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[1.0.5 - Alpha 6] Dang It! (12 september 2015)


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  Ippo said:
Yes, they have: that's why I release Alpha 4.2 a couple of posts ago ;)

Lol, that's what happens when you get heads-down on a problem. I did learn a bunch about MM and KSP anyway.

I would still take the default levels down to near-zero. The weight is one thing, but the extra costs (3150) for one-man pods that otherwise cost in the hundreds makes the early game much more difficult.

Edited by Sandworm
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After some playing around I made these changes:

1. Dropped the module command requirement. Doing this applies DangIt to all parts with a crew capacity, not just command modules. Station parts, both stock and mod, are now included.

2. Added an entry for 8-Kerbal parts (they do exist).

3. Reduced the default loading of the SpareParts resource and recalculated costs accordingly. Parts are no longer overpriced/overweight by default but can be filled with SpareParts by hand in the VAB.

4. Added an entry for the stock "structural fuselage", giving it a 600-unit SpareParts capacity. It's defaulted to zero so existing craft designs won't change.

Place this file in your GameData/DangIt/ModuleManager directory and DELETE SpareParts.cfg.


I spent most of the day tweaking my favorite mods. Perhaps this weekend I'll actually get to play with them. Now sleep.

Edited by Sandworm
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Whenever i start KSP a warning is issued: “These mods are incompatible with Unity 4.5.3p2: DangItâ€Â. Do I need to worry?


Ok, obviously i had to worry: The gui button shows up only once right after i install the mod. As soon as i switch screens, it disappears forever. I assume, this is because of the Unity issue. I have Unity 4.5.3f3 installed on my Mac.

Edited by LupinoArts
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  LupinoArts said:

Whenever i start KSP a warning is issued: “These mods are incompatible with Unity 4.5.3p2: DangItâ€Â. Do I need to worry?

I bet you are on OSX: I was reading just the other day that on OSX KSP uses the previous version of unity or something like that. Anyway no, don't worry about it: I'll see it removed the next time I have to update something, there's nothing (that I know of) that should conflict between different unity versions.

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I LOVE the idea of this, but I am still hesitant. I'm a heavy user of probes and RemoteTech2.. I love the idea of potential equipment failures, forcing you to perform EVA repairs.. But having never used the mod, I'm unaware of how frequent failures are. I understand it is proportional to how often or heavily a part is used, but still not sure how frequently it can be expected. I'd hate to put hours of work into a probe and send it far out into the solar system, only to have it fail on me. Once in a blue moon is reasonable, but if it's fairly certain there will be failures...

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Thanks for your reply.

As i mentioned in my edit, DangIt! doesnt work for me: When i install the mod i see the dangit icon in the icon bar on the right top corner of my screen. But as soon as i enter any building and return to the space center, the DangIt Icon is gone. The debug console says:

[Log]: [CrewFiles][-511118]: The server is already present.
[Log]: [DangIt]: The runtime is already installed (OK).
[Log]: [DangIt]: Instantiating runtime.
[Log]: [DangIt][Runtime]: An exception occurred when loading the training costs list and a default one has been created. Text node cannot appear in this state. Line 18, position 23. at Mono.Xml2.XmlTextReader.ReadText (Boolean notWhitespace) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Mono.Xml2.XmlTextReader.ReadContent () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Mono.Xml2.XmlTextReader.Read () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at System.Xml.XmlTextReader.Read () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at System.Xml.XmlReader.ReadEndElement () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializationReader.ReadEndElement () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializationReaderInterpreter.ReadListElement (System.Xml.Serialization.XmlTypeMapping typeMap, Boolean isNullable, System.Object list, Boolean canCreateInstance) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializationReaderInterpreter.ReadObject (System.Xml.Serialization.XmlTypeMapping typeMap, Boolean isNullable, Boolean checkType) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializationReaderInterpreter.ReadRoot (System.Xml.Serialization.XmlTypeMapping rootMap) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializationReaderInterpreter.ReadRoot () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer.Deserialize (System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializationReader reader) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
[Exception]: IOException: Sharing violation on path /Applications/Games/KSP_osx/GameData/DangIt/PluginData/DangIt/Training.xml
[Log]: [DangIt][Runtime]: Applying new settings:
ManualFailures = True
MaxDistance = 2
Messages = True
Glow = True

I'm running KSP on OS X 10.9.2

Any suggestion?

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FilthyMcnasty: give it a try then, you can always uninstall it later if you don't like it. Unloaded vessels are immune, so don't worry about your communication networks, they are totally safe unless you switch to them.

LupinoArts: it seems to me that you are running KSP from a folder you don't have write access to. Could you please try running KSP as administrator and see if it keeps happening? I will try to figure out a solution for the next update.

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  Ippo said:
it seems to me that you are running KSP from a folder you don't have write access to. Could you please try running KSP as administrator and see if it keeps happening? I will try to figure out a solution for the next update.

Okay, I have tried that now (in Terminal: cd <gameFolder>/KSP.app/Contents/MacOS && sudo ./KSP) and i also pulled the full 777 recursively on the PluginData folder within DangIt. Same there. It would have surprised me, thou, since other mods do in fact have write access to the GameData subfolders (and the error occurs in vanilla as well as modded installs of KSP, just for the record.)

After a bit of testing and having a look at the source code, i figured that DangIt actually does work, i can get failures and my kerbonauts can fix them via EVA. It is just the Training GUI that is broken. May it merely be a problem with CrewFiles rather than DangIt? I am not sure how far Windows is gone regarding case sensitivity of file paths; maybe there is the catch?

