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[WIP] Antarctica - KSP Short Film


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Nice! Your videos on youtube seem quite good, too.

Thanks guys! At the moment I'm in the writing process for the rest of the film. It should be out in a few weeks so consider subscribing :)

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Here's an idea for what could happen: A rocket is about to launch for a station of some kind in a polar orbit around kerbin. They are on their way out to [planet], but encounter the Mun and are on a collision course but they don't realise until they're very close to the surface. A near-by base detects the impact vibration and immediately sends out a rover to investigate the estimated crash site. It finds multiple pieces of debris, along with two survivors, while another two died from the initial impact and another from lack of oxygen. The two survivors first awake from being knocked out, then investigated the crash site to see if there were any survivors and then returned to Kerbin injured, but alive. They decided that they would only go into LKO and under almost no circumstances go further than that. Almost.

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Here's an idea for what could happen: A rocket is about to launch for a station of some kind in a polar orbit around kerbin. They are on their way out to [planet], but encounter the Mun and are on a collision course but they don't realise until they're very close to the surface. A near-by base detects the impact vibration and immediately sends out a rover to investigate the estimated crash site. It finds multiple pieces of debris, along with two survivors, while another two died from the initial impact and another from lack of oxygen. The two survivors first awake from being knocked out, then investigated the crash site to see if there were any survivors and then returned to Kerbin injured, but alive. They decided that they would only go into LKO and under almost no circumstances go further than that. Almost.

Sounds, like a good idea. But to keep it with the theme of Antarctica I'll have them go down in the South Pole and make a survival/rescue film.

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