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My First Munar Lander

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Nice rocket, how come you can\'t fly it?

Also, If you look in the top right corner you\'ll see the buttons marked \'quite\' \'modify\' \'remove\'

You can use the modify button to change your posts when you need to :)

Welcome to the ship exchange btw.

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This page: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=7787.0 should help you get to the Mun, but you may want to make some changes to your rocket.

You\'ll want some legs for your lander, wings work quite well for this, placing them on radial decouplers will get them low enough and you can jettison them for the flight home.

Wings at the bottom can help your rockets stability early in the launch, and the smaller engine can also help as it can steer you.

There\'s a part called the SAS, which can help you rotate your rocket, that is useful both for stability and for changing course when you are in orbit.

Hope this helps :)

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Oh yeah of course, a direct ascent is easy, just make a full power burn to about 15k, tilt over to about 45 degrees east and just keep burning till your Apoapsis is about 11 million meters.

Not as easy in the experimentals though, as with persistence the Mun isn\'t always in the right place.

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Oh yeah of course, a direct ascent is easy, just make a full power burn to about 15k, tilt over to about 45 degrees east and just keep burning till your Apoapsis is about 11 million meters.

Not as easy in the experimentals though, as with persistence the Mun isn\'t always in the right place.

Who said I ever tilt over? I timewarp on the pad until the Mun is right, then fire off until I reach what I think is the right apo height. Then I slow down to a vertical descent onto a landing area. Simple.

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Ok so when\'s the Mun right mate? :)

I used to do this in 0.13.2 so the Mun always started in the same spot, I didn\'t use time warp I just went and launched.

Actually, I go into map and watch for when my ship is at 45 degrees away from the Mun, like so:




Where S is ship, o is Mun and O is Kerbin.

Bad rendering, but I think it gets the point across.

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I built your rocket, will take pix from the landing :) it is *really* heavy, so I see why you have trouble flying..

I fly up in a ballistic arc about 30-40 degrees from the horizon, course 90... with some luck I managed to fly straight to a landing course, brake a little and (in a couple of minutes, hopefully land. :)

[update:] eagle has landed! about 0.9 tank of fuel left, with carefull flying enough to get home :)

[update 2:] whoops.. orbit around the sun.. launched off in the wrong direction.. I\'ll have to re-launch and see if the second attempt can be made into a full succes :)

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