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Trans-Keptunian for PlanetFactory CE - Outer dwarf planet pack (v0.45 - 11 Jan 2015)


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I know it's been a while since the last update... But here's version 0.3...! :)


  • Updated Flo surface; impacts no longer have higher elevation on them.
  • Improved Es, Phoe and Nuu surface details.
  • Fixed Flo, Oorma and Putto scaled space.

Hope you guys like it... :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
Can you get science from the planets?

Technically, yes, but they still give you the default Minmus/Tylo science points. I have yet to add some custom science definitions for each planets...

Wait... I thought Planet factory didn't work with the latest version of KSP! Is there some kind of fix for it?

No, not really...:) I still have the old 0.23 install with me, along with PlanetFactory CE... This is what I use for updating the planet pack...

By the way, could you tell me in what way PlanetFactory (CE) is incompatible with the latest version? I haven't tried it much, but it seems to work well... :huh: (beside breaking the science archive)

Edited by Gravitasi
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I just realized that I've made a major mistake on the last update...:blush: So, I've decided to release a small update in order to fix it...

Changes in v0.32:

  • Fixed some mistake on Flo.
  • Improved Rheis surface details.

I'm incorporating this into PlanetFactory Revived, my project to restore Planet Factory and many of it's planet packs with Kopernicus.

Wow, good to know! I should definitely check it out sometime later... :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Updates for v0.4:

  • Changed Dhar's orbital properties a little bit.
  • Removing the huge ray crater on Oorma; never really liked it.
  • Adding support to Distant Object Enhancement mod.
  • Created a custom build of PlanetFactory CE.
  • Adding orbital colors to all bodies.
  • Adding proper science multiplier to all bodies.

The update brings you a custom build of PlanetFactory CE! :D I finally decided to make one, because there are some features that I wish were in the original mod. Check out the first post for more information...

Because there is some chance that the planet pack will be ported to Kopernicus, future development will be more focused to things that independent from PlanetFactory CE.... which is SCIENCE! :) There will be custom science definitions and biomes in the future version.... (but of course, planet descriptions must go first, so it can be used as backstories, and it will be easier to make the science blurbs)

Edited by Gravitasi
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  • 2 weeks later...

woo! Can't wait for Kopernicus support!

I tried PFCE once... my laptop had a heart attack and so I deleted it... not to mention I couldn't even get the game to load into the title screen >,<

Kopernicus is probably my favorite planet mod thingy, next to Star Systems (which has an unfortunate bug that causes ships to start orbiting the black hole in the middle... its a shame because its an awesome mod to!)

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woo! Can't wait for Kopernicus support!
WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT!? This is awesome! Can you convert this to Kopernicus?

Thank you... :)

Hmm... Okay... Now that both of you have said it, I guess I need to prioritize more on porting the planet pack to Kopernicus...:D

So far I had tried to port one or two of the planets on the pack to Kopernicus, as some kind of test. It seemed to work, but their quality were still quite unacceptable. :P They certainly need some more work...

But, before I start an attempt to port the planet pack, let me release an important update for the PlanetFactory version first, okay? :) The update will also apply to the future Kopernicus version. It should be released tomorrow...

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Thank you... :)

Hmm... Okay... Now that both of you have said it, I guess I need to prioritize more on porting the planet pack to Kopernicus...:D

So far I had tried to port one or two of the planets on the pack to Kopernicus, as some kind of test. It seemed to work, but their quality were still quite unacceptable. :P They certainly need some more work...

But, before I start an attempt to port the planet pack, let me release an important update for the PlanetFactory version first, okay? :) The update will also apply to the future Kopernicus version. It should be released tomorrow...

Porting to Kopernicus isn't really feasible sadly. Kopernicus offers no means to actual edit terrain, it only creates new stock planets and can edit their orbital characteristics. PF allows you to do a lot of things that even RSS or Kittopiatech doesn't, like apply Oblateness, or use map decals. Augustus tried to port the Sentar system over to Kopernicus before and it just didn't work out. Things like the features of Ablate, or the mountain of Skelton are just not possible outside of PF.

