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Intriguing Space game.


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I've played this game for quite a while, great fun game from 2003, free mod that adds SO MUCH, all these pics are from the modded version. its Called freelancer if you wanna check it out. Virtual Economy simulator and Space combat sim. All pics are shot by me except the taco bell one.


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A Chris Roberts game. Have you seen Star Citizen? It's his next big thing. Google is your friend but here is me playing the very first alpha module called Arena Commander, ( Version 0.8)

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Freelancer is a great game. I've 'wasted' many hours as third in command and Trade Master of ZEN (Zoner Edgeworld Network) on the PTC server.

But it does has a few issues.

The single player campaign gives the appearance of being open but only up to a limit. Without following the story jumpgates stay locked and reputation is fixed. After finishing the story the game turns into a more or less sandbox. Too bad by now you're flying an over powered ship without much to do. Replay value is low.

What makes Freelancer interesting is the mods. The Discovery mod greatly enhances the game; new ships and equipment, new factions, new systems and planets. Adding more content than the unmodded game came with. Tantalus' images are from this mod.

Single player with the Discovery mod is certainly possible but is rather lonely. A HUGE sandbox and nobody to play with. Solution: multiplayer.

To bad the multiplayer community is not very friendly. There are dozens of modded servers available but only one is actually active 'Discovery Freelancer RP 24/7' all others are either dead or dying with little to no activity. Choosing a server to play on is choosing between bad and worse. Bad is a nearly empty server, worse is 'Discovery Freelancer RP 24/7'. It is run like a police state with not room for personal freedom. People get banned for minor offences and players that ruin gameplay for others (but staying within RPG) get rewarded.

When I started playing Freelancer some years ago I played the 'DiscoveryPTC Relaxed RP' server. In it's glory days it rivalled the main server but was much less restricted. Too bad the current admin is a completely incompetent and obsessively religious narcissist. Since that fool took over the player numbers dropped from a 40+ average to only a few in about a year.

So if you decide to play Freelancer know you'll be dealing with an absolute great game but a lousy community.


If you ever spot someone flying a ZEN tag on any Freelancer server give them my regards.

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Oh I wish I could play Freelancer...

Have to settle for what Star Citizen should become...

Errr, Grumble Grumble...

Freelancer is a great game. I've 'wasted' many hours as third in command and Trade Master of ZEN (Zoner Edgeworld Network) on the PTC server.

But it does has a few issues.

The single player campaign gives the appearance of being open but only up to a limit. Without following the story jumpgates stay locked and reputation is fixed. After finishing the story the game turns into a more or less sandbox. Too bad by now you're flying an over powered ship without much to do. Replay value is low.

What makes Freelancer interesting is the mods. The Discovery mod greatly enhances the game; new ships and equipment, new factions, new systems and planets. Adding more content than the unmodded game came with. Tantalus' images are from this mod.

Single player with the Discovery mod is certainly possible but is rather lonely. A HUGE sandbox and nobody to play with. Solution: multiplayer.

To bad the multiplayer community is not very friendly. There are dozens of modded servers available but only one is actually active 'Discovery Freelancer RP 24/7' all others are either dead or dying with little to no activity. Choosing a server to play on is choosing between bad and worse. Bad is a nearly empty server, worse is 'Discovery Freelancer RP 24/7'. It is run like a police state with not room for personal freedom. People get banned for minor offences and players that ruin gameplay for others (but staying within RPG) get rewarded.

When I started playing Freelancer some years ago I played the 'DiscoveryPTC Relaxed RP' server. In it's glory days it rivalled the main server but was much less restricted. Too bad the current admin is a completely incompetent and obsessively religious narcissist. Since that fool took over the player numbers dropped from a 40+ average to only a few in about a year.

So if you decide to play Freelancer know you'll be dealing with an absolute great game but a lousy community.


If you ever spot someone flying a ZEN tag on any Freelancer server give them my regards.

Religious Narcissist? How does that work?

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