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What should be worked on after .24?

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I'd really like to see a "fog of war" system of unlocking, exploring and mapping out the spacial bodies of the solar system.

More science modules. Robotics. Better landers. More incentive and purpose for colonies. More purpose for space stations. More space station modules (artificial gravity module? :) ), greater variety of quality and reliability of rockets, pods and probe cores. Heat shields and dangerous re-entry. Fairings.

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replays replays!!!

and better engine effects using them lovely shaders even have them rap around close objects like the launch pad and parts as if they were reentering the atmosphere at high speed

smoke surface collisions whoop?

and maybe a few more places to visit ?

discover places with telescopes and gravity detectors before they show on the map and science must be 100% for each object to track them perfectly as we do now if not make it a ghostly dohnut for the orbit and a yellow blob estimating where its at the more science you have on it the more accurate

Edited by Bessy
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1) new planets

2) DLC's:

- a more.. general version, just known has 'Kerbal'. You must collect the resources yourself, with the option to have money.

- Kerbin defence - defend Kerbin either from wave after wave of aliens OR you get attacked by one race of aliens, then you must invade them/make peace with them.

3) Something like quests, with a 'Boss Planet' - land on the planet (super-high gravity, super thick atmosphere, basically the most challenging thing ever), explore at least 10KM radius and then return to kerbin! - to finish it off

Please tell me you're kidding!

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Gas Planet 2 (Fooz, perhaps as a name.) with rings.

Eeloo as a moon of Fooz with geysers.

Daphy: Tiny Fluffball inside Fooz's rings. Same color as rings.

Potatus: Fast-Rotating rock, similar to Inaccessible, but without escape velocity rotation. Pale-Blue/Gray

Fonso: Peachy/yellowish thick atmosphere, with lots of mountains that stretch into the vacuum. Shimmering orange lakes scattered around.

Tood: GP2MinorMoon1, very high cliffs and gravity comparable to Minmus or Bop. Slightly green-ish rock, similar to limestone.

Quel: GP2MinorMoon2, very small moon with a mountain ridge running along the equator, similar to Iapetus in shape. Dark Brown in color.

Jool should have a Great Blue Storm, and several smaller yellow storms. These storms should be functional and change the ship's trajectory, while also spinning it around.

Tylo changed to have procedural craters and high-contrasting colors, similar to Iapetus in color.

Laythe with a slightly greener ocean, and biomes different on polar caps than on land.

Vall with underwater ocean and a few rare cracks that can access the ocean.

Bop with a more eccentric orbit and more contrast in coloration.

Pol even more craggy.

Uirc: Joolean moon very far out in a highly inclined orbit that brings it down to the orbit of Laythe and up 3 times further than Pol.

Etalb: A tiny asteroid similar to Gilly very near the sun, with one side flattened due to it ablating away (Ablate backwards without the A is Etalb)

Bernu: A heavily cratered body in the same orbit as Eeloo was, but near GP2 instead of Jool. Similar gravity to Ike. Very tenuous atmosphere.

Maev: Moon of Bernu, very large, gravity similar to Minmus. Also heavily cratered, and a very large crater on the Bernu-Far side.

Randall: A very very very very tiny moon 1 km across in orbit around Dres with a gravity at surface of 1 g. Black hat easter egg.

Comets: Very Large, Dark PotatoRoids (Let's say, from Class E to Class J) in highly eccentric and/or inclined orbits around Kerbol. When they get close, they emmit a tail that can be seen millions of kilometers away. These carry enough energy and size to pose a threat to Kerbin, should one encounter it.

Samples/Crew Reports from the Far Side of the Mun orbit or landing need to be worth more than Near Side.

Biomes for Duna: Duna's Great Mare, Duna's Lesser Mare, Duna's Craters, Duna's Highlands, Duna's Ice Caps, Duna's Slopes, Duna's Polar Mare.

Biomes for Ike: Ike's Dark Areas, Ike's Light Areas.

Biomes for Dres: Dres' Mare, Dres' Highland, Dres' Canyon, Dres' Craters.

Biomes for Tylo: Tylo's Lowlands, Tylo's Midlands, Tylo's Highlands, Tylo's Great Craters, Tylo's Minor Craters (Not including Procedural Craters)

Biomes for Vall: Vall's Flats, Vall's Mountains, Vall's Slopes, Vall's Cracks (See above) Vall Splashed (See above).

Biomes for Bop: Bop's Midlands, Bop's Great crater, Bop's White Areas, Bop's Lesser Crater, Krakenlands

Biomes for Moho: Mohole, Moho's Midlands, Moho's Lowlands, Moho's Highlands, Moho's South Polar Lowlands, Moho's Polar Highlands, Moho's Polar Midlands, Moho's Craters

Biomes for Eve: Eve's Mountains, Eve's Lowlands, Eve's Midlands, Eve's craters, Eve's Shores.

Biomes for Gilly: Nah, just kidding.

