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[1.1] RemoteTech v1.6.10 [2016-04-12]


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Away from the computer at the moment, so logs are inaccessible ( :( ) but I noticed something of potential use: I was able to transmit science very well, as long as I was using the technology perk antenna: as soon as I got out of range of it, I was no longer able to. (No comms device available, etc)

When I'm able, I'll try to get some logs, but Ksp time lately has been... Sporadic.


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Hi there! Just installed this mod and I get part but don't get any functionality. I dont have any lines/dots/buttons on map, when I am right-clicking on antenna I can do nothing with it, cuz it's "Locked". What should I do to fix it?
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If you're trying to use it with a probe, you either start with the antena deployed, or you use an antena that is always on. With this mod, everything not manned requires a constant link to the space center in order to do [b]anything[/b] (yes, even right clicking). I'm not sure, but I think probes don't connect by themselves, so you need an antena to do it.
Parabolic antenas can be turned on/off, but I think there's a small one that's always on, so try to attach it to your vessel and see if it works.
If it doesn't, there's probably something missing in the installation.
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I've tried it with the communotron 88 dish, the DTS comm array, and the omni antennas, with the same results on all three. perhaps there are some antennas that work, but these types that I'm mentioning worked before 1.0.5 :) as did all of the ones I tried, before...
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[quote name='ss8913']I've tried it with the communotron 88 dish, the DTS comm array, and the omni antennas, with the same results on all three. perhaps there are some antennas that work, but these types that I'm mentioning worked before 1.0.5 :) as did all of the ones I tried, before...[/QUOTE]

The only ones I've found that work are from other mods and plugins... that are most likely using the old KSP classic method instead of actually following RemoteTech rules.
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[quote name='jrolson']I wanna try this mod but am worried that it will break my current save. Anyone know?

Also how hard is it to figure out how to use this mod?[/QUOTE]

1st: doesnt "break" a savegame... but you would want not to have important unmanned flights out there, cause they are sure to be no under your control anymore

2nd: figuring out: easy; mastering: hard.
building a keosync network is essential for that. You will find some manuals in the forum about that as it is to many to explain.
Once you have done that and it is working - you got the basics and can proceed with launching sats to other planets - or expanding your kerbin network for mun & minmus
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[quote name='ShadowofDawn']Do you really need your network to be keosynch? I just launched a ring of satellites about 2000km out and made sure I had enough with proper spacing that one was always in line of sight with mission control. Four in an approximately square pattern seemed to work fine.[/QUOTE]
The good thing about keosynch is that once you put one there, it will always extend the KSC connection from that satellite. It's helpful for being the first satellite. And of course you don't have to - I personally always put 4 satellites in a batch with a single manned mission, and they are put on a semi-major axis 2Mm circular orbit, and works totally fine as yours.
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In fact, geosynchronous orbit is a bad solution, since your LKO sats won't be able to reach your KEO sats with a single Communotron 16 by default.

But it looks pretty, is easy to define, and feels like an accomplishment.
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[quote name='IntoSpaceAgain']Do you have Science Alert installed, because that sounds very much like the bug with that mod?[/QUOTE]

Yoou were replying to me, right?

And no, I don't have ScienceAlert installed. I do have Station Science, a couple of near future techs, and the community tech tree. (Also others, but thos eare the only ones that seem science relevant.)
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[quote name='Jovus']In fact, geosynchronous orbit is a bad solution, since your LKO sats won't be able to reach your KEO sats with a single Communotron 16 by default.

But it looks pretty, is easy to define, and feels like an accomplishment.[/QUOTE]

Well, that would be a problem if I was trying to use a Communotron 16. Instead, I use a DTS-M1 targeted on Kerbin. This has the dual effect of providing the control link to KSC as well as providing a relay to everything in range of the DTS-M1, which includes DP-10's on the surface. The cone reaches out far enough to cover an orbital altitude of about 750Km.
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Has there been a release/update for remote tech? I'm having the same problem where I tell things to transmit and nothing happens. The report/science/samples are removed but nothing is transferred and i can promptly do the science again. Big fan of the mod but as above, this seems to happen with anything i try and transmit be it from the processing lab, mun, orbit and doesnt matter the type of data. I've gone through the checklist of making sure i have power & a good connection but nothing.
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[quote name='Tyverus']Has there been a release/update for remote tech? I'm having the same problem where I tell things to transmit and nothing happens. The report/science/samples are removed but nothing is transferred and i can promptly do the science again. Big fan of the mod but as above, this seems to happen with anything i try and transmit be it from the processing lab, mun, orbit and doesnt matter the type of data. I've gone through the checklist of making sure i have power & a good connection but nothing.[/QUOTE]

Well, there is the latest version, 1.6.9, but numerous people have reported the science transmission issue. The mod dev sez:

[quote name='Peppie23']I'll check the science transmission problems this weekend.[/QUOTE]

Of course, real life may have intruded, or he doesn't have it solved yet.
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[quote name='Gryphon']Well, there is the latest version, 1.6.9, but numerous people have reported the science transmission issue. The mod dev sez:

Of course, real life may have intruded, or he doesn't have it solved yet.[/QUOTE]

Would giving him money help? I can't seem to find the button to do that.
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OK I think I finally found out what's the problem - it seems like due to the support for aborted transmission and returning back data, those piece of code has been refactored, and one new event is introduced called GameEvents.OnTriggeredDataTransmission. This event calls the lab/surveyor complete method to finish up the transmission, including adding science. Since it's newly added in 1.0.5, 1.0.4 code will certainly break as is.
So I just added
Along with a hack to fix NRE, it seems working now.

[URL="https://www.dropbox.com/s/j7rnm3n2l8k2iqt/RemoteTech.zip?dl=0"]zip[/URL] includes my compiled dll and changed ModuleRTDataTransmitter.cs. Take it as you wish. Don't take it as official version or whatsoever - I'm not familiar with either KSP code base or RT code base. All I did is hacking here and there to make it work for myself.
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Strange issue and not sure where it belongs exactly. It could very well be my mish mash of mods and tinkering around with stuff but in case it's not and someone says "oh, I had exactly that issue and did this to fix..."

Gemini Antenna from FASA pack. RO/RSS usual shenanigans. Remote Tech etc

It states 200mm - which is 200,000 km to me and you. Plenty of range for a geostationary orbit.
Created probe with multiple antenna. Launched - connected to KSC in geostationary with TV antenna - happy days.

TV antenna wasn't placed for connecting to KSC, it was a temporary fix, so I activated Gemini Antenna, connected to KSC - all works fine. Then I deactivated TV antenna and suddenly I have no connection. I rechecked distances and then launched another probe - same thing happened. Gemini will not connect to KSC at that range.

Here's the bit that tickles me. I installed HyperEdit to do some testing. I don't specifically know the exact range of connectivity from a switched off position but...

Above 25,000km, Gemini Antenna won't connect to KSC. I mean it will and it says everything is fine, but once you switch off another antenna connected to KSC, the Gemini dies.
However - if you're close to KSC, I think I was around 500km, then I can connect the Gemini to KSC, switch off the other antenna and the Gemini will remain connected. It will also remain connected all the way out to geostationary range, providing you keep it on.

Range isn't an issue as per above. Switching on / off isn't an issue because Gemini connects to other probes and holds its connection even when other antennas are switched off
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