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Tiny 1

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I liked the Little Sipper very much for it\'s smallness and i wanted to come up with something similar. This design, Tiny 1, is heavier but easier to fly than Little Sipper, as it has an advanced SAS unit. I hope everyone enjoys. Note: Once again I am using the small rocket idea from Little Sipper which was not my idea. Also Jackariah is the craft tiny 1 was just the first launch to mun.

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Hi Twinky827

I hope you don\'t mind, but I repaired your Tiny 1 rocket, it now has more power and can not only reach orbit, it should also be able to get to the Mun and come back again, making it a decent Medium orbiter.

I think its too heavy to land on the Mun though, but I left the landing legs on because its possible to land on Kerbin with them, all you have to do is, before you need to land, drag stage 1 above stage 0 so the decoupler won\'t fire, open the chute and use a little thrust to help slow you down for a safe landing.

Have fun :)

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Here\'s an even more improved version. All engines have been replaced by LV-T30\'s. This increases your thrust and fuel efficiency. The winglets and some non-essential struts were taken away to conserve mass. I have not done a full flight test on it yet, but maybe you can try it out before I do later today.

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I like the Mk3 but I\'d have kept an LV-T45 engine on the main section of the rocket, the vectoring thrust would improve control.

And there\'s no need to make the pipes so short, they added a spot of colour :)

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In the case of a tall or wide rocket with a high moment of inertia, thrust vectored engines make sense in terms of maneuverability. However, this rocket is neither, and thus does not require vectored thrust. If you need to make rapid changes in pitch or heading on your way to orbit, you\'re doing something wrong.

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