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The Space Shuttle Vanguard Launch System

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After a little bit of tinkering around, I was able to create this small SSVLS with the parts of Nova\'s Space Shuttle Vanguard (obviously) and Nova\'s latest KSP SE.

Now, I\'m not positive if craft files from 0.14 will work on 0.13, so instead of uploading my ship, I made this quick photo instruction set:


Flying it is weird at first, but it practically flies itself when you figure out the few simple steps:

  • [li]At launch, turn on the SAS, hit CapsLock, and crank the thrust all the way up.[/li]
    [li]Once you start going straight, toggle the SAS off, rotate your ship so the Vanguard is facing East. Do this before you\'re going too fast and your SRBs flame out! Toggle SAS back on.[/li]
    [li]When SRBs flame out, jettison them immediately and ignite the LFE at the bottom of the LFT stack.[/li]
    [li]When your velocity reaches ~400m/s, throttle down to about 66% thrust[/li]
    [li]At ~33km altitude, tap 'F' to quickly toggle SAS off and back on, it should automatically drop your ship eastward, keep tapping until your ship it facing 10 degrees above the horizon on your navball.[/li]
    [li]As your yellow navball trajectory indicator falls to the horizon, crack your thrust up to 100% again, this extra thrust will automatically point your nose at the horizon on your navball.[/li]
    [li]You fuel tank will empty before you\'ve managed to create an orbit, turn your thrust down to 0% as it empties, and jettison the fuel tank, wait for apoapsis, and use the Vanguard\'s main engine from here to raise your periapsis into a round orbit.[/li]
    [li](Optional) Deorbit and land.[/li]

The great thing about this system is everything but the Vanguard falls out of orbit, so it doesn\'t clutter up your pathways with debris.


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