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Some of your worst disasters


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My biggest disaster was when I had sixteen Kerbals in a space station, the game crashed and when I restarted it the station was empty and all sixteen kerbals were shown in the lounge as being 'lost'. I hate losing any Kerbal.

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I did an EVA in deep space over Duna while on approach. During the Periapsis burn.

Of course he came off the ladder. And of course it was a solo mission. And of course I burned all my fuel slowing the ship. And ran out of EVA monoprop.

But...RCS THRUSTERZ to tha rescue! They won't slow the ship down enough to prevent a fatal collision...

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Some time ago I made a reusable CSM that could go around the whole Kerbol system, or so i thought... I got to Eeloo, my lander landed without a problem and returned, then I realized I had no fuel left in the CSM because I didn't include the mass of the lander in the delta V calculator.

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My most unexpected failure happened after I placed a brand new orbital fuel station and remote tech communications array in Kerbin-stationary orbit and sent the first kerbals to man it. As soon as the crew module got within the 2.5km load limit the entire station exploded. Reload after reload, and it kept happening. It still worked as a communications array as long as I didn't look at it. It took me a month before I figured out that the game had copied the station in the exact same spot as the original, and whenever physics loaded it insisted that the two stations simply could not share the same volume of space, which led to the violently explosive separations.

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It took me a month before I figured out that the game had copied the station in the exact same spot as the original, and whenever physics loaded it insisted that the two stations simply could not share the same volume of space, which led to the violently explosive separations.

Wow, hahah, explosions do tend to happen in those cases. Never happened to me, strangely enough.

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I'm trying to land a refueler for my Laythe drone planes. Before the Jool encounter, I very carefully (100+ days out) adjusted the orbit so I'd have a nice equatorial orbit, retrograde around Jool. The LV-Ns keep burning up while aerobraking at Laythe, and I can't fire the landing engine to adjust my orbit without ditching the heatshield. Also, Infernal Robotics screws up in really amusing ways when the base of an extendable refueling arm is torn off, but the rest is not.

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Guest Fyre Flare
I was doing a Mun landing, maybe a little too drunk to be piloting a space craft, but what do I know, showing a couple friends who don't play much how it's done, and my lander tipped on its side and survived. "No problem," I thought, "I'll just fly this baby right off the Mun like a plane; just glide her right on up." Explosions soon ensued. RIP in peace Jeb.

You killed Jeb? You will be executed for treason!

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I'm surprised no one has mentioned in-orbit failures.

My worst disasters are always building a multi-part ship in orbit, inevitably after having launched 5 annoyingly difficult and unstable component assemblies into orbit. Only to discover that fuel is routed incorrectly, parts don't dock properly, or my favorite, not enough struts and the whole thing is so wobbly it can't even fly straight. (Large docking ports are useful, kiddies!)

For me those are truly the worst. Orbital rendezvous take so much time, and then you have to do something with the crew to move them onto a new ship, all because of one overlooked detail! Those are the sort of things that make me stop playing for a while. Most recently, I was going to launch a combination base, heavy rover, shuttle, and station to Duna, in preparation for a long haul mission to Vall to visit Vall-henge. After assembling the craft in orbit and time accelerating to the launch window, it turns out I need... more struts, because the thing will NOT fly straight for all the Funds in the world. I've pretty much just been waiting for .24 to come out since then.

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Guest Fyre Flare

I've shared this story many times.

One time accidentally I started a Kessler Syndrome-like Debris storm in retrograde orbit.

I let Kirrim go in space with a rocket-launched spaceplane to investigate the Kessler while most of our satelittes were destroyed (I make my satelittes very close to each other and in similar orbits)

Kirrim got hit while EVAing VEERY close to the debris.

Most unlucky thing that ever happened to me in KSP... To add to that unluckiness... I never got a screenshot.

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Just last night. I sent Bob,Bill, and some Noob to Moho. I built a ship with 15,000 DV thinking they might make it back.. well.. they got there and had just enough to maybe make a small orbital jump to the other side of the planet.. So being the nice guy I am, I decided I'd rescue these 3 kerbals. SO I set up another ship with 18,000 DV and a hitchhikers capsule("surely that's good enough"), SO I'm caosting in alongside of Moho, at about 2300 meters getting ready to do my deorbit burn of 3500 DV, and "there, off in the distance... WHAT IS THAT?!!!" Turns out there was a rather LARGE mountain jutting up into my orbit.. I got closer and closer, I'm gonna miss it, IM GONNA MISS IT!!" .. nope... the very tip of my ship caught the tip of the mountain, sending shrapnel, blood, spit, and guts all over the opposite side of the mountain... Back at KSP headquarters, I once again built another ship, this time fully automated (NO KERBALS ONBOARD!).. this time with a DV of 21000. DEFINITELY GOT THIS ONE!! So i swing back in around Moho, Start to make my landing when all of a sudden, I realized "I'm coming in a bit quicker than I thought.. SO I quickly start my deorbit burn punching it to the max trying to line myself up with the ship below.. getting close!! CLOSE!! 45 MS right next to the kerbals I'm supposed to be rescuing.. Imagine their disappointment seeing their return ship home disintegrated after being stranded on Moho for about 3 years... So once again I start mounting up for another return.. and low and behold, this time, I STICK THIS ONE! 30 meters away! So all my kerbals get loaded onboard and we start the trip home.. I fire up the engines to do my burn to return to kerbin.. We get into orbit, and I start my Burn to return home.. GOING, GOING, GOING.. $%%^%^ ... 200 DV short....... This ofcourse sets them floating in free space about a Million clicks from kerbal.. SO back home I ready an interceptor.. When they finally come swinging through, I rendevous with them using a (not small) amount of fuel. So im lining up with the ship, matching up speed with target, something goes haywire and I end up thrusting into the other ship.. This sends it tumbling and blows up part of my ship... Finally after my next attempt, I get them all loaded on my ship, and tote them back to kerbal orbit.. the problem this time, I have atomic engines and a TWR of about 81.. and of course I FORGOT CHUTES! SO once again.. I launch another small ship with 8 chutes, and ARM hook on it and attach it to the front of my rescue vehicle.. I start my decent to KSP landing pad, blow all my fuel and pop the chutes.. coming down... 8.2 ms.. Finally It hits the ground, and my main tank explodes sending my hitchhike canister back into the air a bit.. I watch in horror as they crash into the ground.. Killing all of the kerbals I had been trying so hard to rescue for hours on end... Well... Atleast they died at home, I guess... lol