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here you go: http://files.lupino.org/file/KSP.log

What i did:

  • Install a new clean KSP
  • Install a new clean DangIt
  • start game, default settings, sandbox mode
  • initially everything works fine, i even could see the dangit-Button
  • created simple vessel, started it, did some inspections via eva landed on KSC
  • crashed vessel (kerbal survived)
  • back to Space Center (at this point the DangIt-Button was gone. Is it supposed to occur somewhere else, like, in VBA? If so, it was broken there, too.)
  • ended game via <cmd>-<q> (hard quit).

Hope that helps :)

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  ghostnineone said:
I have the most current version of KSP and of dangit and I don't see the dangit button anywhere in the KSC I have the option to inspect or repair parts but if i click them nothing that I can see happens.

This is the same what i experienced; see some posts above. Do you run on OS X, too?

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First off, great job.

Loving this mod so hard. Had a KSO Super 25 booster fail 10 seconds into a flight this morning followed promptly by complete disaster. It was fantastic.

Costs for training Kerbals seems ok to me. I'm playing a new career game on hard settings and life support with 0.25, and putting a price on crew members makes things a little more... interesting.

However, I'm having issues with parts using ModuleEnginesFX. Not all, but most. Engines keep running their visual effects and sounds after a failure. No big deal, but it was pretty confusing the first time it happened (see previously mentioned KSO flight).

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Thanks Fly Angry, I'll look into it as soon as get a chance, I'm kinda busy these days. I'm glad you are having fun :)

Also, I don't have any mac around here, so I might ask for your cooperation in testing intermediate builds, if that's ok for you.

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I installed this mod for my campaign mod to make it even harder and I really enjoyed it, but turns out i had too many difficulty options on and Lucky's Aeronautics and Space Administration (LASA) has crashed and burned literally one too many times. So I've switched to sandbox mode for awhile before i restart, and on my Olympus Orbital Station i have 2 of the largest stock fuel tanks (the NASA tank, i think 14400 is the number on it). One of them started leaking Oxidizer and when i got some spare parts out to fix it i found that i could not get close enough to the tank (i had the kerbal standing on the tank from multiple locations and sides) to right click on it to fix it... so i lost over 7000 units of oxidizer.

And my question is by this story alone (I'm sorry I have no Documentation) can someone tell me if it's a problem that i have personally on my end or is it a problem with this mod or maybe Module Manager that there was no right click menu on the large NASA tank?

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  LuckyMan07 said:
I installed this mod for my campaign mod to make it even harder and I really enjoyed it, but turns out i had too many difficulty options on and Lucky's Aeronautics and Space Administration (LASA) has crashed and burned literally one too many times. So I've switched to sandbox mode for awhile before i restart, and on my Olympus Orbital Station i have 2 of the largest stock fuel tanks (the NASA tank, i think 14400 is the number on it). One of them started leaking Oxidizer and when i got some spare parts out to fix it i found that i could not get close enough to the tank (i had the kerbal standing on the tank from multiple locations and sides) to right click on it to fix it... so i lost over 7000 units of oxidizer.

And my question is by this story alone (I'm sorry I have no Documentation) can someone tell me if it's a problem that i have personally on my end or is it a problem with this mod or maybe Module Manager that there was no right click menu on the large NASA tank?

To activate an event (the button thingy to repair stuff) you need to be within a maximum distance from the part. KSP computes this from the centre of the part: this is particularly important for huge, long tanks: you need to go near their centre for the event to show up at all.

Also note that the default distance is set to 2 metres, which is just enough to interact with 3.75m parts: this should be enough to interact with the NASA tanks, but maybe you might want to increase it to allow a little more room. It will also be necessary if you have any modded 5m tanks in your game.

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This is a great mod!

I do have a request/suggestion though:

When looking at the SpareParts resource, I noticed that it has a density of 18.9 kg/Unit. This is quite a lot in my opinion. Most command modules which take 50.0 units of these have an additional mass of around 945 kg.

Of course, everyone could remember to always bring only the amount of spare parts they need, but I think this just becomes yet another thing to double check before launch, especially since most launches won't require spare parts due to short mission lengths.

If the density of spare parts shouldn't be changed for balance reasons, I would suggest you remove the spare parts entirely from command modules, or simply set the default amount to 0 units (or something reasonable). Then give us a container of some sort that can store spare parts.

This allows the user to only equip spare parts when needed, much like every other resource in the game.

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  Zeenobit said:

When looking at the SpareParts resource, I noticed that it has a density of 18.9 kg/Unit. This is quite a lot in my opinion. Most command modules which take 50.0 units of these have an additional mass of around 945 kg.

If the density of spare parts shouldn't be changed for balance reasons, I would suggest you remove the spare parts entirely from command modules, or simply set the default amount to 0 units (or something reasonable).

It used to be less dense, but not I've moved to Community Resource Pack and therefore the definition of Spare Parts is not under my control anymore (and that's for the best, imho).

Sandworm has already provided me with an improved config file for spare parts that I'll slip into the next update (which is coming very shortly, as soon as LupinoArts can confirm that the mac problem is fixed), that sets the default to a lot less and adds them to every manned part. Of course, you could just edit the cfg file to set the default to zero, if you can't wait.

Then give us a container of some sort that can store spare parts.

I don't have the faintest idea how to make models, and so I can't make anything. The guys of Universal Storage have announced they will make a pack for this mod, but in the meantime, we are stuck with no containers (and that's why pods have so many spares in them).

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  Ippo said:

I don't have the faintest idea how to make models, and so I can't make anything. The guys of Universal Storage have announced they will make a pack for this mod, but in the meantime, we are stuck with no containers (and that's why pods have so many spares in them).

Working on the parts right now - Dangit standalone parts are my #1 priority, US wedges come after. Sorry its taken so long, new job and life was getting in the way :)

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