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Project Orion - Nuclear Pulse Rocket


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Remember the Orion mod, downside it pretty much breaks the game, you can take 1000 ton from pad to Jool orbit in 1 month, 2-3 if you want to save fuel.

An pad-Eve landing and return SSTO would work well but you would probably need some chemicals engines for touchdown.

However it would be fun to combine the Orion mod and a standford torus: 1.2 km diameter 13000 ton space station.

Also doing stuff like dropping class E astroids down the moho hole.

Edited by magnemoe
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I think it's "broken" in the sense that it's overpowered. That's kind of unavoidable for any Orion drive mod, though it might be nice to have an update that prevents you from launching from KSC with it. After all, you're letting off a load of nuclear bombs, that's something that even the Kerbals ought to think twice about doing at their space centre.

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I think it's "broken" in the sense that it's overpowered. That's kind of unavoidable for any Orion drive mod, though it might be nice to have an update that prevents you from launching from KSC with it. After all, you're letting off a load of nuclear bombs, that's something that even the Kerbals ought to think twice about doing at their space centre.

My conclusion too, Currently looking into it as a drive for the 1.2 Km Standford torus as its pretty much the only way to move it.

Yes, its a project with almost infinite mission creep.

Edited by magnemoe
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  • 2 weeks later...
Oh, cool, and here I just left a note about Orion in another thread...

I was thinking of building one of these, but someone else has already done it...

Love it!



Yes and it still work except the switching of charge type. You want one toggle on/ off anyway as you will need chemical engines for fine tuning and then close to other spaceships.

Might want to try this for asteroids, especially too drop one down in the mohole.

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