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[1.0.x] [V1.9f] Kerbal Foundries wheels, anti-grav repulsors and tracks


What to work on next?  

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  1. 1. What to work on next?

    • More wheels
    • More tracks
    • Rover bodies
    • Landing gear
    • Landing legs
    • Something completely different

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  XenonBlade said:



A hovercraft built specifically for FAR! Hits about 150m/s over the ocean. The lowest part sits a few centimetres away from the water.

I tried to fly it to the south pole, but unfortunately I ran out of fuel about halfway.

That's a beautiful craft. I can imagine that fuel and electric energy could become a problem on a super long flight. You might try reducing the number of repulsor pads you have on it, or finding some more efficient jets. I imagine the wing parts being used reduce the load on the repulsors are high speed though.

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I'd assume he's running out of jet fuel at the midway point, not electrical charge. What he needs is a good electric powered propeller, in my opinion, but I know not everyone likes using propellers for propulsion.

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  Madrias said:
I'd assume he's running out of jet fuel at the midway point, not electrical charge. What he needs is a good electric powered propeller, in my opinion, but I know not everyone likes using propellers for propulsion.

Yeah, running out of jet fuel is the issue. An electric propeller would be a good idea. I could swap out the jet fuel for a small LF/O tank (those little generators are incredibly efficient, as long as you comment out the noises so that they're tolerable) and travel for an incredibly long time. Longer, if I switched away from fuel-based generators.

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Already many time I am convinced that it is the Awesome mod!


This thing floats at the 4-6 meters over the Kerbin, and can accelerate to 350+ km/h. This thing can fly, if the hill appear on the way.

I am sorry for my translate, because i'm from Russia.

Edited by Medic
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Hey, it's better than my Russian ;) Thanks for sharing!

Apologies to all for my lack of presence lately, I've been having a bit of time off.

Reading back a few posts, and for those of you who were wondering why I was messing around with bulldozer blades, rather than more wheels or whatever.... Someone told me - I forget who - right at the outset: do you find fun and makes you happy. Which is pretty much what I was doing ;) There is an added bonus that I now understand so much more about colliders, layers, wheel colliders, materials and many other things I didn't know before I started messing about with it. The dozer blade may or may not be useless, but that knowledge sure isn't. And I'd encourage anyone who has ideas or requests for parts I've not created (yet) to pick up the tools and see what you can do. It's within anyone's reach to create a part - just start at the beginning like I did :)

I've been busy getting my texturing workflow sorted out, so some of the newer parts are now textured to an acceptable point for the next release. I really don't find it easy, but I don't think the results are too bad so far, and it'll improve as I learn more about the tools.

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It's amazing what you can accomplish with something that's only half busted. I lost half of my wheels on a 32-wheel rig I created a few months ago and still managed to go a fair ways on Kerbin itself. Yeah, so I did crash eventually, since the whole front of the long-hulled rover was hanging by a thread and the ground sorta decided to rise up and smack me in the face... but I was kinda asking for it anyway running at top speed with less than a bottle of glue holding that thing together.

EDIT: Lo-fi, you... err... little man... err... thing! Okay I didn't think too hard on that one. Anyway... when you did your last few updates to the github, you reversed every optimization and addition I made to any of your code, even if you didn't actually change anything in that file. This is one of those moments when, in my younger days of trying to manage Ultima Online servers and honing my isometric building skills (I was pretty awesome, if I'm allowed to claim that myself.), where my friend at the time would do something that just irritated me and the only thing I could think of to say at that moment was... and I quote myself (scary isn't it?).. "U Suk!"

Anyway, good to have you back in action, can't wait to see what else you irritate me wit.... I mean, what new and exciting things you come out with. That was a close one...

Edited by Gaalidas
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Doh! I forgot when I synced the changes that my VS setup batch copies into the dev repo, so it just merrily over wrote the freshly synced updated files. I'll have to do something about that...

On the plus side, I've annihilated the last few bugs with the plugin, so once textures are finished and I've taken out some of the debugging features I think its good to go beta. Even the rover body will be good to go. Fanfare please!

Considering reconstruction of the DSR3 from scratch too, matching textures with mine. Spanner doesn't seem to be around any more, and I don't have the source files sadly. There were a few bits we were going to tidy up, but its been months since I heard from him now - I just hope he's ok, was not well last I heard.

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Your image links are broken cdodders.

Yes, it does appear so, Eddlm. in 1.7, you'll need to flip it in the right click menu in SPH. Next version doesn't have that issue as I changed the method :) Glad you're enjoying the parts.

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I really need to quit messing around in 0.25 and at least try to get used to 0.90. That whole editor merge kinda screwed me over, especially that part with the "switch modes" being not locked down like it should be. The player should be in complete control of mode switch, not "I think you want this attached as Radial, not mirror." "I want mirrored." "Sorry, I say it's radial, and I won't let you change it back!"

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  Madrias said:
The player should be in complete control of mode switch, not "I think you want this attached as Radial, not mirror." "I want mirrored." "Sorry, I say it's radial, and I won't let you change it back!"

You can toggle it with R. If you place a part radially, the game will automatically switch to radial because it can't figure out what's supposed to happen otherwise, and the same applies to mirror symmetry.

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What's all this? I hadn't even noticed it had changed, other than the rotation axis seems to be a little less random, and you have to push S instead of A to get the wheels into the right orientation in the SPH. Other than that, I gather there's a load of fluff about buildings and some Kerbal experience thing I couldn't care less about.

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I've had it stick in Radial while I was building in Mirror.

As for ideas... Got a few minor ones, though they may take some plugin code to make 'em work.

One, I'm inspired by the Bahamuto Dynamics Critter Crawler, but more of a ruggedized design. Eight-legged, non retractable, but otherwise controls like a rover (the BD one tends to not like to turn... Found that out a lot of times the hard way). Essentially, the thought was to take the RoveMax baseplate, stick a round section in there, and mount legs to that. Only reason I ask here about it is because there's a lot of talent for the unusual, and because the BD one is saddled with retracting legs and a tuck-away engine I don't need.

The second is a nice, UFO (flying saucer) styled cockpit. High visibility, and stack-mounts to either 1.25 or 2.5m stacks. Minimalist IVA, consisting of a low-mounted dash panel with Compass, Navball, and Altimeter.

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  lo-fi said:
What's all this? I hadn't even noticed it had changed, other than the rotation axis seems to be a little less random, and you have to push S instead of A to get the wheels into the right orientation in the SPH. Other than that, I gather there's a load of fluff about buildings and some Kerbal experience thing I couldn't care less about.

You might want to experiment with the four buttons in the top left. Offset in particular is really useful.

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I'm still a bit scared of the new editor controls. I like all the power we have at our disposal, but I'd finally become very used to how the old editor worked with Editor Extensions and all that, so now I'll be hitting the wrong hot keys constantly.

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I honestly haven't been using some of the new gizmos a lot. Mainly the rotation one, for 2 reasons. 1. I found that whenever rotating a wing part on one of my attempted planes, switching back to place and trying to move said wing messed up the rotations and left the wing at odd angles. 2. The habit of using the keys for rotation still exists for me, and those rotation controls do still exist and are functional.

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