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A couple of Space Telescopes

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I feel like showing you my space telescopes. Care to see?

The first one I put up just for fun. It doesn't actually do anything. I placed it in orbit about Kerbin at a point precisely between the Mun and Minmus, just because. Use the multidirectional docking port to give it a sense of scale. It was rad when I built it, but then I got a mod.

The second one is actually a functioning IR telescope from the Interstellar Mod that generates science points per day. It's in a lower orbit precisely half the distance between the Mun and Kerbin. I have no idea where an IR telescope should be placed, whatever. You can see this is HUGE. The rear portion is made with 2.5m parts, the lower portion of the big tube is a 3.75m procedural fairing and the end is a 5m one! There is a B9 fuselage storage thing on the back too, allowing me to stuff in some fidlybits that may or may not have a function other than looking cool. A KAS container for repairs, a shielded docking port in case we need to send a manned mission to repair it, a radiator for no reason. The IR Telescope itself is more like a radar dish looking bit, and it is placed between the batteries and tube, facing down the tube. It was all stuffed inside a more ridiculously-sized procedural fairing and sent up.


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