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Guardian IX -all stock-

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i was just playing around with the idea in mind to make a satellite/space station type of deal.

after playing around for a while i came up with the Guardian IX design, as soon as the base idea was done i took it for a test spin.

amazingly enough the test was going very smooth, the craft is very stable and flies like a dream, it is actually in a Geostationary orbit as we speak.

some improvements that can be made but not necessary needed are some struts on the lower engines and adding another fuel tank to the middle engine.

Please keep stages 0, 1 and 2 intact for the station to remain as intended. Only blow the stages in case of emergency.

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  NovaSilisko said:

I saw the title and was like 'oh great, another stock rocket...'

That\'s quite an elitism. If you bother to check out the stock repository you will be amazed at the variety of designs people have come up with using only stock parts, this Guardian design is particularly spectacular and will definitely going in the repository. If anything being limited by only stock parts is more of an engineering challenge than using any one of a million or more mod packs.

That aside I have enjoyed using your Silisko edition pack. But stock ships can be downloaded no hassle by anyone and good designs are very much appreciated by new players trying to get into orbit or to the mun for the first time.

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  Damonjay said:

Is it just me or does this rocket start spinning uncontrollably while under thrust in altitudes above 70,000.

But well done man :)

I am quite impressed

i fired it up again to see if i missed that problem... but it stays as straight as a candle on my part, are you using the RCS perhaps? because they\'re only needed to rotate the craft while already in orbit.

as for the rest, thanks for the positive feedback :)

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  Daveigus said:

i fired it up again to see if i missed that problem... but it stays as straight as a candle on my part, are you using the RCS perhaps? because they\'re only needed to rotate the craft while already in orbit.

as for the rest, thanks for the positive feedback :)

I have not tried using the RCS. I will check it out later

originally i thought the spinning was a design feature with the rocket :P

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  • 3 weeks later...

Had to give you props ... I love this rocket!

After encountering some persistent issues, I deleted my save files to start over, and began practicing getting it into orbit. I modified it a bit, but I\'m happy to report that Jebediah and crew are successfully orbiting Kerbin aboard Freedom Station 1. Freedom Station 2 was going to follow it (after some slight modification), but a default circuit with the SAS caused an attitude problem, forcing the crew to jettison the station into the ocean. Luckily, all crew members splashed down safely, though the KSP is a bit upset at the loss of their second space station.

Hopefully, Freedom Station 3 will be up soon!

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Currently trying to land this beauty on the Mun, slightly modified. Bugged out tonight due to a windows issue, but I\'m getting close!

You can see the additions I made to it. It\'s a pain to get into orbit with the added weight, and the extra fuel pods and engines are a nightmare. I managed to get it into a Munar Orbit, but accidentally warped past and out of orbit. After three or four more orbits, Windows decided to minimize it, but by the time I was able to get back in, I was so close to the Munar surface I crashed into it, losing all hands on board :( Will try again with this version this weekend. Really love this rocket!

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  • 4 weeks later...
  NovaSilisko said:

I saw the title and was like 'oh great, another stock rocket...'

But then I saw the content:

You crazy!

Yo man, put that picture into a spoiler.

Also, 'another stock rocket?' You get more variety when using stock as opposed to mods, usually. Unless using C7\'s old pack, though your packs can be pretty good for variety.


Also, for some reason, I can\'t see the pictures... :(

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  Hans_Olo said:

So i downloaded the craft launched it at full throttle and it just sat there. It does not seem to have enough thrust to get off the ground.

Yeah this doesn\'t work in .15 it seems

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  • 3 weeks later...
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