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I need help, my engine that I'm making won't create thrust

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I'm creating an engine and so far I've gotten the part itself into KSP. It collides, has nodes that are in the correct places and it burns through fuel extremely fast (it's a large engine). When I click on it during a burn it says it's producing thrust, however it just doesn't go anywhere. I feel like my thrust vector is starting inside of my collision mesh but I don't know how to check that or fix it.

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How do I get to that? I don't see those options?

- In Unity, make sure you are using the Local Rotation Axes mode

- Open the GameObject menu and click Create Empty

- Change the name of this new empty object into thrustTransform (or whatever corresponds to the current value of the thrustVectorTransformName variable in your part.cfg's ModuleEngines PartModule)

- Position / rotate the transform so that the blue arrow is pointing down

- Save and re-export the engine model

If you're still stuck, perhaps you should post screenshots of your model and its constituent objects in Unity.

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