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[1.0+] B.Dynamics - Retracting/vectoring engines etc. v1.2.0 (May 6)


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I recently updated to .24.2 and found that the game crashes whenever I try to load a saved game or start a new one. I've narrowed it down to three mods causing the issue and the BahamutoD pack is one of them (the others are KAX and spaceplanes plus). I've got a crashlog here specific to loading the BD folders into gamedata, any chance you can tell me what's going on?





I never even got to use those retracting RCS jets.

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Here's a crazy suggestion.

Can a mid-sized docking port with a retractable engine built in be created? (Probably not the most realistic since it couldn't allow for crew transfer, but for docking & resource transfer it's a little more feasible.)

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  boberts314 said:
I recently updated to .24.2 and found that the game crashes whenever I try to load a saved game or start a new one. I've narrowed it down to three mods causing the issue and the BahamutoD pack is one of them (the others are KAX and spaceplanes plus). I've got a crashlog here specific to loading the BD folders into gamedata, any chance you can tell me what's going on?





I never even got to use those retracting RCS jets.

I didn't see any errors from my plugins. I see some NRE's when loading "US_Core" parts, and the crash was during a FAR operation, check whats up with those first.

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  Jaxx said:
It'd be awesome if a few of these parts got TweakScale compatibility. :)

You can add TweakScale features to pretty much any parts. Take a look at the cfg files in the GameData/TweakScale folder. Make your own folder under gamedata with your own .cfg. Just copy the format used in the previously mentioned files.

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  AlciyaDragonash said:
I'm not sure if is just me, or what, but i can't get to Kerbalstuff site at all from any of the download links on the forums that link to it. I had this mod before and would like to again, but there's no alternate DL link on the first page... little help?

Sorry for the lateness; I'll put up an alt download link soon.

edit: http://kerbal.curseforge.com/ksp-mods/223741-bdynamics

  JoePatrick1 said:
With the animated engines module, it is immediately turning my engine off after its been turned on...any ideas why?

Is the animation for the engines playing? The way it works is that when you turn it on, it should turn off and play the animation, then turn back on again once the animation has reached a certain point. I can only suggest trying to reinstall it.

Edit: Are you having this problem with engines I made or with a different engine using my plugin?

Edited by BahamutoD
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  BahamutoD said:

Is the animation for the engines playing? The way it works is that when you turn it on, it should turn off and play the animation, then turn back on again once the animation has reached a certain point. I can only suggest trying to reinstall it.

Edit: Are you having this problem with engines I made or with a different engine using my plugin?

It is with an engine I have made myself - No the animation is not playing. So do you think it is having trouble loading the animation/any ideas why?

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BahamutoD, I fell in love with your CritterCrawler. I messed with it a lot and found few weird occurences:

Critter seems to accelerate indefinitely if on even terrain but ONLY if "forward" key is not pressed. If I hold it, it doesn't gain velocity. I release and it's like constant 0.5m/s^2. I don't really know which of these is intended (if it should be like wheel accelerating or like legs having max velocity) but looks like something is off :)

If I retract legs on my vessel (was a little probe), it nicely sits on the bottom. But if I then switch to tracking station vessel disappears on my eyes within like 0.5s and there is one line added in log: "[WRN 20:26:03.141] Vessel Pioneer Moonfarer crashed through terrain on Minmus". Nothing more is related to that in log so I don't think there's reason to post it all. If vessel is left with legs extended, it's all ok.

These are minor issues but I just wanted to let you know if anyone haven't ran into this before.

And second thing, that "Sticky feet" option is awesome! From what I was able to read from source, it works by applying downward force to the CoM, right? There's also line of comment on adding or actually reducing angular momentum but I couldn't find it in code. Anyway, would it be possible to wrap this all into a separate module or using what there already is create a new part that has "sticky feet" option? Would it work with normal wheels? A reaction-wheel-like part that dampens all this tilting for rovers would be incredibly useful I think.

Anyway, thanks for all this great stuff :)

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  BahamutoD said:
Make sure the animation name you put in the config file is the name of the animation in Unity.

I have...that was the first thing I checked. I even tried, instead of using the imported animation, re-animating the part within unity but that didn't work either.

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BahamutoD, Or someone else with the knowledge

I was messing around with a RATHER large craft that has your engines on them and when i dropped my anchor to slow down to land, The anchor jumped up and took out one of the 4 engines I have. What is needed to make your engines KAS attachable So I'd be able to run another engine out there and have a Kerbal replace the destroyed engine? It is a Loooong way form KSP and I do not want to have to take the hour to get there once more.

I am also going to post this into the KAS thread also, They might know how to make it happen better than here. but it is your mod that I'd like to adjust and was seeing if you might have a clue how to do it.

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  Damaske said:
BahamutoD, Or someone else with the knowledge

I was messing around with a RATHER large craft that has your engines on them and when i dropped my anchor to slow down to land, The anchor jumped up and took out one of the 4 engines I have. What is needed to make your engines KAS attachable So I'd be able to run another engine out there and have a Kerbal replace the destroyed engine? It is a Loooong way form KSP and I do not want to have to take the hour to get there once more.

I am also going to post this into the KAS thread also, They might know how to make it happen better than here. but it is your mod that I'd like to adjust and was seeing if you might have a clue how to do it.

you need to add something like this to the cfg of the engine you want it on

name = KASModuleGrab
evaPartPos = (0.0, 0.0, -0.15)
evaPartDir = (0,0,-1)
storable = True
storedSize = 4
attachOnPart = True
attachOnEva = False
attachOnStatic = False

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I noticed that the gimbal won't work unless you stage the engine.

Bug: Engine Gimbal not workings


  • Attach XJ-48k to vesel & launch
  • right-click engine and click "activate", throttle up
  • gimbal doesn't respond to inputs

to fix:

  • Add XJ-48k to Staging diagram
  • stage
  • gimbal responds

Not sure if this is also true for the radial ones. Haven't tested it yet.

If you need better data, I can provide screenshots, craft and log files, if you have trouble reproducing it.

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  Akira_R said:
you need to add something like this to the cfg of the engine you want it on

name = KASModuleGrab
evaPartPos = (0.0, 0.0, -0.15)
evaPartDir = (0,0,-1)
storable = True
storedSize = 4
attachOnPart = True
attachOnEva = False
attachOnStatic = False

this is not working, It will not place the engine on the surface of the connection, it is wanting to place it with about a inch inside the engine. It does still work but it id not lined up perfect dead center and may case thrust issues. I tried to take off and go back with the 3 engines but when i dropped the anchors to stop myself from moving the bounced around and destroyed my craft and the 40 or so kerbals withing it. Since i went to the space center then went back tot he craft I have lost all them. I am going to remove the anchors and go with another method of slowing down.

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Does anyone have any details on how to use multiple critter crawlers in a craft? I had an awesome idea for a vtol that uses them as landing gear, but unless I make the critter crawler the base part it tends to just lock up and refuse to move....

- - - Updated - - -

  elloopa said:
Anyone know if it'd be possible to make a bipedal version of the Critter Crawler?

'Cause I really wanna make some Mech-suits for my kerbals.

I second the biped request!

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I tried really hard and it never worked :(

I also would like to see more variations of Critter and while we're on topic, did anyone try to make StickyFeet stabilization work without Critter movement (like with stock wheels or whatever)? I couldn't get that to work either.

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