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KOS challenge

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Welcome to the KOS challenge. your Challenge is to complete the following goals mods allowed are B9 aerospace and KOS Scriptable Autopilot System.

The Rules:

Any mods other than the ones listed above are used your chi will be disqualified and you will have to rebuild the ship WITH OUT THE OTHER MODS

You must post your written code (in code tags obviously).

Post screenshots of you reaching all the goals set forth.

The Goals:

You must have all the following goals be controlled by the KOS computer part for the majority of the flight(Landing is allowed for manual control)

1:Launch a rocket into orbit with a satellite attached (obviously using only KOS and B9) the orbit must be minimum of 150,000 meters.

2:Launch a Rover and lander to the mun using b9 and KOS. Must be a successful landing and the rover needs to travel 1km on the surface of the mun under autopilot only.

3:Land on Duna with a lander and rover must be a successful landing, The rover must travel 5km on the surface under autopilot.

Extra Credit:

1.Plane autopilot to old airport (manual landing allowed)

Let's see what people can come up with.

Edited by KerbCo
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I like doing things with KOS, but I haven't used it for a while, it was not working in the last version of the game, but it looks like it got a new version now.

This challenge is nice, but you shouldn't allow manual landing, since that's one of the most important parts of the flight.

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Ok, seem fun, never used kOS though.

But i have to ask, why is B9 necessary? I mean, its full of parts for AIRCRAFT, and the rules say "Must send a ROCKET into orbit", i suppose SSTOs are allowed, but if i want to use rockets? I just have those useless parts there.

And yea, landing shouldn't be manual, although its optional it just ruins the whole point of sending a lander with kOS :P

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Welcome to the KOS challenge. your

This seems like a good concept for a challenge. But I don't think that you've thought it through as well as needs to be done for a truly competitive challenge. Why not instead set up a scoring system, with differing values for orbits and/or landings on various bodies? That way people can try what they want for themselves, instead of you proscribing a single allowed path. Extra points for rover travel distance, for example. Or extra points for a KOS-landing instead of a manual landing.

And since the point of the challenge is the script, who cares what mods people use?

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i am sorry if i made it seem like b9 was a requirement it is IT IS OPTIONAL i am sorry again for the miscommunication

I am working on a scoring system at the moment.

Edited by KerbCo
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