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[1.1] RemoteTech v1.6.10 [2016-04-12]


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Are any of the antennas activated?

That really makes no difference, he has the opposite of the usual problem: he can control the probe when he shouldn't be able to. You can see on the map that he neither has a connection nor line-of-sight to KSC (no relay has, either), and even if he did: it's reporting "Local Control" for an unmanned craft...

ModuleManager is clearly working, or Signal Processor and Technology Perk wouldn't be there. The plugin itself is also there and working, as you can see the red dot on the map where the KSC is (I'm pretty sure it's missing when the plugin isn't loaded, isn't it?). I know that probes are uncontrollable in 0.24 when there's no signal (so everything is working as it should) because I had that yesterday when deploying some simple sats (which was fine and part of the plan, but does show me that it works).

Are you possibly using 64 bit and it has something to do with that? I'm on the 32 bit version of KSP (as I don't have enough high-memory-mods to require 64 bit there's little point).

Honestly, I'm thoroughly confused, especially since the modules are shown to be there (and are correct as far as I can tell).

(to actually answer your question: The Omnis are clearly not activated and he said the dish is pointed at KSC, which means it's active or you can't point it anywhere. Unless he pointed it and deactivated it, I guess.)

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I'm looking at the image and the core file myself and I'm stumped. I don't see anything that looks like it's out of place. SPUs for all the antenna and the dish seem like they're set correctly.

I think we'd get a better idea of what's going on if we saw the persistence file for the active craft with the local control problem instead of the craft file.

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Hey folks. I am NOT asking if this mod is 0.24-compliant, because I CAN see by reading through previous pages that it is.

My request -- can this please be noted on the front-post at the very top of the thread?

Otherwise, thanks for an absolutely fantastic mod!

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Ok I created another probe (exactly same as Pathfinder One, my original satellite) and it works! No idea why, when I switch to back to Pathfinder One it still says local control but of course i'm just going to terminate that one. Strange because I even tried re-launching 'One' and it was always local control, I create 'Two' exactly the same and its fine :D

This (working) shot is dedicated to all the people that are trying to help! haha thanks guys;


Now to get cracking on this coverage. Woo excited!

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I looked through your persistence file and I honestly couldn't see anything out of place anyway. In all honesty, the only thing I can think of is that somehow Pathfinder One got designed before RT2 'took over' control. Did you design it the same session you installed RT2? Might be prudent for installation instruction purposes to note if KSP needs to be run and closed once before RT2 takes effect.

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I looked through your persistence file and I honestly couldn't see anything out of place anyway. In all honesty, the only thing I can think of is that somehow Pathfinder One got designed before RT2 'took over' control. Did you design it the same session you installed RT2? Might be prudent for installation instruction purposes to note if KSP needs to be run and closed once before RT2 takes effect.

The Pathfinder line was initially meant to be the Figaro GPS network (Hence why Pathfinder and not really a comms related name) but im sure I created a new probe and just renamed it because I liked the name but not sure, probably did add RT2 afterwards, not sure.

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Just a quick question: I'm about to look into creating a contracts-module for RemoteTech-related contracts and just wanted to make sure that there isn't anyone already working on that (possibly already with some progress). No need to do redundant stuff...

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I looked through your persistence file and I honestly couldn't see anything out of place anyway. In all honesty, the only thing I can think of is that somehow Pathfinder One got designed before RT2 'took over' control. Did you design it the same session you installed RT2? Might be prudent for installation instruction purposes to note if KSP needs to be run and closed once before RT2 takes effect.

It looks like it. I also took a look at the persistence file, and no moduleSPU was added to the probe core. tmk that can only happen if the game overrides the changes made by module manager by loading a saved craft created before the patch was applied. Odd though that the attached antenna has the correct RT modules. Possibly it was attached later in construction, thereby loading its config directly from the patched part config.

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I am NOT asking if this mod is 0.24-compliant, because I CAN see by reading through previous pages that it is.

My request -- can this please be noted on the front-post at the very top of the thread?

I'm not sure its been confirmed it is compatible. This page is full of reports of odd behavior so ... not conclusive I'd say.

