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[1.2.2] Ioncross Crew Support v1.26.0 (Starwaster's branch) - Jul 7, 2016


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I'm glad you decided to take this over, I was trying to keep things updated with MM. I don't know if MM is around anymore, since I have been absent for a while.

MM as in Module Manager?

Yeah, it's still around and not going anywhere unless its functionality is adopted into stock KSP.

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Ooooo I just had an idea.... I've been waffling on the idea of having scrubbers require cartridges (i.e. resources) because that might make things too micromanagey for people, but what if I tied it into the tech tree?

Sandbox would work as it does now

But early on in the Career mode or Science mode, you'd be limited by cartridges. Later on you research something more along the lines of what the International Space Station uses so you don't have to fiddle with cartridges....

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I'm still not sure how useful cartridges would be. If you setup your capsule so it has 20 days of O2 for 1 Kerbal, then you're also going to have enough CO2 scrubbers on board to keep the capsule clear of CO2 for 20 days. It would be a waste of resources to outfit a capsule with 20 days of O2 but only enough CO2 scrubbers for 5 days (as an example). The only time I could see scrubbers being a concern is if you added an O2 unit (like the LS-O2A, LS-O2AA or LS-O2B), and again you'd want enough scrubbers to cover the extra time those modules would give you. Maybe if you sent up one rocket with just a capsule and had it link to an orbiting rocket that only had extra O2 modules, but even then you'd expect mission control would plan ahead and send you with extra scrubbers.

Anyway, I think I found a bug. It doesn't look like EVA O2 is saved. I have Jed out on a Mun walk when I found the need to restart the game. He had 97% O2 when I saved and exited. He had "NaN%" O2 when I came back into the game. He didn't put any O2 back into the ship when I had him get back in (after the reload). He also didn't die which is good cause that would have sucked. :) But wanted to report this. Everything else seems to be working well. Nothing I've noticed acting weird, at any rate.

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what if you crash and cant take off? then it's a race to send help before the cartridges run out!

O2 not saving? I'll look at it

Wouldn't it be just as much a race not to run out of O2? I'm just saying that you're never going to go up without enough CO2 scrubbers to cover all the O2 you take with you. Now, a crash that results in the lose of your solar panels, meaning you have a finite amount of power to run the scrubbers, that would be a race. :)

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Wouldn't it be just as much a race not to run out of O2? I'm just saying that you're never going to go up without enough CO2 scrubbers to cover all the O2 you take with you. Now, a crash that results in the lose of your solar panels, meaning you have a finite amount of power to run the scrubbers, that would be a race. :)

Not necessarily. Apollo carried much more O2 than it had scrubbers for. granted it was not all intended for breathing but that contingency existed

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Apollo also had fuel cells up there, which would also be a great idea to implement :D

That cartridges system seems that it would make it a bit more complicated, i liked the "Life Support" ressource idea more, cuz it seems to be more minimalistic. And as i sayed before, i always loved ioncross for being minimalistic (and for those awesome models), but i am just some random dude with an opinion :D

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Apollo also had fuel cells up there, which would also be a great idea to implement :D

That cartridges system seems that it would make it a bit more complicated, i liked the "Life Support" ressource idea more, cuz it seems to be more minimalistic. And as i sayed before, i always loved ioncross for being minimalistic (and for those awesome models), but i am just some random dude with an opinion :D

And it's a valid opinion. The thing is, that what I'm talking about now and the minimalist approach are both possible via plug and play config files. Some things are semi-hard coded by Yongedevil set this up so that you could do quite a bit with different configurations to drastically change the flavor of the mod.

So you could just drop in a different config totally optionally and have a different life support mod.

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Yup...but the default config is completly beyond all bounds, i mean some tank carries 5000 days of life support for a kerbal... you won't need that ever for a single mission!

Don't know how easy that would be to implement, but suggestion: something like a difficulty settings window... where there are like presets "realistic LS" and "kerbalized LS" or something...

I mean this would be more handy than to fiddle around and sorting out that config files :D

Edit: Oh aaaand another Suggestion: Maybe that 1"Life Support" ressource could represent 1 kerbal day, but scaled... so if there are 3 kerbals in a pod that 1 ressource also represents one day... so that we will see how much days a vessel has left without calculating around or having an extra window that does that for us? Would that even be possible to implement?

