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Best Achievements


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What is the best thing you have done in KSP. Im a noob so my best is a ship orbiting laythe that drops Kerbals down to its surface (max 12)

Anyway, post the best thing you have done in Ksp and i would love to hear MOAR:P

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My Laythe colony. Habitat module holds 37 Kerbals. A com tower about 16 stories high with an observation deck at the top. A utility rover. A lit runway about a half kilometer in length with 2 spaceplanes. And a huge mothership in orbit with a capable lander.

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Soo soo hard to pick...

I'm going to go with mastering this ladder glitch, which then enabled me to do a fuel less tour of Mun and Minmus, and claim the (technically), lightest ever stock Eve accent vehicle.

(Though I delivered it there illegitimately)

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I hope to tour the system with this tech someday.

Full story here:


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Here are some big things I've done in the last several months worth noting:

1. Multiple Mun and Minmus landings.

2. In-Progress Mun Base.

3. Space station around Kerbin

4. A rover on the mun.

5. A few SSTO's in low Kerbin orbit.

6. One asteroid redirected.

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I'm a veteran, I've been althroughout the solar system, but I think my best achievement was early on in career mode. I had a rocket trying to land on the moon, but I realized when I was about five hundred meters from the ground that I had no battery, and no landing gear. So like any science-hungry pilot, I set my rocket at a low level of thrust so it would slowly fly back upwards while I jumped out of the crew hatch. I flew down, nabbed a surface sample, then jet packed back up to my rocket. That part was a bit difficult, as it started rotating and picking up speed. I managed to get in though, and fly back home.

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The first time I ever sent a crew to Duna. 3 Kerbnauts, I gave them a 3-man capsule and a hitchiker module so they would have enough room to be comfortable during the long voyage. I did a flyby of Duna itself, not enough fuel to land on it unfortunately... but I did do a very quick touch-down on Ike. Made it back to Kerbin successfully, the whole trip took 3 years.

Then, as the capsule was re-entering the atmo I realized I forgot 2 of the crew inside the hitchhiker module (which had no parachutes). I panicked and tried to EVA them so they could jetpack to the capsule in time, but I accidentally EVAed Jeb (who was piloting the actual capsule). So now all three kerbnauts were outside of the only vehicle which could land safely. Panicking again I jammed the quick-load button, but I confused it with the quick-save button, thereby erasing the earlier save and ensuring that THIS was the situation I would have to deal with. The capsule (full of hundreds of science points) moved beyond Jeb's 2km distance and was removed from the game.

Despite that series of unfortunate events towards the end there, this was still my most productive mission ever. They all died stupid pointless deaths, but they were my first interplanetary crew ever... *salute*

Edited by PTNLemay
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Writing my tutorial. Planning the outline took two months, redesigning the ships for ARM and re-running all the missions so I could take new screenshots, took another month and actually writing it all a fourth month.

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Deploying a complete duna base in just one landing.

4 kerbals landed together with 2 rovers (can combine to form a construction vehicle), kethane drill and converter, power system, science unit (can be clipped onto a rover for surface exploration), flood light tower, containers with lots of stuff to build little rovers or science stuff and an ascension vehicle, serving as a habitat as well (the middle section of the base with the 4 enginges... the sides will be jettisoned before launch).





[EDIT] Mods used: Procedural Fairings - for the Aeroshell / KAS - for the containers / Infernal Robotics - for the construction crane on the rovers / Kethane - to refuel the ascension vehicle (which wasn´t necessary, there was enough fuel left to make it back into orbit)

Currently i am undertaking a grand tour to the joolian system. This will be my next great achievement (hopefully :P)

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everything you do for the first time in the game and succeed has its own achievement and reward. right now my biggest reward, which is under development, and almost finished the design part will be a grand tour on all the planets and back to Kerbin in the context of the Jool-5 challenge.

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Hmm. Best, eh?

Well, most fun was:

*one-man Eeloo return mission, 6.25 tons on the launchpad. "See Eeloo on $5 a day"

*Mobile Mün base with rovers. As in, the rovers pick up their own base and run around with it.the gathering , 2 bases meet , Truckin' on!

*Self-refuelling Kethane flying circus. Visited every single body other than Jool. Could even launch from EVE, due to the miracle of Kethane-fuelled "airbreathing" jets. Kethane Gypsy

* A preliminary study into the Migratory Habits of the common Octo-2

wot, I have to pick just ONE??

Ok, then it will have to be : Flying Fütbol field! from the 10Km race to space challenge


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