Yes, Planetfactory uses a ton of ram which is unfortunate but it is far ahead of the other mods in terms of planet quality in my opinion. What we really need is someone actively working on Kopernicus so we can get these types of features added, but the current maintainer has already stated the PQS system is a bit over his head so that's an issue.


Just got done playing around with hyperedit landing on most of your planets. I have to say I think you did an excellent job with these. The colors seem natural, the terrain is interesting, and most importantly when you get close and land the terrain isn't really pixelated and low res looking. It almost has a stock feel to it.

A few critiques I would say I think you could change some to be a little more heavy so that gravity isn't so low. Felt like the gravity was really low on pretty much all of the bodies.

I noticed none of the bodies have atmosphere and I'm pretty sure I know why that is, which is because atsmospheres are harder to get right and can be a lot harder to do. I also think the orbits are kind of wild. While they don't personally bother me that much, I know a lot of people don't like planets with unaturally wild orbits.

I'd like to see some heavier planets in the future, maybe a few with some atmosphere and custom biomes and science for all of them would be amazing. It's unfortunate these can only be enjoyed with PF because a lot of people are going to miss out on these, but I like em.

Edited by Borisbee
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Got it! This would go well with the Outer Planet Pack by CaptRobau if the distances were right.

Wow, yeah sure, both of the planet packs are really fit together, like a jigsaw puzzle... :D I will surely add some custom orbital/science configuration that compatible with Outer Planets Mod, only if I can get the porting off the ground...:P

Porting to Kopernicus isn't really feasible sadly. Kopernicus offers no means to actual edit terrain, it only creates new stock planets and can edit their orbital characteristics. PF allows you to do a lot of things that even RSS or Kittopiatech doesn't, like apply Oblateness, or use map decals. Augustus tried to port the Sentar system over to Kopernicus before and it just didn't work out. Things like the features of Ablate, or the mountain of Skelton are just not possible outside of PF.

Yes, Planetfactory uses a ton of ram which is unfortunate but it is far ahead of the other mods in terms of planet quality in my opinion. What we really need is someone actively working on Kopernicus so we can get these types of features added, but the current maintainer has already stated the PQS system is a bit over his head so that's an issue.

Yes, I'm well aware about the problems regarding Kopernicus porting... Krag seems to define some his own PQS mods on PlanetFactory CE. I also noticed about _Augustus_ attempt to port the Sentar system...

But I think things are not entirely hopeless, though. Trans-Keptunian doesn't use any of the Krag's custom PQS mods, coincidentally. Besides, CaptRobau's Outer Planets Mod looks promising in my opinion. If I understand it correctly, he will add some terrestrial moon to the pack. I will surely try it once it released, and check whether it's really feasible to (properly) add terrestrial bodies to Kopernicus.


Just got done playing around with hyperedit landing on most of your planets. I have to say I think you did an excellent job with these. The colors seem natural, the terrain is interesting, and most importantly when you get close and land the terrain isn't really pixelated and low res looking. It almost has a stock feel to it.

Thank you. I've never said it explicitly anywhere, but yes, making the planets stock-alike is one of the main goal on this pack. So I'm really glad someone's finally said it. :)

A few critiques I would say I think you could change some to be a little more heavy so that gravity isn't so low. Felt like the gravity was really low on pretty much all of the bodies.

I noticed none of the bodies have atmosphere and I'm pretty sure I know why that is, which is because atsmospheres are harder to get right and can be a lot harder to do. I also think the orbits are kind of wild. While they don't personally bother me that much, I know a lot of people don't like planets with unaturally wild orbits.

Regarding gravity... Because making stock-alike planets is the main goal, I calculated their gravity from densities of the stock bodies. I used Dres and Gilly density as a base, IIRC. I also remember that I have increased them a little bit from the gravity value I had got from the calculation. Nevertheless, I will still consider increasing them a little bit more. Thanks for your suggestion.

For the atmosphere... Okay, I'll be honest with you; yes, it was one of the main reason.:P But my other reason is that, again, I would like to keep the planet as "stockish" as possible. Since Moho and Eeloo don't have an atmosphere (even their real-life counterpart have a tenuous one), neither do planets on the pack.

