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Switching command module, but keeping rocket

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Is it possible in the VAB to change which command module one is using, or possibly to copy a command-module-less rocket over to another construction with a different command module? I want to make a generic heavy lift rocket, but if the command module must stay the same, my options are limited.

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Is it possible in the VAB to change which command module one is using, or possibly to copy a command-module-less rocket over to another construction with a different command module? I want to make a generic heavy lift rocket, but if the command module must stay the same, my options are limited.

Unfortunately, this is not possible. You can\'t load multiple ships into the VAB, and you can\'t switch out the pod later.

Perhaps, in a later stage of development, HarvesteR might add this feature. Otherwise, maybe an entrepreneurial modder/plugin developer might add the feature.

At any rate, this is a nice feature, so I\'d suggest you flesh out the idea a bit and post it as a feature suggestion, over at the KSP Development sub-forum.

Make sure to search first, to see if somebody else hasn\'t made the same or similar suggestion before.

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It shouldn\'t break things as long as both pods have the attachment nodes required. i.e. if you have a command pod with a chute on top and rocket below, changing to a pod with no chute node, it might get wonky. Otherwise, you should be able to change it, load into VAB to make sure all parts are still connected and away you go.


Capt\'n Skunky

KSP Community Manager

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