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Do you use both hands to use your mouse ?


How often you use your non-dominant hand to use your mouse ?  

  1. 1. How often you use your non-dominant hand to use your mouse ?

    • Never (I only use my dominant hand)
    • I can use second hand without problem, but it's not comfortable
    • In occasion
    • I don't feel much diffrence
    • I use my second hand only

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Welcome fellow users,

I had different question for You today - do you use your non-dominant hand (left if you right-handed) to use the mouse and how often... how do you hold the mouse when you use your second hand ?

Feel free to share your experience in this thread.

Have a nice day !

Edited by karolus10
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I voted in occassion. I am a purely left handed in writing, performing precise actions and usually the initiative while at work is to use my left hand first.

For some reason however I learned to predominantly use my right hand for the computer mouse. I don't know why exactly. The shape of the mouses curve just doesn't play out properly in the left hand because they are always designed to fit in a right hand. It also feels silly to use your forefinger for the RMB and your middlefinger for the LMB which is what you get while using your mouse left handed.

I do on occassion use the mouse with my left hand. But never when I need to combine it with typing (like in this instance)

When I do use my mouse left handed I don't move my mouse to the left side of the keyboard though. Rather I cross my left hand to the right side of the keyboard. And it works perfectly. I usually switch when my right hand/arm is getting tired for fear of developing right hand RSI.

PS: I clicked Post reply with my left hand including the placement of this smiley:sticktongue:

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Right-handed, and I almost always use my right hand for the mouse. It's only if it's on the left of the keyboard already that I might use my left hand, and then I'm pretty slow and awkward with it.

The poll would have been better broken down by handedness. I expect almost all right-handed people will almost always use their right hand for the mouse, but for left-handed users it will probably be a lot more variable. (Right-handed, left-handed with right-handed buttons, left-handed with left-handed buttons, etc.)

And there also needs to be an option for "I use a trackpad/ball/point."

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I'm left handed, and I always played with it holding the mouse for all the games I played. (I didn't play Surgeon Simulator very much, tho, for that matter ^^) At first I remapped the keys to the numpad keys so it was easier for me, but I got around it and use WASD just fine with my right hand (and smash Space with the palm).

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Left handed, but I use the mouse / joystick with my right hand only. Well I take it back, I have occasionally used it with my left in situations like... If I have two computers side by side and I don't want both the mice together (because I will ALWAYS grab the wrong one), but it's awkward. In fact my mouse and joystick are right hand only anyway. Guess it's just the way I learned. For what it's worth, I throw with my left hand and shoot firearms with my right, although with a little mental rewiring I can shoot with my left but not as accurately. I tried to teach myself to write with my right hand but my fingers just won't do what I want them to and I can barely read the result. If I'm doing something repetitive like sanding, carving, drilling, sawing, etc I switch hands with no noticeable difference. Maybe I'm just weird.

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