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[1.10.0] NanoGauges - tiny ana1og gauges for kerbalnauts -1.10.0-3463


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sorry but it's not active for me, nano gauge doesn't work, i didn't see the logo nano gauge, and i don't no how can i give the log of my game (sorry for my bad english )

I really love this please help me :blush:


Edited by Mr wink
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4 hours ago, Mr wink said:

sorry but it's not active for me, nano gauge doesn't work, i didn't see the logo nano gauge, and i don't no how can i give the log of my game (sorry for my bad english )

I really love this please help me :blush:


Did you extract it into GameData?


Do not, I repeat, do not extract it like this:


It will not work!

BTW: Gauges and toolbar button are visible in flight only.

If you have installed it correctly and it still doesn't work, I need the log file after you have launched a vessel.

Edited by Nereid
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ok i found the process

my Mod installed:

KSP: 1.2 (Win64) - Unity: 5.4.0p4 - OS: Windows 8.1  (6.3.0) 64bit
Toolbar - 1.7.13
USI Tools - 0.8.3
B9 Part Switch - 1.5.1
B9 Aerospace Procedural Parts - 0.40.9
CactEye Telescopes -
Chatterer -
Community Category Kit - 0.1.1
Community Resource Pack - 0.6.2
CommunityTechTree - 3.0.1
Contract Configurator - 1.20.3
Contract Pack: Clever Sats -
Contract Pack: Field Research - 1.2
Contract Pack: Bases and Stations - 3.4.1
Contract Pack: RemoteTech - 2.1.3
Contract Pack: Tourism Plus - 1.5.1
CriticalTemperatureGauge -
CryoEngines - 0.4.2
DistantObjectEnhancement - 1.8.1
DMagic Orbital Science -
CapCom Mission Control On The Go -
Contract Parser - 1.0.5
Progress Parser - 1.0.6
Engine Lighting - 1.4.5
EVA Transfer - 1.0.5
Firespitter - 7.4.1
HeatControl - 0.3.3
HullcamVDSContinued -
JSIAdvTransparentPods - 0.1.10
Kerbal Attachment System - 0.6
KerbalAtomics - 0.3.1
Kerbal Engineer Redux - 1.1.2
InlineBallutes - 1.2.6
Kerbal Inventory System - 1.3
KSP-AVC Plugin -
MarkIVSystem - 2.3
ModularFlightIntegrator - 1.2.2
Docking Port Alignment Indicator - 6.5.1
NearFutureConstruction - 0.7.1
NearFutureElectrical - 0.8.1
NearFuturePropulsion - 0.8.1
NearFutureSolar - 0.7
NearFutureSpacecraft - 0.5.3
Final Frontier -
Nano Gauges -
Outer Planets Mod - 2.0
Kerbal Planetary Base Systems - 1.3.2
PlanetShine -
Precise Node - 1.2.4
RealChute -
RealPlume - Stock - 0.11
ReentryParticleEffect -
RemoteTech - 1.8
AmpYear - 1.4.2
DeepFreeze Continued... - 0.23
SCANsat -
SmartParts -
SpaceY Expanded - 1.3
SpaceY Lifters - 1.15
Stock Visual Enhancements - 1.1.4
TAC Fuel Balancer - 2.10
TarsierSpaceTechnology - 6.5
TAC Life Support - 0.12.5
Trajectories - 1.6.5
Kerbal Alarm Clock - 3.8.1
Transfer Window Planner - 1.6
USI Core - 0.3.3
NuclearRockets - 0.3.2
USI Alcubierre Drive - 0.5
Universal Storage -
Waypoint Manager - 2.6
[x] Science! - 5.2


My Log output_log.txt

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Do you use the 64bit version of KSP? 

The log is full of very bad errors. None of them came from NG directly and it seems NG wasn't loaded at all. There is not even a hint of a missing or incompatible dll from NanoGauges. Quite strange. Can you please a) confirm that you are using the 64 bit version of KSP and b) install NG in a completely fresh and unmodded installation of KSP?

And c) Update Kerbal Spoace Program  to 1.2. :)


And this confuses me a bit:

Load(Texture): WarpPlugin/PlanetResourceData/kerbin_water
(Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 64)

DynamicHeapAllocator allocation probe 1 failed - Could not get memory for large allocation 2097152.
DynamicHeapAllocator allocation probe 2 failed - Could not get memory for large allocation 2097152.
DynamicHeapAllocator allocation probe 3 failed - Could not get memory for large allocation 2097152.
DynamicHeapAllocator allocation probe 4 failed - Could not get memory for large allocation 2097152.
Could not allocate memory: System out of memory!
Trying to allocate: 2097152B with 16 alignment. MemoryLabel: NewDelete

Out of Memory? To many mods? Maybe NG is one mod to much.... but hard to believe for 64bit.

Anyway: If any program gets an out of memory error, it behaves undefined at best. So we have to reduce the mods a bit or get more memory (if there is no memory leak in any mod)...

And just checked: NG works even with the 32 bit version of KSP 1.2 and no (!) other mods installed. But if memory issues arise...


