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Rosetta-Style Mission

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Now that asteroids are out, and so Custom Asteroids (use the plugin with the trans-Jool pack provided there - you'll see comets), which allow asteroids to spawn at different orbits and fill the niches for main-belt asteroids, NKA (Near-Kerbin but no intercept), (Jool) Trojans, KBOs, comets and such, have anybody tried to do a Rosetta mission or anything else alike ? No need to bring the asteroid back to Kerbin, just send a probe, use soo many gravity assist (or go all the way with rockets), and match velocity.

No scoring yet, the rules (if you want to say these as rules) are no Hyperedit and alike, visit an asteroid which is clearly classified as a comet according to the plugin, and additionally, avoid nukes. No RTGs or any generators (so solar panels only), must bring the four science instrument (temp, gravity, acceleration, pressure), optionally the goo canister, should have a dish. To ensure the science mission goes well, stay within 50m of the comet. Haven't tried one myself...

Reference to the IRL mission and probe. The lander is optional, if you want then attach it to the asteroid using claw.

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I like this idea, and might have a go if I get time.

I think the part that would be challenging and most fun would be setting up the route, with all the gravity assists. Anyone who has done an asteroid redirect will already have done more difficult things once at the asteroid than this challenge requires.

What won't be realistic is the scale. The comet which Rosetta is currently approaching is 5km across. Maybe custom asteroids allows you to create something that big, but I imagine that even with that mod the big roids will still not produce gravity, so you won't be able to insert the probe into a 25km orbit, which is the plan for Rosetta.

Still, I hope some people give it a go, and I would be interested to see some clever routes set up

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