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Plugin Megathread


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This megathread will be organized into categories of parts:

Autopilot- anything that takes control of the rocket

Part modules- Anything that adds the ability to create new part modules, such as alternative fuel.

Parameter modifiers- anything that modifies the values of your ship\'s position, speed, and other values; along with part parameters such as an instant orbit plugin, or parts that have more than one drag setting

Environmental Interactions- Uses parameters from the environment(EX: Temperature) in ways different from all above

Categories are also sorted by importance, meaning the higher up the category the more important it is to determining where a plugin goes.

EX: An autopilot that adds a part is considered an autopilot rather than a part module.

Inside the categories are sorted alphabetically.


C7 Aerospace Plugin: Now C7A - Beta, added an experimental rolling gear module type, b for brakes, g to deploy

MechJeb: Updated to 1.7.3, Bug fixes, 14.3 compatibility, combined with The_Duck\'s Landing/Ascent autopilot.

RinComp: Updated to 0.4a, Synchronize Orbits Mode, Align Planes Mode with normal and anti-normal auto-orientations

Anatid Robotics: Updated to 2.0, New reentry computer; Auto-stage will no longer stage past the last stage with engines, Attempt to patch reported bug where ascent autopilot doesn\'t recognize liftoff

dodADA: Updated to alpha v6, added helm control activated with 'u'

Cart and Truck: Now 'Carts', added friction speed limiters, various bug fixes, added 'The Goat'

NEWS: 4/2/2012 Added Zoxygene mod, updated MechJeb

Old news

3/4/12 Created megathread; added gunner mod; Probobdodyne Sensors added, and new category added for this addon, Environmental Interactions

3/5/12 updated MechJeb; Updated organization system, now has subcategories under all module plugins for separate addons for the plugin by other authors; added Void Bukerneering addon; Added images and videos to all applicable; made plugin titles more obvious, I found it looked like a wall of text. Some bolding and font changing fixed it; added Silisko Industries Reentry Heat Plugin(no official name); added Oxygen Plugin

3/6/12 added Blinking Navlights

3/7/12 added Rangefinder; removed Jellycube\'s Railgun Expansion, as no news has been given as to whether the project will be started or not. If it comes back up I\'ll add it again.

3/8/12 Added Cart; changed up organization so categories are sorted in descending order of importance, AKA if a plugin adds the ability for parts to be created but that part is autopilot it will go under autopilot; Another change in organization, Part modules is getting large enough that it is split up into 3 categories, Fuel Types/Engines, Moving Parts, and Other

3/9/12 Added Anatid Robotics - Ascent Autopilot; more organization, added author names and version numbers to all plugins; Added escape decoupler

3/10/12 added RinComp

3/11/12 Changed up some organization; changed parameter modifiers description to be messing with any part or movement parameters, which now includes things like drag; added variable tanks and toggle family; added a new versions box

3/12/12 Added Start-Stop plugin, added PiSA Countdown Decoupler, added Position/Navigation lights, added two new WIP\'s from Silisko

3/13/12 Added crxTelemetrymodule

3/14/12 Ton of updated mods^, C7 released landing gears from the WIP plugin pack

3/15/12 Added Wormholes; Added crab wheel

3/19/12 Updated RinComp

3/20/12 Added Satellite Relay Network, Mun Mover, and MultiJointPart Framework; updated Mechjeb and Carts

I am taking suggestions for further organization. Please notify me if I missed any plugins, they will be added shortly.

And now onto the plugins:



Anatid Robotics - Ascent Autopilot by The_Duck Version: 2.0

Summary: By inputing a target altitude and orbital inclination, this part will automate any ascent from Kerbin.


Image: oEsoI.png

PiSA Countdown Decoupler by Link Hogthrob Version: 1.0

Summary: Adds the ability for a stage to be activated on a set countdown, considered autopilot as it takes control of the staging.




dodADA - Advanced Descent Assistant by dodrian Version: Alpha6

Summary: Controls input during descent to make landings easier.



Multiversal Mechatronics - MechJeb - Autopilot by r4m0n Version: 1.6.1

Summary: Allows you to input commands to an autopilot system that will carry them out for you.



RinComp by Zool Version 0.4a

Summary: Orbital navigation tool that can be used to align planes, synchronize orbits, and rendezvous with other ships




Parameter modifiers:


Satellite Relay Network by The_Duck Version: 0.1

Summary: Adds command modules(And allows them to be added) that require line-of-sight with a relay satellite. Input is also delayed based off distance.