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Hrm, lack of any devs around here when a new KSP update drops is a bit odd. Hopefully means a new version is dropping soon. I still can't use the updated version thanks to the time warp bug

Does RT2 play well with the ModuleEnginesFX module?

The latest version should - it's listed in the bug fixes. The previous version did not.

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Fixed my problem: it seems that as well as craft files sub-assemblies can cause issues too

Edit: the problem came back but now it seems that FASA launch clamps cause the local control issue!! :huh:

Edited by montyben101
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Ok I created another probe (exactly same as Pathfinder One, my original satellite) and it works! No idea why, when I switch to back to Pathfinder One it still says local control but of course i'm just going to terminate that one. Strange because I even tried re-launching 'One' and it was always local control, I create 'Two' exactly the same and its fine :D

I don't have much data, but I suspect it's something related to ships launched (and possibly designed) in the previous version. I loaded up my 0.23 save to check compatibility real quick, and saw that my comsat network was all under "local control". But, I slapped together a quick test craft in the VAB, and suddenly it was using remote control, as expected.

I think this is on 32-bit, although I'm not positive.

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Hi, I'm playing with 0.24 testing the contract mode with RemoteTech2 and encounter an array overrun bug.

I sent a tiny probe to Duna, which is made of two parts: a lander and an orbiter. Since I guess it's a bad idea to land on Duna with an unfolded dish antenna which breaks in atmosphere, the orbiter will relay communications until the landing is done (at which point, the lander can use its own antenna). Both parts are equipped with a Communotron 88-88 (dish antenna aimed at Kerbin) and a Reflectron DP-10 (omnidirectionnal antenna to keep contact with the lander). I managed to get into Duna low orbit (first time, yay), so, considering the communication delay, I planed the landing:

  • execute maneuver node to meet the ground
  • activate chute, retract lander solar panels
  • decouple lander
  • execute maneuver node to get the orbiter back into orbit (the mass will be decreased but that's not really a problem)

Decoupling goes fine (though, I should probably switch the controlling probe before in order to be able execute the second maneuver), but then, the lander cannot be controlled, even though:

  • orbiter is still in communication with KSC
  • both still have electricity left
  • both probes are activated
  • both DP-10 are activated

When looking up in the debug console, I get the following errors repeated a varying amount of times, when switching back back to the orbiter:

[Exception]: IndexOutOfRangeException: Array index is out of range.
[Exception]: ArgumentException: Getting control 0's position in a group with only 0 controls when doing Repaint

Here are the SFS files (quicksave) before and after the decoupling (there is one more KSS-DUN probe orbiting the Sun that failed to enter Duna orbit and that I have not retrieved yet):



And the craft file: http://sinon.org/ksp/KSS-DUN.craft


The craft uses a part from the Engineer Redux mod and the error message appears after:

[Log]: [FLIGHT GLOBALS]: Switching To Vessel KSS-DUN Probe ----------------------
[Log]: Camera Mode: AUTO
[Log]: stage manager resuming...

and before:

[Log]: RemoteTech: ModuleRTAntenna: Find TRANSMITTER success.
[Log]: RemoteTech: ModuleRTAntenna: Add TRANSMITTER success.
[Log]: RemoteTech: ModuleRTAntennaPassive: Find TRANSMITTER success.
[Log]: RemoteTech: ModuleRTAntennaPassive: Add TRANSMITTER success.
[Log]: RemoteTech: ModuleRTAntenna: Find TRANSMITTER success.
[Log]: RemoteTech: ModuleRTAntenna: Add TRANSMITTER success.

Edit 2:

After a few more tries, I identified that decoupling was sufficient to trigger the bug (no other order to either detached module) in dunaLow.sfs. Disabling all antennas does not make the error message disappears (new ones continue to appear when switching vessels). The Find/ADD TRANSMITTER messages are not displayed anymore and the errors still appear after:

[Log]: stage manager resuming...

Edited by Yoha
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So I've heard that RT2 "appears" to be working correctly with 0.24, but does that include x64?