Edited by StainX
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Yup...but the default config is completly beyond all bounds, i mean some tank carries 5000 days of life support for a kerbal... you won't need that ever for a single mission!

Don't know how easy that would be to implement, but suggestion: something like a difficulty settings window... where there are like presets "realistic LS" and "kerbalized LS" or something...

I mean this would be more handy than to fiddle around and sorting out that config files :D

Edit: Oh aaaand another Suggestion: Maybe that 1"Life Support" ressource could represent 1 kerbal day, but scaled... so if there are 3 kerbals in a pod that 1 ressource also represents one day... so that we will see how much days a vessel has left without calculating around or having an extra window that does that for us? Would that even be possible to implement?

Yeah it's possible (in-game information/settings) and probably will even happen but I can't say when.

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Discovered a Bug: Seems like for me the oxygen consuption rate is not 0.2 its far less!

Have 2.8 Oxygen on the vessel with two crew members aboard and Alternate Resource Panel says there are bit more than 22 days of oxygen remaining, where there should only be 7 days of oxygen...

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Discovered a Bug: Seems like for me the oxygen consuption rate is not 0.2 its far less!

Have 2.8 Oxygen on the vessel with two crew members aboard and Alternate Resource Panel says there are bit more than 22 days of oxygen remaining, where there should only be 7 days of oxygen...

In our days or Kerbal days?

Edit: If you look at the config, you'll see a rate. That rate is how much is used each second (actual consumption happens each frame scaled by delta time but the listed rate is each second)

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Forgive the double post but I figured it's best to separate mod news/proposals/stuff from other stuff.

I keep saying I'm going to make a minimalistic config but I keep not doing it (mostly for good reason, I keep getting my attention diverted by other stuff, like bug fixing, other mods that I contribute to or adminster, etc)

So this is the very VERY preliminary minimal config. Work in Progress. Don't try to use it yet because other parts are not configured to provide the resources.... or the recycler set up to recycle the waste. Also, I think your Kerbals in existing craft would very much be in trouble if you sprang this on them. Or they might actually NOT be. I have to test that on myself first. But even the configuration below for ION_SUPPORT_RESOURCEs are saved to a save game, so as long as the resource dependencies are intact, it might properly load the config. Craft file would probably have to be edited and crewed parts removed and replaced with fresh parts from 'inventory'.

As you can see below, what was CO2 is replaced 'Waste' and its accumulation is non-lethal. What will happen is that the crewed parts won't even have room for it; it gets tossed overboard. (BAD KERBALS.)

However, if a recycler is present on the ship then it gets sucked up by the recycler and some of it turned back into LifeSupport.

name = LifeSupport
GUIName = Support
ratePerKerbal = 1

causeDeath = True
killRollInterval = 900 // One quarter of an hour
killChance = 0.1

evaAmount = 0.25
evaMaxAmount = 0.25

name = Waste
GUIName = Waste
ratePerKerbal = -1 // Adjust this! Not all can be recovered

causeDeath = False // Accumulation is not lethal. Only purpose is to be recycled.
//killRollInterval = 600
//killChance = 0.1

name = ElectricCharge
GUIName = Electricity
rateBase = 0.00277778
ratePerCapacity = 0.00138889

causeLock = True

generatorName = ResourceCollectors
generatorGUIName = Resource Collectors

minAtmosphere = 0.5
isAutomaticOxygen = True

hideStatusL2 = True
hideEfficency = True
hideOutputControls = True
hideAtmoContents = True

name = LifeSupport
rateBase = 0
ratePerCapacity = 0.0
effectOnEfficency = 0

name = ElectricCharge
rateBase = 0
ratePerCapacity = -0.00005787041
effectOnEfficiency = 0.9

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ARP shows in earth time as every other ressource... so the 0.2 O² for one kerbal should be an earth day?

Edit: Started with 2.8 O²... forwarded time to 7d MET and got half the O² left.

Edited by StainX
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ARP shows in earth time as every other ressource... so the 0.2 O² for one kerbal should be an earth day?