Biomes for Jool: Jool's Lighter cloud bands, Jool's darker cloud bands, Jool's Darkest cloud band, Jool's Poles, Jool's Great Blue Spot, Jool's storms. (See Above)

Biomes for other celestial bodies that have been detailed above.

Biomes for Kerbol: High over Kerbol, Far away from Kerbol, In Space Near Kerbol, In Space just above Kerbol's sunspots, In Space just above Kerbol, Kerbol Flying High (for a few seconds), Kerbol Flying Low (For less than a second).

Volcanoes for Laythe. These volcanoes would not just push around your ship and break solar panels like Cryogeysers, but would actually be able to overheat parts of your ship.

- - - Updated - - -

Fishing. Seriously, we need a good fishing mini-game.

Yes! Fishing!


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1) new planets

2) DLC's:

- a more.. general version, just known has 'Kerbal'. You must collect the resources yourself, with the option to have money.

- Kerbin defence - defend Kerbin either from wave after wave of aliens OR you get attacked by one race of aliens, then you must invade them/make peace with them.

3) Something like quests, with a 'Boss Planet' - land on the planet (super-high gravity, super thick atmosphere, basically the most challenging thing ever), explore at least 10KM radius and then return to kerbin! - to finish it off

That... would completely destroy the goal of the game. It would have to be called Kerbal Tower Defense

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1) new planets

2) DLC's:

- a more.. general version, just known has 'Kerbal'. You must collect the resources yourself, with the option to have money.

- Kerbin defence - defend Kerbin either from wave after wave of aliens OR you get attacked by one race of aliens, then you must invade them/make peace with them.

3) Something like quests, with a 'Boss Planet' - land on the planet (super-high gravity, super thick atmosphere, basically the most challenging thing ever), explore at least 10KM radius and then return to kerbin! - to finish it off


please no

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isn't the point of KSP to be a rocket game?

maybe if you are floating in water on an object, you might have the option to, but it shouldn't be a game. more like science.

But you are still going away from SPACE. kind of the idea of the game, isn't it?

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---the option to be able to "weld" pieces together for stability and potentially eventually merging those parts together in order to make the parts-tree of a ship smaller (by combining structural components, etc.) as well as greatly reducing the lag of larger ships. basically, the game would make its own parts in order to maintain lag-free simulation.

---Slow-motion mode (for those tricky maneuvers and accuracy of trajectory firing)

---an easy, medium, and hard setting each with varying degrees of air friction, docking port alignment requirement, shaking of parts, etc.

---landing dust, radio chatter, eclipses, more realistic galaxy-in-the-background, basic general ambiance stuff

---better physics for air friction, as well as adding Solar Pressure (so we can use solar sails as propulsion away from the Sun)

---When a docking port is docked, I'd like to be able to rotate the two parts after i have them docked

---in the VAB, a way to place things a set distance apart (specifically for docking ports so i can accurately place ports to dock two structures in multiple places)

---Eve's atmosphere isn't made of oxygen, so jet-engines shouldn't work

---liquid nitrogen part/resource to cool engines in-orbit

---(holding place for more ideas)

Edited by SirZortron
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I think re-entry risks (possibly coupled with more aerodynamic updates, but critically this particular one) is a good candidate. It would introduce a completely new challenge into the core game, which is always welcome.

Hopefully also an updated gameplay model for science, since career features and science features seem to naturally go together. Expanding one (as per 0.24) is likely to open up ideas and possibilities for the other. Ergo, a couple of updates which bounce between these two core gameplay elements would seem to make sense.

Bugfix/tweak-wise, it would be nice (but not critical) if a few of the mapview cursor annoyances could be looked at. For example, not being able to place a maneuver node sometimes, not being able to select icons sometimes, not being able to click on/click off node indicator text, and so on.

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I would really like to see a few things in future updates:

1) Aerodynamics and reentry effects. Squad could just add FAR and deadly reentry instead of doing it all themselves. Quick and easy.

2) starting career mode with unmanned tech.

3) better engine effects. As it is now, all the engines have their own "column" of flame, while IRL they all join together to make one huge flame. Also, get rid of flames while in space, maybe replace it with something similar to the rcs exhaust.

4) giant clouds of smoke when launching

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I would really like to see a few things in future updates:

1) Aerodynamics and reentry effects. Squad could just add FAR and deadly reentry instead of doing it all themselves. Quick and easy.

2) starting career mode with unmanned tech.

3) better engine effects. As it is now, all the engines have their own "column" of flame, while IRL they all join together to make one huge flame. Also, get rid of flames while in space, maybe replace it with something similar to the rcs exhaust.

4) giant clouds of smoke when launching

I agree with 1, but it does not need to be as realistic as FAR, anything not based completely on mass would do. And it would definitely not be as quick and easy as copying DRE and FAR.

3 and 4 are just useless visual effects, i agree it would be nice, but they should only do that kind of stuff when we get other much more important things, like aerodynamics, better carrer progression, science, ISRU and multiplayer.

By the way, most people against multiplayer that i seen think it will be an MMO-like system with big user-created servers, anti-grief mods and that kind of stuff; so they say time-warp would not be possible because when one player wants to go to jool, the other would not be able to make a burn and would crash, etc.

