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[0.24] Sensible Pumps v1.1 -- solving an annoying problem of range safety [18 Jul]


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Ever had a rocket snap in half on you while in flight? I know you have. Ever noticed how the engines in the snapped-off part keep running while there's still fuel in the remaining stage? I know this happened to you as well.

Ever wish the pumps in an uncontrolled piece of debris would behave like real pumps and stop feeding fuel into the engine? I know I did, so I made this little plugin.


Just install. It will just work, by adding itself into every part that has engines with ModuleManager. Engines which are part of vessels which cannot be controlled, i.e. are debris, will immediately shut off, and do so only once. This will correctly observe engines which cannot be shut off, i.e. solid fuel rockets.

If this behaviour is, for whatever reason, not what you want on a particular engine, for example, you're making a liquid rocket meant to be used as a dumb projectile, you can toggle it in the editor by right-clicking on the part.

Source code

See GitHub.



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Cause you guys like to say 'no pics no clicks', and I'm not giving you the opportunity. It's just that the pics are uninteresting.


The license for the code -- the entire silly half-page of it -- is GPLv3. ModuleManager is bundled with the plugin according to it's license permissions.

Edited by Mihara
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This mod could help the realism projects like RPL. With real engines/fuels you tend to get a very high acceleration spike as the tanks empty which makes things awkward with deadly rentry. If this is instant it'll be easier to just stage to drop the engine and have this switch it off to avoid G force damage.

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  Ratzap said:
This mod could help the realism projects like RPL. With real engines/fuels you tend to get a very high acceleration spike as the tanks empty which makes things awkward with deadly rentry. If this is instant it'll be easier to just stage to drop the engine and have this switch it off to avoid G force damage.

Well, it is instant, it happens on the nearest FixedUpdate.

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I think this would work wonderfully in conjunction with the random failures mod(s). Range safety is preferred, but sometimes you lose the authority to shut down engines, leaving the broken part to wreak havoc on your vehicles and range.

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I would hope that this can throttle down the engine gradually instead of suddenly cut-off... in RL engine thrust does not suddenly change to zero when cut-off AFAIK.

Edited by HoneyFox
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  HoneyFox said:
I would hope that this can throttle down the engine gradually instead of suddenly cut-off... in RL engine thrust does not suddenly change to zero when cut-off AFAIK.

That would take longer than a page to do and would require special handling for solid rockets, so, not right now.

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  mecki said:
Could it be that this also works for SRB and LES by default?

Stock ModuleEngines has the "allowShutdown" parameter which determines if the engine can be shut down -- it's "true" by default, "false" with all stock solid fuel engines. My plugin sends the shutdown command to the engine exactly as if you used the right click menu to shut it down. (I'm actually just calling the same method that fires when you click the right click menu option) and doesn't go deeper into the internal works of the engine module. The engine then decides itself whether to shutdown or not by testing the value of this parameter.

So SRB and LES should still work exactly as they're meant to, i.e. keep firing after being detached, and if they don't, I'd love a test case I could verify.

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  mecki said:
Had this problem with the LAS by Aerojet Kerbodyne. Maybe it's a missing "allowShutdown" then, thank you!

name = ModuleEnginesFX
engineID = LES
runningEffectName = running_closed
thrustVectorTransformName = thrustTransform
exhaustDamage = False
throttleLocked = True
ignitionThreshold = 0.1
minThrust = 0
maxThrust = 750
heatProduction = 400
fxOffset = 0, 0, 0.25
name = SolidFuel
ratio = 1.0
DrawGauge = True
key = 0 300
key = 1 250


Yep, it is. Needs a line "allowShutdown = false" somewhere in the MODULE block. I'd say it's a minor bug, the nice thing about it is that it's not mine. :)

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This is a really nice plugin since sometime the unexpected dumped engine is pushing your ship to her doom. With this no more mean pusher.

One drawback. You can't anymore have this kind of screenshot:


Perfect (Jeb) Landing:sticktongue:

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I passingly saw this on the community plugins page, and thought about getting it but decided not to. Having to deal with forty parachutes opening and an engine that decided to keep burning on me simultaneously changed my tune. :P Thank you!

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