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What's something you personally want in KSP?

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I would like the tech tree to be a plain text config file so I don't need to wrangle a hacky undocumented mod to make tiny little changes to it.

I want the aerodynamics to be unrealistic enough that my rockets aren't forced to look and fly exactly like everyone else's just to minimally get into orbit.

I want the reentry to be easy enough that I don't have to spend large amounts of real time watching pods slowly fall down just to keep them from exploding.

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Orbital debris fields.

I watched Orbit last night, and the only portion of that movie that was even vaguely interesting was the destruction of the shuttle and the ISS. I watched those scenes twice, and all I could think of was "RUN, JEB, RUN"

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  breakthrough said:
I would like the tech tree to be a plain text config file so I don't need to wrangle a hacky undocumented mod to make tiny little changes to it.

This. Having to mess around with said hacky undocumented mods is really annoying.

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  tygoo7 said:
I personally would like to see more EVA stuff added. I think it would be awesome if the Kerbals had some sort of AI system and have animations to stuff like taking samples and repairing stuff. Some equipment too, like the Apollo equipment for EVA that you can pack into little bags. Different spacesuits for different situations. Like just the blue training suit for on Kerbin and in safe orbit, pressurized suit for reentry and launch, ect. Slowly unlock parts of the spacesuit like the jetpack and start with tethers. The AI system would do stuff like the Kerbals would wander off or do something like play a card game on a rock when you are not controlling them, and have them make mistakes like take off their helmet, break off a part of a ship for no reason, climb the rocket/lander and it tips over, but have an option for that to be turned on or off. The mistakes would depend on their stupidity level. I think it would be really cool and fun to be able to have Kerbals do stuff like in the videos Squad make. Of course this is mostly for aesthetic reasons and probably won't be added for a while.

Other than that I would really like to see the game optimized more so it would have less lag than it does now. Maybe for 0.25?

I would like to see an EVA suit development for R&D.Like you can't go out in space on the first mission and fly around with jetpack. You should first have IVA only suits and then as researching more nodes you upgrade. Like the tygoo7 said above.

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I want

-A full IVA API that allows us to implement a lot more in IVA. For example; Declare states whether in gravity or not. This would allow us to trigger a different IVA or perhaps plugins that allow animations to fire off. We could then do things like anchor transforms to such controllers and have say, kerbals floating around in IVA spaces while in zero-G.

-Movement of Kerbals between modules without the need for mods such as Crew Manifest or Ship Manifest.

-A much better memory handler and asset handler. Particularly one that allows us to specify what texture an asset uses regardless of whether it is Internal or external.

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It may be beyond the realm of possibility, but I'd just like to have Kerbals climb a ladder and step forward onto a ledge without having to jump! Other than that, minor gameplay improvements like being able to see your apoapsis in the nav ball in the staging screen. I'm really pretty low- maintenance... :D

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  Bekiekutmoar said:
Until recently I would've said: "moar planets .. !!" But now that I can fabricate 'em myself I would say: the possibility to create underwater vehicles (adds extra dimension to planetary exploration ... !)

Reminds me of a couple more minor things: 1)Hydrogen balloons and 2)propellers.

1) It would simplify things to launch your space vehicle from the top of an atmosphere instead of the bottom

2) It would really suck to have your LV land offshore and have no way to get it to solid ground...

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I would love to see an option to create a procedural system, with as a constant that Kerbin has at least one moon ( being Mun ). At the start of a new game ( if a procedural system is created ) All other planets still need to be discovered.

A decent rework of the stock parts, the current ones lack imagination and the science parts are even worse. Mystery Goo experiment is the same as the radial RCS tank...... seriously!

Even though there are a couple of great mods available, in my opinion they belong in the stock game:





And more......

It may seem that I have too much to complain about the stock game, but look at it in a positive way. KSP is a great concept with huge potential.

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For me, I'd love some support for developing multi-vehicle vessels.

It is rather annoying to build a rover or a lunar lander, and realize you have to figure out how to build the thing into your rocket. Sub-assemblies don't cut the mustard because:

1 - They don't store the part of the craft marked as the command pod. (Meaning you have to place a false command pod and then build in under it.

2 - The sub-assembly only comes out with the top attachment node of the stack you built it. Which meant this moon lander I built a few weeks ago and tuned for munar landings got built, then transferred, and the I had to break it apart and restack it into the launch vehicle.

The ability of the VAB to find the far end attachment node in a stack and present it when moving things around would be awesome. And the ability to save whole ships as sub-assemblies would be useful for construction of combination vessels.

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  AdmiralTigerclaw said:
For me, I'd love some support for developing multi-vehicle vessels.

It is rather annoying to build a rover or a lunar lander, and realize you have to figure out how to build the thing into your rocket. Sub-assemblies don't cut the mustard because:

1 - They don't store the part of the craft marked as the command pod. (Meaning you have to place a false command pod and then build in under it.

2 - The sub-assembly only comes out with the top attachment node of the stack you built it. Which meant this moon lander I built a few weeks ago and tuned for munar landings got built, then transferred, and the I had to break it apart and restack it into the launch vehicle.

The ability of the VAB to find the far end attachment node in a stack and present it when moving things around would be awesome. And the ability to save whole ships as sub-assemblies would be useful for construction of combination vessels.

If you don't mind mods, SelectRoot really helps in the situations you've described. Really handy to be able to throw a sacrificial part on your rover, whether top or bottom, then root from there and save the subassembly with the right node available.

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I have several wishes regarding Kerbal Space program.

some such as nuclear reactors, more pieces ... already have in mods.

others as completely change the way you built a rocket ... do not exist in mods.

but what I want but that is; or change the game engine or rewrite much of the code to improve performance.

how to change the motor is out of the question, I just wonder how they will improve performance.

as I do not know what is acceptable for development team, I do not give a lot of ideas, it is hard for me to say my ideas.

and I might end up thinking that they misunderstood.

but I know what would be cool anyway (I do not know if Unity supports):

Seasons and Biomes.

yes, four seasons and a biome with other living beings besides kerbals (Goo so far only appeared in promocinais videos)

and when I say that I'm include things like ocean currents, clouds, rain ...

ok, you can not include maritime currents in KSP, but I think you get the point.

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Smaller versions of the plate things like I am talking small enough to be confused with a polygon mesh (well not that small). I would also like a centralized sepatron, and a way to take of a kerbals suit and make him walk faster or something. And a better science system, and the tutorial Kerbal to help you design things, and an ingame calculator for deltaV and such as well as trig. and other math stuff.

Edited by Everten P.
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Personally I want more biomes on other planets and moons, only Kerbin, Mun and Minmus have fully detailed biomes. It would also be awesome if there was more moons orbiting Jool, also in extremely inclined orbits.

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