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Novice Kerbonaut


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Greetings fellow Kerbonauts!

I'm Marco, from Portugal and just wanted to introduce myself to this amazing community... I've been playing KSP for the last month or so... and I absolutely love it! The game, all of the community, the modding community, the dev. engagement, everything really!!!

I've never been that much into space exploration, and thanks to KSP i'm starting to get more into it... also learning a lot about physics :P

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Greetings fellow Kerbonauts!

I'm Marco, from Portugal and just wanted to introduce myself to this amazing community... I've been playing KSP for the last month or so... and I absolutely love it! The game, all of the community, the modding community, the dev. engagement, everything really!!!

I've never been that much into space exploration, and thanks to KSP i'm starting to get more into it... also learning a lot about physics :P

Glad to have you onboard Marco! I hope you enjoy the game!

Now get out there and launch some rockets if you haven't already! And remember, you can never have too many boosters! :D



P.S. This is a shameless plug, but once you get familiar with the game a little, have landed a couple Kerbals on the Mun perhaps, and want to start dreaming bigger, feel free to take a look at my thread (http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/57509-Kerbin-and-Beyond-a-Maturing-Space-Program) for some ideas. Also, I'll be starting a new save from scratch soon with 0.24, maybe a week or two after it comes out (and some of the mods I've played with have updated to it), and documenting it from the *very beginning*, so that'll be an interesting tutorial in the early game if you haven't found much time to play KSP by then...

Edited by Northstar1989
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Welcome to the forums! :) Glad to hear you've been enjoying yourself, and that you like our humble little community.

Playing KSP is definitely a learning experience. I was really into space exploration at a young age, but as I got older I sort of got distracted by other interests. It took finding this game and discovering it had been the sort of thing I'd been hoping to play ever since I was very young to rekindle my interest. I've found myself buying a lot more books on astronomy and historical space missions in recent months than I've read for several years before that.

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Hi Marco, and welcome!

I agree, this game is quite addictive and the forum is great! :D

Addictive how? It's normal to plan your whole week around KSP time and start taking the bus to work instead of driving because that gives you an extra hour to think about designs and plug stuff into your spreadsheets on the laptop. Right? Right?

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