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Translating The Kerbals...


Have you translated for Kerbals?  

  1. 1. Have you translated for Kerbals?

    • I've tried: it's inaudible
    • Yes, I've done this and they are actually saying things
    • I don't care/I'm too lazy or incapable of doing this but I'd like to know.

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Hi guys,

Squad has posted a ton of videos, and we have been told that Kerbal speech is Spanish played in reverse.

So........has anyone translated what they are saying in all these videos????

I would, but I don't speak Spanish.

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Actually, all the Kerbals I know are quite easy to understand, at least when they're not screaming incoherently. When they do say things, it's along the lines of what Xactar's video captions have them saying, only using a LOT of R-rated words :)

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Is amazing how clear is the voice of the kerbals when reversing the audio from some of the videos.

For example in the Kerbin Cup video (if i heard right, and from the end of the video to the start) you can hear: "y arrancamos con alma, vida y corazon, les llevaremos las cronicas de esta primera mitad, pelotas y afuera y tiempo para saludar a Mario Castillejos en la cancha"

In english (might be wrong, my english is not perfect) that means "and off we go with soul, life and heart, we will bring you the chronicles of this first half, balls away and time to salute Mario Castillejos in the field"

The first thing said in the video say "go for undocking", in english reversed.

Edited by Frafor
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  RocketPilot573 said:
Someone needs to make a transcript for the videos...

Yea, Sorry that the poll I did is not very motivating toward this kind of action, my bad :(

Personally, I would LOVE to see transcripts (in sub-captions) of current and all former videos!

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  Frafor said:
Is amazing how clear is the voice of the kerbals when reversing the audio from some of the videos.

For example in the Kerbin Cup video (if i heard right, and from the end of the video to the start) you can hear: "y arrancamos con alma, vida y corazon, les llevaremos las cronicas de esta primera mitad, pelotas y afuera y tiempo para saludar a Mario Castillejos en la cancha"

In english (might be wrong, my english is not perfect) that means "and off we go with soul, life and heart, we will bring you the chronicles of this first half, balls away and time to salute Mario Castillejos in the field"

The first thing said in the video say "go for undocking", in english reversed.

Wait, so are their entire sentences reversed? I though the each word was individually pronounced backwards.

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  RocketPilot573 said:
Wait, so are their entire sentences reversed? I though the each word was individually pronounced backwards.

Yes, in the videos you can understand something the entire sentences are reversed. In other videos, its just an incomprehensible babble.

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claro que si ã‚ÂãŸã— (ç§Â) speak üðш ÑÂðùý quadrilingue.

Ultimate edit: grammar & orthograph, oh plox leave that to thoose who need :)

Edited by WinkAllKerb''
babylonian andless الإ نقلاب ضرب من الطيور inside xD oh and sorry for edits ;)
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