Image: 4DrNy.png

WORK IN PROGRESS: Start-Stop plugin by jgjiscool WIP

Summary: Adds the ability for engines to be shut on and off individually with a GUI option.




Toggle Family by r4m0n No version number, 1.0

Summary: Adds the ability for parts to have certain CFG settings turned on and off


No images/videos

Wormholes by The_Duck Version: Alpha 0.1

Summary: Adds a black hole part with gravity, that, with another module attached to your ship, you can teleport to other black holes.





Environmental Interactions:


crxTelemetryModule by Corax Version: Alpha, 0.1

Summary: Adds a module that will send information about the module to an IP address, essentially allowing the use of another computer as ground control.


Image: index.php?action=dlattach;topic=8663.0;attach=15246;image

Mun Mover by Causeless No version number, 1.0

Summary: Adds the ability for you to shift the orbit of the Mun to any position you like




WORK IN PROGRESS: Silisko Industries - Probodobodyne Sensors by NovaSilisko WIP

Summary: Displays environmental parameters in the GUI when certain part modules are used, IE Temperature sensors shows hull temperature

http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=6397.0 Info on page 33 and up


C8JSi.png on ground

8qlNA.png in atmosphere

LRK6Y.png in space

WORK IN PROGRESS: Silisko Industries - Reentry Heat Plugin(no official name) by NovaSilisko WIP

Summary: Adds a heat shield part, that when added simulates reentry heat by the angle the atmosphere is entered at and the speed of the ship.

http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=6397.0 info on page 40


Part modules:


Moving Parts:

Bigtrak by chickenplucker Version: .035

Summary: Adds a variety of pre-built vehicles that perform a variety of functions

Image: bigtrak22.jpg

WORK IN PROGRESS: C7A - Beta by C7Studios Version: Beta 0.1

Summary: Adds realistic wings, wheels, and propellers to allow more aircraft possibilities and realism; Currently adds a single gear part that rolls, has brakes, and can be put down/up





Carts by Tosh Version: 1.2

Summary: Adds rolling wheels and vehicles to the game that can be controlled with IJKL keys.




Katerpillar Wheels by drewmacrae Version: 0.3

Summary: Adds INDIVIDUAL wheels that are controlled similarly to RCS; design your own cars



Escape Decoupler by crazygerbil Version: Alpha 0.1

Summary: Adds the ability for decouplers to be bound to another key, and the ability for them to be activated out of stage order(AKA Launch Escape Systems)



zod6t.png (Notice it skipped 2 stages rather than the usual one)

WORK IN PROGRESS: MultiJointPart Framework by sarkun WIP

Summary: Adds the ability for addon makers to add more than one joint to animated parts.




WORK IN PROGRESS: Silisko Industries - Hinge Plugin(No official name) by NovaSilisko WIP

Summary: Adds a hinge part that will allow other parts to be attached to it, and will swing them around when the key is pressed.

No link yet, information on Silisko Industries megathread page 51 and up



Fuel Types/Engines:

WORK IN PROGRESS: Oxygen Plugin by Splendid WIP

Summary: adds a new fuel source that depletes as your crew 'breathes'.


Image: shitn.png Oxygen is in lower left.

WORK IN PROGRESS: Silisko Industries - Hall Effect Thruster(No official name) by NovaSilisko WIP

Summary: Adds an ion engine(Specifically, Hall Effect Thruster), no further details available

No link yet, information on Silisko Industries megathread page 53 and up



Variable Fuel by r4m0n No version number, 1.0

Summary: Adds a fuel tank and engine that can have the name of its fuel set to anything. They can also have more than one fuel. Mainly for modders.


No images/videos

Working solar panels / energy cells / new fuel type by Cephei Version: 3.3.2012

Summary: Adds a new fuel type, electricity, and storage/generation for it, to allow for part modules powered by electricity



Void Bukerneering by Yorik No version number, 1.0


Image: vxWvi.png



Zoxygene Mod by l00 Version: 0.3

Summary: Adds a fuel, 'ZO2', that is consumed by the crew and can be replenished through solar energy. Without it, crew suffocates




Blinking Navlights Alpha by claypool1 Version: Alpha 1.0

Summary: Adds lights that can be attached to ships for various purposes.