For the orbits, they are actually quite natural, since I based them from real-life outer dwarf planets. But then again, I think the next version has something more to say about them...:)

I'd like to see some heavier planets in the future, maybe a few with some atmosphere and custom biomes and science for all of them would be amazing. It's unfortunate these can only be enjoyed with PF because a lot of people are going to miss out on these, but I like em.

Yes, custom biomes and science will be in the future version. Like what I've said numerous times in this post, I will make them as stock-alike as I possibly can.

Thanks for the review and feedback.:)

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Changes in v0.45:

  • Renaming mod directory on GameData to "Trans-Keptunian".
  • Changed Putto, Oorma, Arane, and Flo orbits to match the four plutoids. (Pluto, Haumea, Makemake, and Eris, respectively)
  • Adjusting orbits of all the moons; only a bit, not a significant change.
  • Darkened Phoe, Nuu, and Es orbital color; they were too bright.

Please delete "Gravitasi" folder in "GameData" before updating. I've decided to make an incremental update for v0.45, just to save some downloading time...:)

The most major change on the update is the orbit of the dwarf planets. I have decided to make their orbits (almost) exactly match their real life counterpart's, which are Pluto, Haumea, Makemake, and Eris.

I had made some comparison between orbit of the stock planets with their real life counterpart. I found that many of them have similar orbital properties (other than the 1:11 radius ratio). Not all of them, but mostly are. Therefore, I matched their orbit in order to make the planet pack more stock-alike...

Hope you guys like the new orbits...:)

Edit: Regarding planet descriptions, some of them actually have been made... But I think I will release them all at once later...

Edited by Gravitasi
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I was wandering if it would be possible to do a li'l something that I kinda read while looking what it would take to turn Jupitar into, at very least, a brown dwarf (don't ask me why... I just was). ANYWAY! I read somewhere else that there is a probe that is going to do a Pluto flyby (THIS YEAR! Yea! some time around July 14th, it'll take about 4-5 hours for signals to transfer between us and it, and the probe was launched in 2001, so no HDOMGLATPT photos [High Definition, Oh My God Look At That Pixel There], but who gives, its Pluto!). okay, that out of the way the reason I came to make this idea: A planet. A dwarf planet to be exact, but no ordinary one, no. This dPlanet would be super special. It would be so far out, that when turning back to look at Kerbol, it would be nearly impossible to see against the (painted on) background (pixels) starts. This dPlanet would have a description as follows: "Scientists have yet to agree if this is really a dwarf planet or if it is just a very large asteroid. By the time anyone has figured out where it is, they cannot see it, as its surface has little to no reflectivity, and its diameter is so small, a Kerbal could start at one point, and make a full circle around the planet ten times by the time a single koton (phonton) from Kerbol gets absorbed by its surface, provided the kerbal doesn't fall off the planet due to the extremely low gravity, or lack there of. One scientist theorized that if they were to get a ship out there, and rammed it into the surface of this dwarf, they would shift its orbit so much that they might accidentally knock it out of Kerbols gravity!"

Now, I don't know how fast a Kerbal photon is, that's just an example, and that description doesn't need to be the actual one, its just an example (as well). Though this dPlanet would literally sit at the edge of Kerbols Gravitational influence. Sadly due to how the planets work, you wouldn't really be able to knock it out of orbit, unless you tweak the way asteroids work to give it enough gravity that you could call it that. The planet's SOI would be so small, that 100km is the farthest edge, as well as outside of Kerbols gravity, so don't go to fast by it! The planets name would be Derst, named because scientists think that its just a fleck of dust whenever they see a distant star get blocked by its tiny form, and spend hours trying to clean the telescope until they realize they've actually witnessed this ghost planet.

For some unknown reason, Derst has an atmosphere! (this came to me because, believe it or not, Pluto also has an atmosphere, during its Perihelion decent, and even then its extremely thin). Its atmosphere is insanely thin, being 0.01 [whatever the density is called], at the surface. Its atmosphere would only reach up to about 1000m, with its highest point extending past that, the lowest point being 500m (assuming that 0m is the core).

If that idea is to far out there/extreme, then maybe a far far far out planet that has a miniscule atmosphere. A good template would be Gilly, only 1/2 its size, with an atmosphere...