It worked fine for me last night with a bundle of other mods (KW rockets .23.5, MKS, KAS .23.5 and many others about 800 plugins at launch) that either had not been "officially updated" for .24 and X64 and I had one crash in about 10 hours of gameplay with all these mods + 200 debris at 1/2 textures and 1/2 rendering.

Now my own personal question, is it possible to "mod the mod" to make it less "game-y and repetitive". What I mean is launching the same exact rocket/sat setup 3 to 10 times gets a little old, I am glad I had mechjeb or I would have never gotten all my sats into orbit. I would like to keep the way you can connect them to each other, but without nearly as much range restriction as it has now. I know the OP has the edit for no time delay but I would like to double the range of the omnidirectional antenna, or have it at least able to target the Mun from about 500K Kerbin orbit.

At the very least I would like to keep the dishes/antenna the mods add (they look cool) and just keep the connectivity part as simple as I can.

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Hrm, lack of any devs around here when a new KSP update drops is a bit odd. Hopefully means a new version is dropping soon. I still can't use the updated version thanks to the time warp bug

The latest version should - it's listed in the bug fixes. The previous version did not.

Thanks. That means I have to do more due diligence as I could reproduce it with this engine on both dev 32 and 1.4.0. More when I have done my part and gathered all the data I can.

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So I've heard that RT2 "appears" to be working correctly with 0.24, but does that include x64?

Take a look at the last 10 posts and let me know if you still think its compatible with 0.24.

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It worked fine for me last night with a bundle of other mods (KW rockets .23.5, MKS, KAS .23.5 and many others about 800 plugins at launch) that either had not been "officially updated" for .24 and X64 and I had one crash in about 10 hours of gameplay with all these mods + 200 debris at 1/2 textures and 1/2 rendering.

Now my own personal question, is it possible to "mod the mod" to make it less "game-y and repetitive". What I mean is launching the same exact rocket/sat setup 3 to 10 times gets a little old, I am glad I had mechjeb or I would have never gotten all my sats into orbit. I would like to keep the way you can connect them to each other, but without nearly as much range restriction as it has now. I know the OP has the edit for no time delay but I would like to double the range of the omnidirectional antenna, or have it at least able to target the Mun from about 500K Kerbin orbit.

At the very least I would like to keep the dishes/antenna the mods add (they look cool) and just keep the connectivity part as simple as I can.

800 plugins? and I was thinking to have too many at 85!

About your question, RT2 has built-in some moddability. In /GameData/RemoteTech2/RemoteTech_settings.cfg you'll find most of what needed. For a rapid across-the-board increase of communication ranges I would advise to mod the line "RangeMultiplier =" to a number fitting your need.

However, I doubt that will make the setup less repetitive. To avoid repetition, you may find a more interesting approach in designing missions that allow to put multiple satellites in orbit together. Try building a vessel able to deploy 3 or 4 sats in KSO, designing an efficient mission profile would make for something interesting (definitely doable).

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800 plugins? and I was thinking to have too many at 85!

About your question, RT2 has built-in some moddability. In /GameData/RemoteTech2/RemoteTech_settings.cfg you'll find most of what needed. For a rapid across-the-board increase of communication ranges I would advise to mod the line "RangeMultiplier =" to a number fitting your need.

However, I doubt that will make the setup less repetitive. To avoid repetition, you may find a more interesting approach in designing missions that allow to put multiple satellites in orbit together. Try building a vessel able to deploy 3 or 4 sats in KSO, designing an efficient mission profile would make for something interesting (definitely doable).

Ahh, that sounds like its just what I need to make the mod a bit more friendly for me and my mod list (that I need to prune tonight), so thank you. I think the last time I loaded the game up it was sitting around 805 plugins and took forever (even on my I7 4770K/SSD setup) to get in game, most of the parts are things I wanted to try and wrote off after trying them, but the game sits pretty solid at 60FPS until I get some debirs floating around and 10+ objects in orbit.

Didn't think about launching multiple com sats in one go, and with KW rockets new parts I think I could launch 2-4 at a time on a manned mission and drop them as I go at different heights and inclinations.

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