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Olympian - Utility Drop Ship

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Presenting the all new Olympian, a utility dropship that can earn its keep. :wink:

The ship is at its happiest ferrying cargo between KSC and the island airstrip.



A fuel dump is included as standard for refueling/docking practice.



  • Heavy Haulage Capability
  • Benign Handling
  • Easy Cargo Docking
  • Full Sub-assembly Compatibility
  • Flexible Fuel System
  • RCS And Standard Editions Included




1 - Toggle Jets

2 - Toggle Rockets

3 - Toggle docking Port Lights

5 - Undock Side/Front Ports

8 - Toggle Ladders

9 - Put Gearbox In D

0 - Put Gearbox In R

ABORT - Undock/Decouple Main Docking Port


Like all my craft the Olympian features a horizontal axis cockpit for suborbital flying and a vertical axis docking port for orbital piloting and navigation. The top docking port operates in line with the engines and must be used when performing burns with the navbal. You can also use the top docking port if you'd rather fly the craft like a regular rocket. ASAS should be left on at all times and a joystick is highly recommended. By default the ship comes with the reserve tanks empty and the rocket fuel tanks half full, this can be tweaked depending on the cargo load and range of the mission. The jets should be used for cruising while the rocket engines should be activated for landing, extremely heavy loads or emergency power. The recommended maximum operating height is 15,000m.



  • The more level the ground is the better chance of a successful dock, even a small incline can cause major problems.
  • Avoid using the brakes where possible instead press 9 or 0 to reverse thrust on the taxi engines.
  • Only use the brakes to lock your position above the cargo.
  • If you're carrying fuel you may need to disable the cross-feed otherwise the ship will start siphoning gas off.
  • Press 3 to activate the docking lamp, this will make lining up the ports easier.
  • Setting control to the cargo port is the most accurate way of ensuring you're lined up. Just make sure the cargo/target is in the center of the navball.
  • Once you're lined up raise the gear to dock to your cargo.
  • Double clicking on the windscreen inside the cockpit will give you an excellent view to dock with.
  • Ensure any cargo you create has its docking port set to decouple with the abort key.

Enjoy! :)



Edited by Cupcake...
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Pretty as always! but doesn't yet look as refined as the more developed crafts...

<edit that felt like a comsult> what I was trying to say is that it still looks a bit rough around the edges

Edited by WooDzor
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Another incredible ship by Cupcake !! :cool: thanks.

the ship in the teaser is even more crazy !! Poor train.

Thanks! I'm gonna try and have it ready for release this weekend. With a video of course! :)

Pretty as always! but doesn't yet look as refined as the more developed crafts...

<edit that felt like a comsult> what I was trying to say is that it still looks a bit rough around the edges

She's not gonna win any beauty pagents for sure, but I don't think any of my utlity drop ships have really been lookers. :P


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