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Exactly how bad is the aerodynamic model in KSP?


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I think it would be very nice if and when the aero dynamic model is updated that a settings button is provided which allows the player to select "Simple" or "Realistic". One could then choose "simple" while testing the logical elements of the design (staging, action groups, etc.) and then later switch to "realistic" to debug the flight characteristics (or vice versa depending on play style).

I frequently remind myself when scanning these type of threads that depending on a players view of what makes something "realistic", there are probably an infinite number of game elements which could be considered as "not realistic" even down to the paint patterns on parts for example. The OP obviously views the Aero model as deficient - and though we might disagree with the style of the commentary, it's a personal opinion only. But... It's Squad's product. They can develop it according to whatever plan and end state architecture they desire. We play the game based on a license agreement. If the market accepts the game and the license, it will sell and have a following. If it breaks badly, then the market will reflect that. So far, the market seems to be generally accepting of the progress and design direction currently in play - OP being one of the exceptions. Regardless, Its good to register those areas where improvements can be made. Thanks for listening. :-)

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I don't think it would be good to give KSP an "arcade mode" option like that. As I see it the core idea is about doing cool space stuff in a realistic - with a few compromises - setting. "Cheats" notwithstanding, allowing the player to turn off that physical realism would not sit well I feel.

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"Normal" and "Arcade" difficulty would fit better I guess, It would be less discouraging for players to try more realistic game mode... from other hand more realistic aerodynamics, fighting wind/weather, deadly reentry (not so much really because of much lower orbital speeds in KSP) crew needs, realistic engines restart or fuel boil-off and different things may add challenge, but also could make game more harder at first but from other hand learning from failures can be very enjoyable in this game :-).

Other interesting motive about arcade approach is "simulations", KSP within KSP that would be utterly simplified (like flat∅ world, no aerodynamics, all parts rigid and indestructible) world that would allow test/preview some concepts for free in career mode.

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See: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/82842-Exactly-how-bad-is-the-aerodynamic-model-in-KSP?p=1211253&viewfull=1#post1211253

My view on this is that I paid for an unfinished product, with the full understanding that Squad has the right to take my money, walk away, and never even give this thing a second thought. I also understand that some parts will be updated at different times, that Squad can only do so much at one time, that some updates may not be clear just from looking at it, that customers don't always understand the difference between a minor and a major change, and that as a system becomes more complex, adding to it becomes more complex as well. I'm happy to have what I have now. The amount I paid for the game is rather small, and compared to the hours I've gotten out of it, I have absolutely nothing to complain about. There are things that I'd like fixed, things I'd like added, and things will be added that I disagree with, and I accept these facts. I also trust that Squad cares about their product, and has made design decisions based on what they would like to see as a finished product.

I remember the days when I found out about new games by walking the shelves at a store, patches were extremely rare, and my communication with a game company used an envelope and a stamp. Near instant communication is a wonder, but patience seems to be one of the virtues that the internet has helped destroy.

Very good.. so it was sarcasm.. I take back what I said.. your position on this is essentially mine.

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