Obviously it will not be like that, instead it will be more like minecraft LAN, where you connect with 2 other friends and go do something together, while everyone can talk with each other by skype or real life.

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Hope the devs look into working on resources and prospecting again.

Would be really nice to have a choice for infrastructure and larger ships to move out into the system at a slower pace with bigger long-term efficiency savings balanced against a rush but with smaller cheaper more disposable craft that net you greater rewards early on.

Really want that sort of serious tactical choice with serious consequences for how you want to tackle exploring the Kerbin system.

Even if it were just some basic groundwork, I'd be happy with it.

"We're gona make Kethane look TINY!"

Want to see SQUAD live up to that statement.

Edited by Naiba
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Aerodynamics. They need to be improved at some point, and it's already on the chopping block. If Squad is going to stick with a policy of focusing on the "area of least development" like it their dev post last night, then they should work on an improved aerodynamics model next- as it's currently the least-complete part of the game...

Better aerodynamics are also necessary before they can begin working on a re-entry heating module (as it's kind of important *which* parts of a rocket are heating up, and *how much* drag they are experiencing...)



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Aerodynamics. They need to be improved at some point, and it's already on the chopping block. If Squad is going to stick with a policy of focusing on the "area of least development" like it their dev post last night, then they should work on an improved aerodynamics model next- as it's currently the least-complete part of the game...

Better aerodynamics are also necessary before they can begin working on a re-entry heating module (as it's kind of important *which* parts of a rocket are heating up, and *how much* drag they are experiencing...)

While I agree that aero definitely needs some love, it is not the area of least development. We have an aerodynamic model, though it is significantly flawed. There are features on the planned list that have no implementation at all yet, so I would expect better aero to wait a bit longer if they stick to the "least developed feature" prioritization.

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While I agree that aero definitely needs some love, it is not the area of least development. We have an aerodynamic model, though it is significantly flawed. There are features on the planned list that have no implementation at all yet, so I would expect better aero to wait a bit longer if they stick to the "least developed feature" prioritization.

What else is on the planned list that is less complete?



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If they're going to focus on things that aren't very developed, the two things that come to mind are resources (wait, okay? just WAIT ...) and the kerbals themselves.

I'd like to see more resources in the game, and that doesn't just mean resource collection, I mean more resource types. I'd like to see something like what real fuels has done, separating LF into RP-1, methane, and LH2. Also "resources" would include stock life support. Yes, pipe dreams but hope springs eternal.

I'd also like to see the kerbals differentiated a bit more. Right now, they're interchangable and their two attributes are (mostly) meaningless. Apparently kerbals with more bravery look like they're freaking out less frequently and that's about it. I'd like to see kerbals start with attributes low, and improve with missions or training. Also, I'd like those attributes to actually mean something, examples:

  • smart kerbals generate some extra science when collecting EVA reports
  • good pilots increase the efficiency of SAS wheels

Just little perks that differentiate the little guys from each other.

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Already being worked on, in the background, and not going to be the primary focus for development for a LONG time. The devs have said so themselves. So not really a valid response at all...

Crew tasks.

Kerbals can already pack/unpack parachutes, collect surface samples, fix wheels, and manually deploy solar panels (useful for that probe/satellite where you forgot to deploy panels and charge ran out). I'd say it's no less complete than the (excuse for) an aerodynamics model at this point...


Is that even going to be planned? Regardless, that kind of requires aerodynamics- as I imagine one of the primary effects of weather would be to produce asymmetric drag on your rocket, throwing it off course... Kind of matters how the drag is being calculated in the first place, doesn't it?

Reentry heat/damage (though this should be part of better aero IMO).

Like weather, this also needs to come AFTER a better aerodynamics model. The underlying aerodynamics model is the framework these things need to be built on...

Probably more.

Such as? because, aside from crew tasks, you haven't listed anything that doesn't require aerodynamics as a prerequisite, or isn't already on a long/slow development backburner... (to use a cooking analogy)

I'd prefer better aero over those features, but there are less developed things than aero at this point.

I don't think there's anything less developed.

Except Resources (the numbers/types of resources, their densities/properties, and an ISRU system...), which is probably a pipe-dream anyways. I imagine we'll still be using the unrealistic, equally-dense, unitless Liquidfuel and Oxidizer, which burn in a stoichiometric ratio neither easy to work/play with (c'mon, WHO thinks an 10:11 ratio is easy or fun to play with? Why not 2:1 like Hydrogen/Oxygen or Methane/Oxygen, with differing fuel-densities?) nor like anything in the real world, launched from the KSC, when KSC is "released" as 1.0 and a complete product...

Then again, maybe "LiquidFuel" isn't meant to symbolize something like RP-1, but instead is diesel fuel. Which was looked at for use by OTRAG in the 1970's/80's... In fact, the KSC's location in what looks an awful lot like East Africa strongly supports this supposition (OTRAG built its main launch site in Libya, due to its proximity to the equator...)





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