If I was able to edit configs and knew what the heck I was doing, I'd probably add it myself to Kopernicus, but every time I look at the how-to I get confused....

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I was wandering if it would be possible to do a li'l something that I kinda read while looking what it would take to turn Jupitar into, at very least, a brown dwarf (don't ask me why... I just was). ANYWAY! I read somewhere else that there is a probe that is going to do a Pluto flyby (THIS YEAR! Yea! some time around July 14th, it'll take about 4-5 hours for signals to transfer between us and it, and the probe was launched in 2001, so no HDOMGLATPT photos [High Definition, Oh My God Look At That Pixel There], but who gives, its Pluto!). okay, that out of the way the reason I came to make this idea: A planet. A dwarf planet to be exact, but no ordinary one, no. This dPlanet would be super special. It would be so far out, that when turning back to look at Kerbol, it would be nearly impossible to see against the (painted on) background (pixels) starts. This dPlanet would have a description as follows: "Scientists have yet to agree if this is really a dwarf planet or if it is just a very large asteroid. By the time anyone has figured out where it is, they cannot see it, as its surface has little to no reflectivity, and its diameter is so small, a Kerbal could start at one point, and make a full circle around the planet ten times by the time a single koton (phonton) from Kerbol gets absorbed by its surface, provided the kerbal doesn't fall off the planet due to the extremely low gravity, or lack there of. One scientist theorized that if they were to get a ship out there, and rammed it into the surface of this dwarf, they would shift its orbit so much that they might accidentally knock it out of Kerbols gravity!"

Now, I don't know how fast a Kerbal photon is, that's just an example, and that description doesn't need to be the actual one, its just an example (as well). Though this dPlanet would literally sit at the edge of Kerbols Gravitational influence. Sadly due to how the planets work, you wouldn't really be able to knock it out of orbit, unless you tweak the way asteroids work to give it enough gravity that you could call it that. The planet's SOI would be so small, that 100km is the farthest edge, as well as outside of Kerbols gravity, so don't go to fast by it! The planets name would be Derst, named because scientists think that its just a fleck of dust whenever they see a distant star get blocked by its tiny form, and spend hours trying to clean the telescope until they realize they've actually witnessed this ghost planet.

For some unknown reason, Derst has an atmosphere! (this came to me because, believe it or not, Pluto also has an atmosphere, during its Perihelion decent, and even then its extremely thin). Its atmosphere is insanely thin, being 0.01 [whatever the density is called], at the surface. Its atmosphere would only reach up to about 1000m, with its highest point extending past that, the lowest point being 500m (assuming that 0m is the core).

If that idea is to far out there/extreme, then maybe a far far far out planet that has a miniscule atmosphere. A good template would be Gilly, only 1/2 its size, with an atmosphere...

If I was able to edit configs and knew what the heck I was doing, I'd probably add it myself to Kopernicus, but every time I look at the how-to I get confused....

Hmmm... It could be a good idea... But unfortunately I don't have much experience using Kopernicus. Perhaps you will get more help if you post it to the Kopernicus Core thread instead. :)

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what the frak. Why have I never noticed this thread before? I even asked for something like this and no one pointed to this. Well then. I see your custom version is no longer recommended so I downloaded the 0.90 beta but there's no orbit colors, I assume you need to update your own code to bring that back under 0.90?

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what the frak. Why have I never noticed this thread before? I even asked for something like this and no one pointed to this. Well then. I see your custom version is no longer recommended so I downloaded the 0.90 beta but there's no orbit colors, I assume you need to update your own code to bring that back under 0.90?

Yes, the custom version needs to be updated... But unfortunately, Krag hasn't uploaded the 0.90 beta code yet. Without the new code, it is impossible for me to update the customized version...

So what's the consensus about Kopernicus? Can we expect a version for that anytime soon?

I did some experiment with Kopernicus (and KittopiaTech) in the past few weeks. So far it is... promising...:)

Yes, you can expect it to be released around 1-3 weeks from now...:D

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I on the other hand, am not. Planet factory has a multitude of problems, and takes far more ram that Kopernicus. Choosing to continue using it, is like to keep using Universe Replacer instead of Texture Replacer.... In other words: Ridiculous

Yup. Totally agreed.

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