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While this may not particularly be the worst in terms of most deaths/largest explosion etc, but for me it definitely ranks top in my worst disaster:

It was a career save still fairly early, and I had just constructed a medium-large sized Mun station in orbit with a lander capable of either landing or changing inclinations a total of around 180 degrees. Anyway, I put the lander in a polar orbit to cover all orbital science for the Mun, and as I neared my first orbital rotation around the Mun (I was in map mode), it lagged for a second, so I switched out of map mode JUST in time to see my lander collide with my station, whose orbits were intersecting by 90 degrees! I'll just say there was not much, if anything to recover from the cloud of debris rapidly shooting away.

It turns out that when I put my lander into the polar orbit, I must have accidentally put it in one with the same period as the station, with precision to hit it at the end of one complete orbit (This was completely stock-no nav enhancements/extra orbital info etc). The thing that made this accident unique for me is that it was the first accidental collision, as well as the fact that said orbits were 90 degrees apart!

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My worst failure was during the latter part of what I called Operation Trident, which had the objectives of exploring the Mun, Minmus, and the entirety of Kerbin's SOI.

Unlike my Mun missions which followed the Apollo method of things, where I launched multiple missions to the various biomes, with Minmus I decided to do an all-in-one mission. I sent forward a compact space station (with the life support supplies for the entire mission) as well as a couple mapping satellites. This segment of the mission went off without a hitch. For the manned segment, I decided to use one of my newly created SSTO spaceplanes to ferry the mission crew to the station. That segment, also went off without a hitch, and so did the surface exploration.

Once I was finished, I packed up the science in the plane, de-orbited the station, and blasted off back towards Kerbin. Now, here's the kicker. Unmanned testing told me already that my plane couldn't survive reentry direct from Minmus. So, I included fuel reserves to ensure that I could reestablish LKO prior to reentry, which I did. However, during reentry, my plane, against all odds, broke up. Half of it exploded due to heat, the other half was torn apart by aerodynamic stresses. The parts that survived slammed into the mountains behind KSC.

It was a real shame and it actually made me stop playing the game for a while. Mostly because my last quicksave was in the middle of my first Mun mission :mad:

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I'd get it if they were all firing and/or exploding, but how did this one fail so... delicately?

Staging problem. Most of those boosters are out of fuel and they crashed into the second stage. Luckily, the one kerbal that was along for the ride got out safely. I think this may have been an early moon rocket attempt in RSS, but I am not sure.

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Staging problem. Most of those boosters are out of fuel and they crashed into the second stage. Luckily, the one kerbal that was along for the ride got out safely. I think this may have been an early moon rocket attempt in RSS, but I am not sure.

Huh. Well I'd call that a very impressive failure. :D

My current one might not be a very catastrophic disaster, but I just found out minutes ago that I put the fuel lines on my tug facing the wrong way. Now they point INTO the big fuel reservoir instead of out to the little tanks my nukes are mounted to. It'll be either a case of *burn...refuel...burn" or decommission this deformed bucket >.<

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My first ever Mun base. It was probably terrible my today's standards, but I was proud of it. ScouFEB

I tried landing a small supply ship near the base, but it hit the ground too hard and broke into little pieces. I wanted a clean base, so I used Whack-a-Kerbal to clean it up. Unfortunately, I forgot how low the Mun's gravity is, and one of the Whack-a-Kerbal balls rolled into a habitation module and the scouting rover. 11 kerbals were lost that day...

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  • 3 years later...

I was playing the “Munar” mission in the new DLC (no quick saving/loading), and slightly misjudged my suicide burn, causing my landing stage to slam into the surface at 40m/s. Fortunately, it was a two stage lander, and the second stage survived intact. All I needed to do was rendezvous with the mothership and head home. Piece of cake.

Or not, it appeared the crash had wrecked my comms’, And as a result I couldn’t see the target in orbit. Engage a tense rendezvous with zero guidance on the dark side of the moon, great.

luckily I could still switch between vessels, so after eyeballing a manoeuvre, I got my rendezvous and headed home.

However, due to the fact my landing legs never “touched” the Mun (an explosive landing is still a landing!) I only got a silver medal...

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