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[1.0.x] [V1.9f] Kerbal Foundries wheels, anti-grav repulsors and tracks


What to work on next?  

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  1. 1. What to work on next?

    • More wheels
    • More tracks
    • Rover bodies
    • Landing gear
    • Landing legs
    • Something completely different

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Little progress on this:

Thanks to V8jester for tackling the IVA setup. Texturing, a little tweaking and some extra IVA goodness to go before it's finished.

Also, I had another go at the HD version of the large wheel. I think it's starting to look fantastic, even if I say so myself! Doesn't really seem to have an impact on performance...

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That's easy, I can just turn the texturing tiling up! I just bunged it on to have something more than white, but no reason it can't be incorporated into the final texture. I was thinking some kind of grey, maybe with the usual warning stickers and so-on here and there. Nothing too nuts, I'm not that artistic..

Really pleased with the wheels, they look so good in-game :)

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Thank you again for the quick reply earlier today.

No major problems anymore with the last patch, great. :)

I also tryed the "Lithobrake Exploration Technologies"-Mod, with the big Landerpods, and the Mk4-Mod with its large Cargobays..



There is a problem with the colission of the Foundrie-wheels on the Pod or Cargbay grounds. While the stock-wheels "work", the Foundrie-Wheels sadly just float through the models.

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I guess "not as long as the last one" is a fair statement :)

I'll probably just update when I've got another model finished to be honest; no point in keeping people waiting for no reason. Last update contained some pretty serious changes behind the scenes to enable more advanced parts, which is why it all took so long. I think I've got all the tools I need to make some pretty crazy stuff now; motorcycle wheels included. What always holds me up is to texturing.... I can make, unwrap and rig a model in a few hours. Texturing takes me days!

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  lo-fi said:

FAQ & Troubleshooting:

This mod crashes my game. There are a few possibilities:

You're running KSP Win64. DON'T. It doesn't work correctly, Squad don't support it and neither do I. Some people manage; bad luck if you're not one of those.

You're running active texture management. It hasn't crashed, be patient while it compresses the textures for the first time. Startup will be quicker subsequently.

You're running too many mods and you're out of memory. Trim down your install, force OpenGL or run Active Texture Management (or similar).

I've yet to run into anything that isn't caused by one of those things listed about. Crashing is usually memory related.

SO, you day dont get the mod if you're running ksp Win64? I RUN IT, and, THE MOD RUNS PERFECTLY.

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  DiamondHawk427 said:
  lo-fi said:

FAQ & Troubleshooting:

This mod crashes my game. There are a few possibilities:

You're running KSP Win64. DON'T. It doesn't work correctly, Squad don't support it and neither do I. Some people manage; bad luck if you're not one of those.

You're running active texture management. It hasn't crashed, be patient while it compresses the textures for the first time. Startup will be quicker subsequently.

You're running too many mods and you're out of memory. Trim down your install, force OpenGL or run Active Texture Management (or similar).

I've yet to run into anything that isn't caused by one of those things listed about. Crashing is usually memory related.

SO, you day dont get the mod if you're running ksp Win64? I RUN IT, and, THE MOD RUNS PERFECTLY.

What causes a crash in x64 is super high part count ships and bouncing in and out of the VAB and flight. I run Win 7 x64 with over 50 mods. Works great, but I do deal with crashes every now and then when I work on my super detailed builds.

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Hey, if you run in KSP 64-bit, good for you. (Keep in mind, KSP 64-bit is not the dsame as simply running kSP in a 64-bit operation system. It's two separate issues.) No one's telling anyone not to get it. The fact is that it's been tested with mods and without mods that KSP is simply not very stable in x64. It's not unstable in a consistent way, however, so one person might have perfect performance while the other crashes every time they do anything at all, and any variation between those two extremes. With this being the case, the first suggestion for issues with any mod will usually be to make sure you're not running in 64-bit. No one's forbidden to do so, but if you choose to do it then you also forfeit the possibility that the rest of us can diagnose a problem you are experiencing. That is simply how it is, and how it will be until either Squad or the Unity people can figure out a solution.

Also, in my experience, high part count ships cause crashes no matter what bit rate you're running at. Even the people who post videos of high part count ships often have to speed up the playback to account for the temporal delay that KSP sets so that it can properly handle the physics of all those parts.

Edited by Gaalidas
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Someone made a motorbike with the surface tracks Darren, though it may have been heavily fudged with reaction wheels. Beyond that, I'm not really sure! Centre hub steer with swing arm, you say.... I'll see what I can do! I must remember to push the HD parts to the dev branch so you can have a play around :)

I don't prohibit using 64 bit, and if it works for you, great. But given the quirky nature of KSP 64, as Gaalidas pointed out, it's wiser to warn people off..

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Is it just me or having a dozen of repulsors makes game extremely laggy?


On a side note, I really like their sounds.

As to what to work on next - maybe better model for repulsors? Like in matrix, and glowing.


Edited by sashan
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  lo-fi said:
I don't prohibit using 64 bit, and if it works for you, great. But given the quirky nature of KSP 64, as Gaalidas pointed out, it's wiser to warn people off..

I agree and you as well as Gaalidas are absolutely right. And in hind sight that probably just came accross as a 32 / 64 bit rant. Didn't intend that, sorry. And most definitely. If you like x64 great, but bug tracking and all has been much harder for the devs ever since x64 was introduced. I run both for this reason. I won't report a bug unless I can reproduce it in my 32 bit install with no other mods, saves everyone a lot of headache.

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Very wise!

Not noticed or had reported so far, Sashan. Does it still happen with the dust turned off? Nothing spamming the log, I take it?

Cool craft, I like it. I'm hoping we get more shader and effect optiobs with U5 - will have to wait and see :)

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No, spamming was the first thing I checked. Nothing.

I will test it without dust... But it is possible to keep it for tracks at the same time? Oh, and sorry for stupid question, but how to disable dust?

Oh, and sometimes I get this for half a second or so, then it reverts to normal.

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That's very odd. You can toggle dust on and off in the little gui menu. Sadly global for all KF parts, but I think you can disable on individual parts too, if we left that option in... How many are you using, and which variant? The module doesn't do a lot, and the models are very simple. Dust is the thing I can think might send it crazy.

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I am using the smallest surface attach version. Will do some more testing now, KSP is loading...

As soon as that craft lost the fight with Abrams the lagging stopped. :P

Oh, here's the dust problem I also have, forgot about pic.

Oh, and sometimes I get this for half a second or so, then it reverts to normal.


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So, if you have the camera option disabled, then you'll get this strange area around the KSC where it thinks it's in a tundra region, or it doesn't have a biome defined at all (I'm unsure which is correct) and it will revert to the tundra/default color (whichever is the case) which is more of a grey color in either case. There's really nothing I can do about that. This was one of the many reasons why we chose to attempt a camera color sampler.

I must say, in that picture, I'm confused as to why there's no KF icon in your AppLauncher.

Edited by Gaalidas
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