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[1.2] USI Survivability Pack (Formerly DERP) [v0.6.0]


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okay, I think you forgot to put the .cfgs into a 'parts' folder (i.e. there is no 'parts' folder in this release), testing now with manual part folder...

Wait what? No no, a Parts folder is not necessary. As long as a .cfg starts with a PART{ tag that will be defined as a part.

The directory structure changed from the previous version. Did you delete the previous version before installing this one?

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Wait what? No no, a Parts folder is not necessary. As long as a .cfg starts with a PART{ tag that will be defined as a part.

The directory structure changed from the previous version. Did you delete the previous version before installing this one?

It's a fresh install (with other mods already activated), but yeah, including a 'parts' folder did not change anything... I guess I'll have to deactivate all the other mods and check if the problem is on my side... It just seems weird to me, because all the other USI mods work without problems...

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It's a fresh install (with other mods already activated), but yeah, including a 'parts' folder did not change anything... I guess I'll have to deactivate all the other mods and check if the problem is on my side... It just seems weird to me, because all the other USI mods work without problems...

I assume you included everything from the zip? ORSX, CommunityResourcePack, ModuleManager, etc?

It's very weird, mine is working fine.

Edited by Midnight Jade
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There is no parts folder in this mod (but there are parts) - you just drop it's GameData in GameData like any other mod, no muss no fuss. Just be sure to (a) drop in ALL of the GameData folder, and (B) don't move anything!

RE FireSpitter, grab the latest DLL from the FireSpitter thread (btw both work as I just use this for animations).

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the parts don't show up for me, anything special about this USI release regarding installation? Because all the other USI released work fine for me....

Double check that you are installing correctly. The GameData folder in the pack is improperly capitalized as "Gamedata" which causes problems on case sensitive systems (Mac, Linux and some non-standard Windows setups.) Just move the contests of Gamedata to GameData and you should be good.

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Double check that you are installing correctly. The GameData folder in the pack is improperly capitalized as "Gamedata" which causes problems on case sensitive systems (Mac, Linux and some non-standard Windows setups.) Just move the contests of Gamedata to GameData and you should be good.

Quick FYI: Unity on Windows is Fully case sensitive. i found this out the hard way when playing with textures for my ART expansions.

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Are the airbags crash tolerance listed correctly? The large one states it can withstand 750 m/s in my game but my probe turns into a pretty fireball when I tested a lithobrake on mun at only 300m/s.

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It's really all about ship design and the physics engine. the part itself may survive (crash tolerance), but the rest of your ship might be crushed. Kinda like dropping a steel safe full of glassware. Sure the safe is fine... whole different story for the contents.

I've had some survive at 300m/s, some at 100 - a lot of it also is angle of impact, etc. - so generally 100 m/s or less is your safe zone.

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I have to say I love the DERP Pods as it makes returning from missions where you want to leave everything in orbit alot easier to plan for.

I have a request for the Airbags if its possible. Can you give (or make a set) that has Ablative Shielding for Deadly Renetry? Would be nice to be able to create an interlocking drop shield for some of the oddball payloads I try to launch, especially when I am trying to land a mining/converter/refuling rigs since they tend to be spread out (to prevent being top heavy), heavy (so I don't have to assemble them EVA style), and hard to cover with the normal DR heatshields. :)

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Wow that's a pretty large range, I know you don't have any control over that. Is there no equation that someone has found for how impact force is transfered to other parts? It would be unfortunate to crash a multi million dollar base because my angle was just a degree or two off when my deceleration rockets run out of fuel from trying to save mass and cost.

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Wow that's a pretty large range, I know you don't have any control over that. Is there no equation that someone has found for how impact force is transfered to other parts? It would be unfortunate to crash a multi million dollar base because my angle was just a degree or two off when my deceleration rockets run out of fuel from trying to save mass and cost.

Welcome to KSP Physics ;)

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lol yea been playing ksp for almost 2 years and could never get some of the mechanics but after almost 5 hours of crashing the same probe over and over to figure things out I think I have a solid idea on how impact force is distributed so far it seems that it is

impact speed of part/5 transfered to all connected parts as impact speed for that part

basically if you hit the ground at 100 m/s then the part that is connected to it takes 20m/s as its impact speed and the part connected to that takes 4 m/s and so on and so on. if the part is destroyed then the parts "above" it seem to take extra impact force from the explosion but without concrete numbers I don't know how much. so theoretically one could run their probes into the ground at obscene speeds provided that they have enough between them and the ground to soak the m/s

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RoverDude, when I'm trying to setup the DERP for an emergency escape system, what's the combination of activation sequences to use?

Just tie to the evac option. It will automatically fill each DERP with a Kerbal and jettison it.

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