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JoolPlus: Kopernicus Edition [ALPHA RELEASE!]


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Can we at least have the version you currently have working so I can implement it into the Kopernicus Core?

No thanks, JoolPlus will be it's own independent mod.

It'd be funny if there was some way you could make Manley actually say things on occasion.

I actually had a easter egg idea for Manley using Kerbal Constructs, a giant Scott Manley head on Manley.

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No thanks, JoolPlus will be it's own independent mod.

I actually had a easter egg idea for Manley using Kerbal Constructs, a giant Scott Manley head on Manley.

Can you perhaps make a guide for installing it with other planet packs so people don't get confused, then?

Also I can confirm that Kerbal Konstructs does work on Kopernicus planets, I added two mass drivers to Verviedi.

Can you please release a beta? I want some gas giants with actual moons to play with :(

Edited by _Augustus_
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Alright, since you guys are really bugging me with this, here's a real early beta of JoolPlus: Kopernicus Edition. No Ioryion. Yet.

It's really glitchy and Cyrion is really rocky, along with Manley. The only actual working moons, i guess are Rocko and Belenus. (that trailing atmosphere can be glitchy at times) Also, there's some minor visual enhancements to existing planets, Jool has a halo ring and Eeloo has a comet tail.


DOWNLOAD: https://www.dropbox.com/s/p0l6mr2yo2eeaxq/JoolPlusKopernicusEdition.zip?dl=0

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Alright, since you guys are really bugging me with this, here's a real early beta of JoolPlus: Kopernicus Edition. No Ioryion. Yet.

It's really glitchy and Cyrion is really rocky, along with Manley. The only actual working moons, i guess are Rocko and Belenus. (that trailing atmosphere can be glitchy at times) Also, there's some minor visual enhancements to existing planets, Jool has a halo ring and Eeloo has a comet tail.


DOWNLOAD: https://www.dropbox.com/s/p0l6mr2yo2eeaxq/JoolPlusKopernicusEdition.zip?dl=0

Yay. I'll update Kopernicus Core to support it.

You didn't do the normals right, you're supposed to do them in the Kopernicus config. There's a guide on my thread.

Edited by _Augustus_
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Yay. I'll update Kopernicus Core to support it.

You didn't do the normals right, you're supposed to do them in the Kopernicus config. There's a guide on my thread.

Could you help tweak some things in it? I will give some credit to you.

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Could you help tweak some things in it? I will give some credit to you.

Yeah, sure. Remove all normal map stuff from the RSS config and paste this into a new Kopernicus config:

name = Wexx
flightGlobalsIndex = 180
name = Jool
description = Wexx has always been the outermost planet known to anicent Kerbal astronomers. One day, a brave kerbal, who wished to remain anonymous, even after death, noticed Wexx had "ears", but surprise! It was just Wexx's rings. Also, it's visible to the naked eye.
radius = 5400000
mass = 8.232e+23
geeASL = 0.042
rotationPeriod = 18500
referenceBody = Sun
color = 0.000000,0.721569,0.529412,1
inclination = 1.02
eccentricity = 0.0093
semiMajorAxis = 115670000000
longitudeOfAscendingNode = 184
argumentOfPeriapsis = 0
meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 2.88114666938782
epoch = 359.279999999964
texture = Kopernicus/Textures/Wexx_map
rimColorRamp = Kopernicus/Textures/Wexx_rim
0.0 = 0.87843,0.52157,0.43922,1
0.6 = 0.0549,0.0784,0.141,1
1.0 = 0.0196,0.0196,0.0196,1
rimPower = 2.06
rimBlend = 0.3
maxAltitude = 190000
lightColor = 0.67059, 0.82353, 0.86275, 1.00
ambientColor = 0.12549, 0.34902, 0.35294, 1.00
name = Rocko
flightGlobalsIndex = 190
name = Minmus
description = It's the reddest object in the Kerbol system, besides Duna. Out of many theories, since Rocko can get into Wexx's rings without exploding, that Rocko is covered in moonlet-repelling cherry dip, but that is just baloney, just like the theory of a hollow Kerbin.

radius = 60000

mass = 2.6457897e+19

geeASL = 0.0075
referenceBody = Wexx
color = 0.36,0.00,0.0,1
inclination = 5.085
eccentricity = 0.085
semiMajorAxis = 13500000
longitudeOfAscendingNode = 0
argumentOfPeriapsis = 0
meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 0
epoch = 0
texture = Kopernicus/Textures/Rocko_map
normals = Kopernicus/Textures/Rocko_normal
name = Manley
flightGlobalsIndex = 200
name = Tylo
description = Manley is pretty cheerful, although it is the punching bag of the Wexx system. Rumor has it if you stay too long on Manley, Manley itself will give you advice about spaceflight.

