It will become the 1.25m launching workhorse of the PSE.

2/18/15: Pixie 1 launched . It failed, the side boosters crashed into the main core. No casualties.

2/19/15: Pixie 2 launched. It landed the first Kerbal on the Mun and returned him (Lolorf Kerman)

2/20/15: Pixie 3 launched. It failed, running out of fuel on a suborbital trajectory off of the Mun. Bill Kerman died, Tanzon Kerman survived by jumping out.

2/20-2/23: *camping trip*

2/23/15: Joe launches. Lands on Minmus, and returns to Kerbin orbit. Crew: Karla, Rodwig

2/23/15: Joe CR launches. Retrieves crew from orbiting Joe. Splashes down.

2/24/15: The Minmus Base 1 launches, and lands in Minmus' Great Flats, it will stay there and rotate crew monthly.

2/25/15: FAR installed

2/25/15: SH-C-1 launched into HKO

Edited by Wabbit
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N Hello! First mission log report thingy. At this moment, no pictures. Sorry:(. So, this will be a mission report of the landing of the Manned Munar and Minmal Mining Module, or MMMM. It is a mining module with self-refueling capabilities and is used for Kethane mining on the Mun or Minmus. Right now the Mun is the main target, being the only one properly scanned. A bright green hexagon of sweet, sweet Kethane near the equator was a perfect spot. The MMMM was attached to a refueling silo I had in Munar orbit, so I simply unlocked it and used MechJeb's landing predictions to get there. Having more than enough delta-v to get situated and started the harvest. Thomlie got out to plant the KH4 flag to go with the mission. I like to imagine Thomlie was taking readings in the cool particle effects that accompany drilling and analyzing how concentrated the Kethane was in the area. So, upon tanking up, Thomlie and Seanvan blasted into Munar orbit to rendezvous with the OARS, or Orbital Automated Refueling Silo. I suck at rendezvous and docking. The only reason I know how to do them at all is from watching Scott Manley's Interstellar Quest all the way through. I learned basically everything from his videos. Anyway, successful docking and fuel transfer.

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The Munbase and MMMM just got landed, and I got everyone out for a group picture. We now have a full tank of Kethane to get the return ship back on. We will be keeping the base here permanently, but switching crew every couple months.


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Today I messed with Texture Replacer and realized 1.Uniforms are cool, and 2.Replacer is not in the english dictionary.


"Whoa, check out these uniforms!"

Anyway, apart from the uniforms, I tested the Mini-Lander from the PSE ships. Brought it to the Mun, and flew over the Mun arch after takeoff. https://drive.google.com/#folders/0B__pTFM0hbu1T1B5MVphSFVlUVU


On the pad


Up high


Burning for the Mun




Rayrod plants the flag


Mun arch

Edited by Wabbit
Mini-Lander link
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  • 6 months later...

I have another mission in progress! Be here sometime next week. I'm going to make a base and land a rover on Minmus. It is decided that I will have tow threads, one for sandbox and another for carreer. Carreer is gonna be awesome with 0.90!

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So, the island airfield. I have some pre-existing stuff there, but it is outdated. Now with the KAS mod, I can have a refueling station that actually works! And with Firespitter I can have helicopters, and put a helipad with Hyperedit. It's gonna be awesome! Pictures coming later today.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

The unlucky Pixie 1. It was the first of the Pixie missions, carrying Edvy, Kelsby and Lolorf Kerman to the Mun. It was launched on an undertested prototype lifter, and it had no separatrons on its side boosters. This is what happened next.


An all-too-common mistake, from something as simple as neglecting to add separation motors... The adventures of Pixie 2 and Pixie 3 coming soon.

But, despite the failure, there were no casualties and it turned out a great crew picture.


Also, it seems Kelsby and Lolorf are twins...

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  • 3 weeks later...
This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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