Ok, I think I've got it:

******* Log Initiated for Kerbal Space Program - (WindowsPlayer) *******

Th current version of NG is build for KSP 1.2 not for KSP 1.1.3 !

Just load NG for 1.1.3 or update KSP and all should be fine. :)


Edited by Nereid
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To avoid such issues take a look at 

by cybutek. In my oppinion its far better than CKAN and tells you, if a mod may be incompatible with the used version of KSP (if the author of the mod has done it right). It informs you about updates, too and provides a link for a download.


And there seems to be still an issue with Contract Configurator...

EDIT: fixed and testet. CC and NG do now work together (I'm using CC myself again since today).

Edited by Nereid
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12 hours ago, Mr wink said:

ok i found the process

my Mod installed:

Contract Configurator - 1.20.3

This was causing trouble, too. It should be gone with 1.4.8-3024 [or 1.4.7-3022, if one can live with a wrong elevation of the Other Airfield].

But why is the log telling, that you are running KSP 1.1.3?

Edited by Nereid
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2 hours ago, Nereid said:

This was causing trouble, too. It should be gone with 1.4.8-3024 [or 1.4.6-3022, if one can live with a wrong elevation of the Other Airfield].

But why is the log telling, that you are running KSP 1.1.3?

Tank you very much it's running very well, I don't know why the game telling i'am running in KSP 1.1.3 , I make 1.2 upgrade...:kiss:

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22 hours ago, Isabelle.V.Fuchs said:

This in combination with the pilot assistant let me land my spaceplanex now.

Pilot Assistant? I have missed that one. I'm flying my planes with the sticks on a gamepad most of the time (I could use a HOTAS but this is a bit over the top for KSP ;)). Does Pilot Assitant provide any benefit even with gamepads or is it more or less limited for keyboard users?

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The Pilot Assistant ist primary for keyboard / mouse user.

You have two possibilities using it.

1. You activate the input-buttons. Then, if you use the key-inputs (A-S-D-W-SHIFT-CTRL) the value of the indicated course, altitude or speed changes. It is like an autopilot. The spaceplane flies with the selected speed, course and altitude. Instead of altitude you can use pitch (e.g. 30°) or vertical speed (e.g. -3.25 m/s). So I am able to land the plane with e.g. 50 m/s speed, course 90° and a vertical speed of -3 m/s. It works like a charm.

2. You can key in the desired values directly instead of hitten many times the 'A' key if you want to change your course from 90° to 180°. 

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Hi Nereid, first of all thank you for such a wonderful mod. I mainly fly a plane or a helicopter in IVA and this mod gives so much vital information about the aircraft's performance and simply makes my life in the air easier :)


Just a small request - would you consider making a gauge to display throttle in percentage? Just like the throttle display on the stock navball but in a more precise percentage scaling instead of the scales on the stock one which are more like graphical reference points and, more importantly, not available in IVA.

I play KSP on a gamepad too and I always find it difficult to judge whether if my throttle correction is just enough or I overreacted, especially on final approach to a runway or an aircraft carrier. There lacks of throttle display in cockpit view and the IVA throttle sticks are not only not easily accessible most of the time but also a worse way to read throttle input than the navball display. Also SteamGauges is out of function for quite some time. I have been either missing approach or stall into terrain forever.


Thanks in advance for your effort if you find the idea fits your mod!

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On 2.11.2016 at 5:31 PM, ConquerorTW said:

Just a small request - would you consider making a gauge to display throttle in percentage? Just like the throttle display on the stock navball but in a more precise percentage scaling instead of the scales on the stock one which are more like graphical reference points and, more importantly, not available in IVA.

I will see what I can do about it. Maybe this weekend.

EDIT: done. I will release it tomorrow.


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On 2.11.2016 at 5:31 PM, ConquerorTW said:

Just a small request - would you consider making a gauge to display throttle in percentage? Just like the throttle display on the stock navball but in a more precise percentage scaling instead of the scales on the stock one which are more like graphical reference points and, more importantly, not available in IVA.

Implemented in 1.5.0-3056

A preview:


On the left is a scale for the current throttle setting in percent. The setting is shown in digital numbers at the bottom, too. On the right is a scale for the current relative thrust of all active engines.

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1 hour ago, COL.R.Neville said:

how does the alignment guage work. im running 5760x1080 so things are covering up just about everything hehe. have learned how to move the guages but when i do they have alot of gap in between them. 

Its just useful to make sure the positions between different sets are the same. The alignment gauge gets the same position for every set. So if a gauge snaps in to the alignment gauge in - lets say - "landing", a gauge in a different set get the exact same position if it snaps in there, too.

I have added this gauge, because it had bothered me that switching between sets caused the gauges to "jump" a few pixel, if they were not aligned to their default positions.

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Thanks for publishing the sources. I'm going to use it quiet a bit, to contruct a ressources-light plane flight UI (may I ?). If your gauges where resizable they would offer big perspectives, like having a camera compass taking the width of the screen... At least some orientation reference for any objet in view... I don't know if you've made a inclination indicator too...

Edited by Kenny Kerman
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