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RCS for particular vehicle?

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Hi there quick question here,

I have a moon lander with RCS, my main ship also uses RCS. The moon lander is attached to the main ship, I need to only use the RCS on the main ship because I have come up 126m/s short of an orbit, and I stashed loads of monopropellant. How do I do this?

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You can right click the RCS thrusters on the lander and click the "disable" button, then re-enable them when you release.

IIRC this can also be set up in advance in the VAB via action groups, might be useful for next time!

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You use the RCS system the same way as for the lander. And you can use all of the RCS ports at the same time If you want.

If you are asking because you only want to use monopro from specific tanks, you can right-click on the tanks you want to keep full and click on the little green arrow on the right in the popup. It will turn red indicating that tank will not feed. Just remembet to turn it back on when needed.

You can also transfer monopropellant around the same way as fuel and oxidizer. Right click on one tank, then hold ALT and right click on the other tank. Now you can transfer monopro in/out as needed.

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Right click on the monopropellent tanks on the Moon Lander and click the Green Triangle so it becomes a Red Circle with a slash through it. That will prevent it from being used. Then when you decople do the opposite so you can use them again.

You could also not do anything and use them all, then once you've reached orbit transfer monoprop from the main to the moon lander using Alt+Right click

Edit: Errrr ninja x4 LAME!

Edited by Greenspan
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If you are asking because you only want to use monopro from specific tanks, you can right-click on the tanks you want to keep full and click on the little green arrow on the right in the popup. It will turn red indicating that tank will not feed. Just remembet to turn it back on when needed.

This is what I was looking for thank you, I figured out the right click to disable, but the mono-pro tanks were still being used Wasn't sure what the green arrow thing was for it didn't seem to have an effect....cost me a trip to the MUN but eh Ill go again.

//Sorry for being a bit vague in my OP, this game is costing me a lot of sleep.

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This is what I was looking for thank you, I figured out the right click to disable, but the mono-pro tanks were still being used Wasn't sure what the green arrow thing was for it didn't seem to have an effect....cost me a trip to the MUN but eh Ill go again.

Are you saying that you disabled the tanks (it had the red circle/slash) but the tank was still getting used? If so, then we might have another problem.

//Sorry for being a bit vague in my OP, this game is costing me a lot of sleep.

Hahaha, welcome to the club. I call it, Kerboholics anonymous. :D

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Nah sorry I meant the disable on the RCS boosters themselves. I didn't disable the tanks when I tried because I didn't know what it did, thus they were depleted.

All is sorted now, I still failed my MUN landing in any case. I seem to have a new type of problem ----> unlock bigger rockets ------> use bigger rockets -----> get even less distance then I did when using small efficient rockets.

I made a ship with 2 asparagus booster stages(the 2000thrust ones I forget the name) and a 3 stage core and ran out of fuel near the MUN....yet now I am back to the "oldschool" builds I made and am getting to minimus.

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Yes, when unlocking big parts it is easy to get suckered into adding more and more engines/fuel. Truly when designing rockets, less is more. You don't necessarily have to go for the minimum parts all the time, but be aware that simply slapping on more tanks and boosters doesn't alway mean you'll go further.

Rather than spamming you with instructions, I will simply tell you that you are on the right track. Keep trying and testing things out. Unlike real life, failure is just dandy in the kerbal space program. :D (at least for now...)

If you get stuck, let us know and we are more than happy to help.

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Thanks claw!

I must admit as much as it pains me, I'm truly struggling getting my tiny separate "manned" moon lander to MUN. I have no idea of the proper procedure to launching cargo, (anything not contributing to the rockets movements itself) it doesn't even look like it weighs a lot. it fits within 2 normal blocked fuel tanks.

been struggling for about 5 hours now, juggling various designs that don't work. The most Ive acheived was about 2,176m/s orbit speed off Kerbin.

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Okay. There are certainly things that can help with that.

Here is a post from Taki117 That has some useful links to get you started.

First off let me give you some tools in your toolbox.

This is a dV map. It will help with figuring out how much dV you need for a transfer. I use it alot.

This is a transfer time calculator. It will give you a launch time based on various parameters and a dV estimation base on the transfer times.

This rocket design and flight path will get you to the Mun and back with fuel to spare. By extension it should also get you to Minmus.

This Mod will help with figuring out how much dV you actually have. Also, This one will eliminate the need to add the part.

Now that you have the tools required for the job, I leave the rest up to you.

Don't feel forced to use mods if you don't want to.

Also, here are some tutorials from Pecan that might help out.


You can also dig around on Youtube and look for short videos on how to reach orbit, and how to get to/land on Mun.

Take it a step at a time. Don't feel like you have to watch a 40 minute video then do it all. Focus on one thing, like getting to orbit, and do it several times before moving on.

Good luck!

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Good stuff, thank you. First things first though gonna grab myself about 5 hours of sleep and then straight back to my new Fix in the morning.

Gotta love holidays! I'm a bit worried though KSP is slowly becoming one of my favourite games, and when that happens life around me stops for a while :P

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