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Recovery/Reusability Ideas

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I've thought of some ideas for recovery functionality, here they are:

  • [*=1]When you recover vessel a dialog pops up asking you whether you want to throw it away or send it to the 'Refurbishing hangar'
    [*=1]The Refurbishing Hangar is a new Space Center building.
    [*=1]In it you can refuel fuel tanks and SRBs, repack chutes, and repair damage for a small amount of money.
    [*=1]Once refurbished the craft can either be set to its Pre-Recovery position or to the Launchpad/Runway.
    [*=1]The further away the craft is being recovered from/sent to the more it costs.
    [*=1]Repairing damage means that all the parts decoupled/broken are visible as transparent objects and can be replaced by clicking on them.
    [*=1]Also there is a button that lets you replace all broken/decoupled parts.

Edited by marshrover
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Sounds pretty complicated and from financial point of view does not accomplish more than (partial) refund on all recoveded parts and full refund on any recovered fuel.

If there are any refunds on recovery, I believe there should be equal refunds on any parts you let disappear in Kerbin's atmosphere (such as spent stages).

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