radius = 78510

mass = 4.223e+22

geeASL = 0.035
referenceBody = Wexx
color = 0.1,0.1,0.1,1
inclination = 1.00935
eccentricity = 0.0
semiMajorAxis = 18950000
longitudeOfAscendingNode = 0
argumentOfPeriapsis = 0
meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 0
epoch = 0
texture = Kopernicus/Textures/Manley_map
normals = Kopernicus/Textures/Manley_normal
name = Belenus
flightGlobalsIndex = 210
name = Duna
description = Belenus is a world of wonders. It has a thin atmosphere, which is trailing away due to the solar wind, and it has various volcanoes that spew out sulfur dioxide, powered by tidal flexion, via Manley and Cyrion, and Belenus's retrograde orbit. Also, there is a consparicy theory about Belenus being named after a "Celtic" god. I think that's silly.

radius = 321000

mass = 2.9397663e+22

geeASL = 0.5
referenceBody = Wexx
color = 0.8,0.7,0.0,1
inclination = 180
eccentricity = 0
semiMajorAxis = 45850000
longitudeOfAscendingNode = 0
argumentOfPeriapsis = 0
meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 0
epoch = 0
texture = Kopernicus/Textures/Belenus_map
normals = Kopernicus/Textures/Belenus_normal
rimColorRamp = Kopernicus/Textures/ramp_belenus
rimPower = 2.06
rimBlend = 0.3
name = Cyrion
flightGlobalsIndex = 220
name = Eeloo
description = Unlike it's fiery brother, Belenus, Cyrion is alot more calmer. And there has been cyrovolcanoes noted at the south pole of Cyrion. Science rules!

radius = 21000

mass = 2.0094773e+20

geeASL = 0.065
referenceBody = Wexx
color = 0.0,0.2,0.2,1
inclination = 0.095
eccentricity = 0.0050
semiMajorAxis = 52895000
longitudeOfAscendingNode = 0
argumentOfPeriapsis = 0
meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 0
epoch = 0
texture = Kopernicus/Textures/Cyrion_map
normals = Kopernicus/Textures/Cyrion_normal

By the way, Belenus' texture just a recolored Io texture from a Celestia pack. I recommend getting a 2K Io texture and editing it as necessary.

I also highly recommend simply depending on the Kopernicus Core so you don't have compatibility/legal issues.

Edited by _Augustus_
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Yeah, sure. Remove all normal map stuff from the RSS config and paste this into a new Kopernicus config:

name = Wexx
flightGlobalsIndex = 180
name = Jool
description = Wexx has always been the outermost planet known to anicent Kerbal astronomers. One day, a brave kerbal, who wished to remain anonymous, even after death, noticed Wexx had "ears", but surprise! It was just Wexx's rings. Also, it's visible to the naked eye.
radius = 5400000
mass = 8.232e+23
geeASL = 0.042
rotationPeriod = 18500
referenceBody = Sun
color = 0.000000,0.721569,0.529412,1
inclination = 1.02
eccentricity = 0.0093
semiMajorAxis = 115670000000
longitudeOfAscendingNode = 184
argumentOfPeriapsis = 0
meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 2.88114666938782
epoch = 359.279999999964
texture = Kopernicus/Textures/Wexx_map
rimColorRamp = Kopernicus/Textures/Wexx_rim
0.0 = 0.87843,0.52157,0.43922,1
0.6 = 0.0549,0.0784,0.141,1
1.0 = 0.0196,0.0196,0.0196,1
rimPower = 2.06
rimBlend = 0.3
maxAltitude = 190000
lightColor = 0.67059, 0.82353, 0.86275, 1.00
ambientColor = 0.12549, 0.34902, 0.35294, 1.00
name = Rocko
flightGlobalsIndex = 190
name = Minmus
description = It's the reddest object in the Kerbol system, besides Duna. Out of many theories, since Rocko can get into Wexx's rings without exploding, that Rocko is covered in moonlet-repelling cherry dip, but that is just baloney, just like the theory of a hollow Kerbin.

radius = 60000

mass = 2.6457897e+19

geeASL = 0.0075
referenceBody = Wexx
color = 0.36,0.00,0.0,1
inclination = 5.085
eccentricity = 0.085
semiMajorAxis = 13500000
longitudeOfAscendingNode = 0
argumentOfPeriapsis = 0
meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 0
epoch = 0
texture = Kopernicus/Textures/Rocko_map
normals = Kopernicus/Textures/Rocko_normal
name = Manley
flightGlobalsIndex = 200
name = Tylo
description = Manley is pretty cheerful, although it is the punching bag of the Wexx system. Rumor has it if you stay too long on Manley, Manley itself will give you advice about spaceflight.

