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[0.23.5] Drogue Chute Plus


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Have you ever wanted to send a tiny little landing probe to Duna or Laythe, but the only 1.25 M drogue chute is WAY to big for your probe sized craft? Or have you been using RSS, and your Mars probes fat ol' 1.25 M drogue chute is to heavy? Well this solves that problem!

This is a little mod that adds a probe sized drogue chute, and a radial drogue chute. If you don't know what a drogue chute is, it's a parachute that opens higher up, intended for slowing the craft down during it's atmospheric plunge rather then stopping it. It's useful for reducing the G's put on to the regular parachutes.



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What this adds:

Mini-Drogue Chute: It's the Mk 16 parachute, but it has the parachute characteristics of the stock drogue chute.

Radial Drogue Chute: It's like stock regular radial drogue chute, but it has an orange/black texture and has the characteristics of the stock drogue chute.

Things to do:

Give the Mini-Drogue Chute a custom texture


Mediafire: http://www./download/1s1t3nbsd4x6dor/DrogueChutePlus.rar

Curse: http://kerbal.curseforge.com/ksp-mods/221428-drogue-chute-plus

Please don't judge to harshly, this is my first mod!

Edited by Nicholander
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