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[1.0.x] [V1.9f] Kerbal Foundries wheels, anti-grav repulsors and tracks


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  1. 1. What to work on next?

    • More wheels
    • More tracks
    • Rover bodies
    • Landing gear
    • Landing legs
    • Something completely different

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I'll have a think about that, sounds like quite a serious project. The wheel colliders actually have a way of measuring how much force is applied at the contact point, so rather than self levelling, a way of adjusting suspension settings to equalise how much weight each is taking ought to be entirely feasible without too much work... It would be a start, anyway.

Still hacking away at wheel stuff, almost got everything back together :D Though how on earth I've managed to write all that code and have it work as well as it does it absolutely beyond me. Justin has just given me another idea for how to make the mirror plugin work, so I might see how that goes, and I still need to finish re-organising all the parts, meshes, textures, materials etc. with appropriates names and getting rid of the deprecated stuff. Getting there slowly.

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Oh, I think maybe lunch time today...

Just been reading the latest dev notes, sounds like there is s one really solid stuff coming up for .26. Editor improvements sound excellent, in particular.

I'm almost done with the code for the moment and have been watching as many texturing tutorials as I can get my hands on. Might actually get some use out of that Wacom tablet I bought all those months ago..

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I'll happily accept blender files ;)

I've never tried modeling. Sorry... I was considering downloading blender or something like that, but you know how it is. I'm messing around in Gimp, but it's more like photoshoping, than texturing.

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Oh, I think maybe lunch time today...

Just been reading the latest dev notes, sounds like there is s one really solid stuff coming up for .26. Editor improvements sound excellent, in particular.

I'm almost done with the code for the moment and have been watching as many texturing tutorials as I can get my hands on. Might actually get some use out of that Wacom tablet I bought all those months ago..

Great, there goes all those long-undeveloped editor extensions that I've become so used to using. I sure hope those improvements will be a good replacement for those mods.

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I've been wondering for a while. The antigrav stuff "uses negative gravioli particles" to resist gravity, I guess. But how hard would it be to put a mode switch thing in the context menu and have it instead apply down-force for traction purposes? Was this already discussed/thrown out of the figurative window?

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In typical Kerbal fashion, the repulsors actually do nothing so clever ;) They're essentially just wheels with the grip set to zero, so not really possible there. Adding a magic force is easy enough, but I always felt it was a little bit of a cheat, I have to admit.

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Having troubles with the gav pads making heavy craft bounce up and down on load. This is causing the runway to blow up as with my craft. I am using LLL mod and a custom piece that I've called a 36x1 witch is a rather large flat piece that it only as tall as a normal 1x1 piece yet 36 wide and long or something like that....

The craft has 20 pads a group of 4 at each corner and 2 in the middle on both sides, I have them set at max height to start. I might try them at zero and landed on the landing legs to elimanate that load in bounce. But thought you would like to know about the trouble that I have been having with it recently. IF I can fix this craft to where it does not bounce the runway to death or itself I'll post pictures or even make it into my twitch stream and make it into a highlight.

Otherwise GREAT work on this mod, and looking forward to the longer tracks. ^_^

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Having troubles with the gav pads making heavy craft bounce up and down on load. This is causing the runway to blow up as with my craft. I am using LLL mod and a custom piece that I've called a 36x1 witch is a rather large flat piece that it only as tall as a normal 1x1 piece yet 36 wide and long or something like that....

The craft has 20 pads a group of 4 at each corner and 2 in the middle on both sides, I have them set at max height to start. I might try them at zero and landed on the landing legs to elimanate that load in bounce. But thought you would like to know about the trouble that I have been having with it recently. IF I can fix this craft to where it does not bounce the runway to death or itself I'll post pictures or even make it into my twitch stream and make it into a highlight.

Otherwise GREAT work on this mod, and looking forward to the longer tracks. ^_^

Cheers dude. Next update should fix that, I'm smoothing out how the repulsors deal with height changes. I'd definitely suggest for a workaround setting the height of the replusors to something low for launch; 1.5 or two, maybe, then ramp up the height slowly using the action group or GUI slider after launch. I love that it's blowing the runway up, though XD! Look forward to the vid/pics.

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Hey, are any of these new innovations really, down at the very bottom, not just a form of "hacky" programming? A high-school teacher of mine used to say that there were no such things as features, only bugs. Bugs we like, and bugs we don't like.

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True dat. Though I still can't figure out why the suspension on the inverted side is softer than the non inverted side :/

Still, I did invent a new LookAt controller in the process because the stock one isn't really suitable for this kind of craziness. And the mirror plugin has many potential applications, not just wheels if I can get it to work reliably. Will probably take a break after getting 1.8 out though, putting far more time into this than is healthy!

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So, I must say those wheels are really "purdy" and I really want them. The hover "wheels" are interesting. I worry about keeping the craft oriented properly for long-distance, but I sorta have an idea ofw hat you did there. I looks like something similar to the omni-wheel, but without the visual element and with your new suspensions. Even as it is now, you've definitely filled the bill for something I've been trying to do for quite some times using other hover-related mods... and failed miserably.

For keeping the craft oriented and to move it I just use an ass-ton of RCS thrusters and SAS on at all times.

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So...I had a run with the latest (as of last night) update to the dev stuff and... yeah... you borked it real good. So, the wheels work... sorta. Except for steering.... sorta. Lets see if I can explain it. The wheels turn at the expected angles, and the craft moves in the expected direction when that steering is applied, but the "animation" of the wheels turning in backwards. So, I'm getting that cool variable steering angles, and it's applying itself to the craft movement properly, but it all looks to be reversed. I can report that the appearance is the only thing that is broken. Suspension and steering calculations all seem to be fine, it just looks like physics got screwed over when the wheels turn left and your craft turns right.

So yeah, maybe you mistyped a negative symbol somewhere in there, or forgot one?

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I actually spent a few minutes looking at your changes to those files and while I know enough to be dangerous (I could break anything in seconds, I'm so dangerous) I don't know enough to make heads or tails of anything in there. So... I dunno. Could have to do with you deciding to reinvent the LookAt stuff maybe?

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