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Kerbal Train Program

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Kerbal Train Program

In this challenge, you are required to build a train or monorail at the KSC. This train can be made of all stock parts or mod parts.

This challenge requires precision engineering, but the bigger the train is, the more points you get.


-The train must be on a track

-The train must have at least 1 passenger and 1 cart

-The train can be made any way possible using the parts you have

-The train can be made in multiple parts or multiple launches

-Multiple carts must be attached in some way (KAS included)


Made without part clipping: +4 Points

Each train cart on the train adds +2 Points

Each passenger on the train adds +1 point

Track loops infinitely: +8 Points

Train falls off of track: -4 Points

Train made with modded parts: -2 Points

Bonus: Train made in orbit: +16 Points


KotDemopan: 17 points with his Prototype wheeled train

Chrisd857: 11 points with his looping machine

Epthelyn: 6 points with his monarail cable car thingy


My attempt:

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Have fun making trains. :)

Edited by JTG
added leaderboard, tweaked points
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Im gonna participate in this challenge, but my design is not gonna be looking like any of those.

Might as well give a preview before i make tracks for it, and kerbals for that matter



Edit: The working thing:


One less carriage, but 2 more seats, making 15 seats for... the same amount of kerbals!

17 points since its track doesn't allow for its falling, but is partially made with part clipping (ladders, and the track attached to the struts on the clamp)

Edited by KotDemopan
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I have an entry.

I reckon 11 points (+0 stock, +8 indefinite loop, +1 for 1 Kerbal, +2 for 1 cart, +0 for some part clipping). I did get a bit stuck on the fourth time around the track, but it can otherwise operate pretty indefinitely (I gave it no steering or throttle input until it got stuck).

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Can we have a leaderboard, OP?

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Not an entry:

I found a cool unmanned roller coaster just now. Might give some inspiration. http://www.reddit.com/r/KerbalSpaceProgram/comments/23lkdr/kerbal_roller_coaster

It's just a train with loop-de-loops.

PS. I'm interested in giving a try.

Can you give a download link for it? The download link in the reddit post is simply a page with the contents of the .craft file glued onto it, and I do not want to spend 10 minutes holding down my mouse button to select all of ti and copy and paste it.

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Can you give a download link for it? The download link in the reddit post is simply a page with the contents of the .craft file glued onto it, and I do not want to spend 10 minutes holding down my mouse button to select all of ti and copy and paste it.

Um, ctrl+a will select everything. Or right-click the link, "Save link as".

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I present to you my er...


Monorail cable car thingy!

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It's not really a train, but it runs on a single rail and carries Kerbals so is technically a monorail, only it runs upside down because it's easier to stay on a track without sides that way :P

That doesn't really stop it from falling off, but it helps and the worst inevitable failure that often happens is the wheels clip through the trusses. A minor inconvenience.


No part clipping: +4*

Carts: 1 * 2 = +2

Passengers: 4 * 1 = +4**

Train can fall off the track = -4

Total: 6

*Assuming you mean part clipping using the debug menu. Parts are clipping into each other but that's just KSP's construction mechanics :P

**It can hold 4, I only had time to board 1 and take the screenshots.

If you consider the above worth docking points for, I get -1 :P

I'll continue to work on it, make the track loop somehow (difficult when I'm relying on the round- and smoothness of the structural fuselages) and put up a video later.

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Part clipping by means of the debug menu is what I mean, the parts can clip without the Part Clipping cheat. The "train falls off track" thing means if the train falls off during recording of your video or imgur album.

Also, leaderboard has been posted.

Edited by JTG
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