radius = 78510

mass = 4.223e+22

geeASL = 0.035
referenceBody = Wexx
color = 0.1,0.1,0.1,1
inclination = 1.00935
eccentricity = 0.0
semiMajorAxis = 18950000
longitudeOfAscendingNode = 0
argumentOfPeriapsis = 0
meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 0
epoch = 0
texture = Kopernicus/Textures/Manley_map
normals = Kopernicus/Textures/Manley_normal
name = Belenus
flightGlobalsIndex = 210
name = Duna
description = Belenus is a world of wonders. It has a thin atmosphere, which is trailing away due to the solar wind, and it has various volcanoes that spew out sulfur dioxide, powered by tidal flexion, via Manley and Cyrion, and Belenus's retrograde orbit. Also, there is a consparicy theory about Belenus being named after a "Celtic" god. I think that's silly.

radius = 321000

mass = 2.9397663e+22

geeASL = 0.5
referenceBody = Wexx
color = 0.8,0.7,0.0,1
inclination = 180
eccentricity = 0
semiMajorAxis = 45850000
longitudeOfAscendingNode = 0
argumentOfPeriapsis = 0
meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 0
epoch = 0
texture = Kopernicus/Textures/Belenus_map
normals = Kopernicus/Textures/Belenus_normal
rimColorRamp = Kopernicus/Textures/ramp_belenus
rimPower = 2.06
rimBlend = 0.3
name = Cyrion
flightGlobalsIndex = 220
name = Eeloo
description = Unlike it's fiery brother, Belenus, Cyrion is alot more calmer. And there has been cyrovolcanoes noted at the south pole of Cyrion. Science rules!

radius = 21000

mass = 2.0094773e+20

geeASL = 0.065
referenceBody = Wexx
color = 0.0,0.2,0.2,1
inclination = 0.095
eccentricity = 0.0050
semiMajorAxis = 52895000
longitudeOfAscendingNode = 0
argumentOfPeriapsis = 0
meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 0
epoch = 0
texture = Kopernicus/Textures/Cyrion_map
normals = Kopernicus/Textures/Cyrion_normal

By the way, Belenus' texture just a recolored Io texture from a Celestia pack. I recommend getting a 2K Io texture and editing it as necessary.

I also highly recommend simply depending on the Kopernicus Core so you don't have compatibility/legal issues.

Alright, man. But i'm keeping Belenus's texture. It's too iconic to use.

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I'm going to test it out now.

Also why are you including unused textures? Seems weird to me.

The unused textures (Pippitus and Orbornio) are for future gas giants to be added in later versions. Also Ioryion will be included in the later version.

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The unused textures (Pippitus and Orbornio) are for future gas giants to be added in later versions. Also Ioryion will be included in the later version.

I landed on Belenus. For some reason the atmosphere didn't start until 32 kilometers and the atmosphere mesh was glitchy. Other than that, it was quite fun. I was using DRE and FAR.

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I landed on Belenus. For some reason the atmosphere didn't start until 32 kilometers and the atmosphere mesh was glitchy. Other than that, it was quite fun. I was using DRE and FAR.

Great respect to you, man! Belenus is my favorite out of all the moons (currently) in JoolPlus, because there's alot of great views on the surface. For good views, unobstructed by the trailing atmosphere, land near the terminator of Belenus.

Meanwhile, i'm currently reworking Manley and Cyrion.

Also, have old Belenus (haven't changed much) and old Wexx.


Edited by Sylandro
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Wexx is fine how it is.

Alright, but i don't know how to technically change a color of an unlit ring, so you have to deal with it for now. Anyway, quick release, Kopernicus Alpha 2


New textures for Manley and Cyrion!

Cyrion is finally landable now, no going below sea level.

Manley's radius tweaked a bit

Temporary white ring for Wexx



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TP - Work on Ioryon is finished. I had to get a new texture for it, but it looks similar to the original moon, albeit with less craters. Snapped a few good shots of Wexx. New version may come around tomorrow.



Gravity down there is a bit higher than the Mun's but it's still a easy moon to land on.

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Did you forget to include a RSS config? I gave it a test run and while all the planets show up in scaledspace, Rocko looks like minmus when you get close to land, Belenus just looks like a glowing ball of bright light and appeared to be unlandable, and I think Cyrion looked like eeloo. Manley was an extremely mountainous grey moon while I kind of liked but I'm not sure if that was intended or not since all the other planets seemed to be out of sorts.

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Did you forget to include a RSS config? I gave it a test run and while all the planets show up in scaledspace, Rocko looks like minmus when you get close to land, Belenus just looks like a glowing ball of bright light and appeared to be unlandable, and I think Cyrion looked like eeloo. Manley was an extremely mountainous grey moon while I kind of liked but I'm not sure if that was intended or not since all the other planets seemed to be out of sorts.

I'll file up the RSS Config in the next release.

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