Image: screenshot5uq.png

Flamethrower by Emilio No version number, 1.0

Summary: Adds a part that shoots a flame effect



Gunner Mod (Upcoming Project) by jgjiscool WIP

Summary: Will add machine gun parts


No videos/images

Position/Navigation Lights by RPGprayer Version: 0.9

Summary: adds a variety of lights that can be switched between several modes as well as a customizable brightness




Rangefinder by claypool1 No version number, 1.0

Summary: Displays the ship\'s distance from the ground. Useful because the altimeter displays distance from sea level rather than from the ground beneath you.


No images/videos

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Already a plugin subforum bud.

That subforum is plugin development and editing, suggesting it being where all the C# programers can discuss, development stuffs, I guess. Also, mostly everyone has posted their plugins on this subforum, Projects and Releases, because they are addon/plugin projects and some are released.

Either you tell everyone to move their threads to that subforum, or we have organization inside the subforum they\'ve already posted in, the latter being the easier option.

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When .14 was released, I was happy I wouldn\'t have to refresh the development thread every 10 minutes. But now that we have plugins and persistence, I\'m doing the same on this sub-forum. The potential for everything is just so huge!

Anyone else feel the same?

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Add the Probodobodyne Sensors to the list?

(The two secrets are optional :P)

I added it to the list, didn\'t know about this one, and I\'m excited for it now that I do know. It also has its own category.

When .14 was released, I was happy I wouldn\'t have to refresh the development thread every 10 minutes. But now that we have plugins and persistence, I\'m doing the same on this sub-forum. The potential for everything is just so huge!

Anyone else feel the same?

I feel the same, the amount of innovation already in the plugins is astounding, autopilots, electricity, you name it. And the possibilities are endless. Imagine what this game will look like by the time it is considered a beta, let alone full release.

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People are now creating separate part addons that require plugins, and these will be added to the OP shortly in subcategories underneath each plugin.

Would adding relevant pictures to the list be helpful or would it take up too much space?

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photos please. it will help us figure out wich is a finished product, what is a plugin, what is a part that uses a plugin etc. etc.

Added images and videos to all applicable. Wasn\'t as hard as I thought it would be. Hopefully that helps. Should I add one out of spoilers as an example for each category? EDIT: Nevermind, I\'ve decided I\'ll do it.

EDIT: Added Silisko\'s in development reentry plugin.

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Looks like MechJeb is actually Dodadada. Might cause confusion, even if the spoilers should fix that up....

Actually that image above dodADA is one of MechJeb that\'s being used as:

Should I add one out of spoilers as an example for each category? EDIT: Nevermind, I\'ve decided I\'ll do it.

An example of the category basically. If it\'s confusing, do you have any suggestions? Should I just remove the example pics?

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Added above and did a bit of reorganization. I ordered the categories by importance(If something is a part module but the module is an autopilot it will go under autopilot) and split Part Modules into subcategories: Moving Parts, Fuel types/engines, and Other; also sorted by importance. This was due to the category getting too large.

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You should list the Anatid Robotics - Ascent Autopilot too. :D


I saw that :). I won\'t be able to do much as I only have access to my phone right now, in a couple of hours I\'ll add it.

And thank you too witeken :).

EDIT: Added the above, and added author names and version numbers(So you can tell when you need to update) to all plugins.

EDIT DEUX: Added Escape Decoupler plugin, and added news summaries to the description that goes under the title.

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Plugin megathread suggestion: A list of releases of new versions of plugins, so people their plgins are alwayse up-to-date. (Don\'t need to be complete version history but just the release date + name +new version, from the beginning when you start it.)

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Plugin megathread suggestion: A list of releases of new versions of plugins, so people their plgins are alwayse up-to-date. (Don\'t need to be complete version history but just the release date + name +new version, from the beginning when you start it.)

If I understand what you mean, this will be added shortly.

Some random stuff, could go under Engine/Fuel for now: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=8560.0.

Also, if you would be kind to update the MechJeb screenshot to the latest version :)


I recommend keeping the sections in alphabetic order, or things will get pretty messy in the future.

I\'ll add that shortly too :).

And I might sort the sections alphebetically, though then it would be confusing why certain things go under certain categories. Unless you mean the stuff inside the sections, I was sorting them by progress on the mod(vaguely), so sure I\'ll sort it alphabetically.

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