Edit: Started with 2.8 O²... forwarded time to 7d MET and got half the O² left.

And what time are you displaying in for your game? because by default, it's not Earth time, it's Kerbin time and one Kerbin day is 6 hours.

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Still looking into EVA resources not saving...

save files have EVA O2 saved 8 times (for 1 Kerbal) but I'm not sure I see actual capacity saved....

But if I F9 to reload a game I see correct EVA resources. Trying exiting a game to see what happens...

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Got a question about some of the Ioncross modules. The LS-19A and LC-32C can generate O2 from CO2, right? For those to work, besides electricity to power the module, do you also have to turn your CO2 scrubbers off?

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Got a question about some of the Ioncross modules. The LS-19A and LC-32C can generate O2 from CO2, right? For those to work, besides electricity to power the module, do you also have to turn your CO2 scrubbers off?

Yes, otherwise those parts will never see the CO2

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OK, EVA resources are definitely being saved.

They just aren't being LOADED. .........usually. They might be loaded sometimes....

Also, the NaN thing seems to be a separate issue.... but related issue because display module info isnt being loaded...

Also, recyclers have an issue relating to them having 0 ElectricCharge. That used to be OK and had special meaning to KSP's resource flow rules. Now it just breaks things. I'll post a hotfix part file later but for now either dont use the recyclers or edit the part file and change amount / maxAmount to 1. or delete the resource entirely...

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I've not used life support mods before, they have always been too complicated. I really like just having oxygen, co2 and electricity. Great mod keep up the good work ;)

I'm working on a minimalist set that makes Life Support even simpler.

Also... coming soon....


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New update is up on Curse.

Fixes the EVA resources not being loaded. I was racking my brains on this thinking that maybe Yongedevil hadn't gotten around to implementing that part, but the more I traced the code, the less sense it made that it wasn't working. (loading/restoring happens at a lower level class; the same code worked fine for other derived classes of the base class...) Turns out it was just one line of code that was checking for a config node that was under a different name...

Also fixed a problem with recyclers having 0 amounts of ElectricCharge. (0 is bad, mkay?)

And I reverted a change I made to CarbonDioxide resource that the recyclers don't seem to like anymore

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I only just updated to 1.16.3 so maybe this is resolved but it still seems like very little O2 is getting used. I've got a Mk2 command module that's had 3 Kerbals in it for T+7d4h en route to explore minmus. The ship they are flying in has the Mk2 command module, a Mobile Processing Lab and a few other assorted odds and ends but no other modules related to O2. The command module currently has 58.56 of 60 O2 (MPL has full O2). That means my kerbals used something like .01 O2/kerbal day which seems excessively low. I'll be landing them on minmus shortly for an extended exploration mission so I'll continue to monitor things now that I have the latest release installed.

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I only just updated to 1.16.3 so maybe this is resolved but it still seems like very little O2 is getting used. I've got a Mk2 command module that's had 3 Kerbals in it for T+7d4h en route to explore minmus. The ship they are flying in has the Mk2 command module, a Mobile Processing Lab and a few other assorted odds and ends but no other modules related to O2. The command module currently has 58.56 of 60 O2 (MPL has full O2). That means my kerbals used something like .01 O2/kerbal day which seems excessively low. I'll be landing them on minmus shortly for an extended exploration mission so I'll continue to monitor things now that I have the latest release installed.

I haven't done anything with O2 consumption rates.

However, please look at the page before this one at my discussion with StainX.

To sum up that discussion: All consumption rates are reported in Earth days, not Kerbin days. One of our days is ~24 hours long. A Kerbin day is 6 hours long. If your game settings are configured to display time in Kerbin days then there's going to be a mismatch in the numbers reported.

One change I would like to make in the near future, but have not had time to work on, is to make Ioncross aware of player settings so that it can adjust reported rates.

That said, I will also be going over consumption rates and will ensure that Kerbals are consuming ~2/3rds of the resources of a human astronaut on standard EVA/IVA workload.

BTW, I also added resource cost to Oxygen so when you buy a tank of it now, you're also paying for the O2 inside.

I won't have much time over the next few days to work on Ioncross as I'm going away to spend some time with my ailing grandmother, which might be the last chance I have to do :(

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