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Q about Kerbol solar system at game start

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Does everybody's career mode game start with all of the planets and moons in a relative standard starting position? For example, if I start a new career mode game today, all of the planets and moons and such will be in some position relative to Kerbin, and it will be Year 1, Day 1.

If in two weeks from today I start another career mode game, will I be starting with all of the planets and moons in the same position relative to Kerbin as two weeks before, or will they have progressed through two weeks of "Kerbol" time and be in slightly advanced positions?

Does this make sense?

I am asking because I am in Year 1 Day 370 or so of my career mode game and I am still a ways away from a Duna launch window. Do most of you just bite the bullet and time warp to get to the launch window?

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Every game starts with all the planets in the same, pre-set locations. Does that answer your question?

I think there's a day 55 Duna Launch window (though that may be 24 hr days, not 6 hr kerbin days), so you're probably in a waiting pattern because you missed the first one. I know there's at least one prior to Y1 D370.

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I STILL haven't got a transfer window for Eve or Eeloo in my main save. There's a lot of fun to be had just in Kerbin's system and after that I tend to just go interplanetary as the windows open. That does mean I usually go to Moho first, which isn't recommended. Yes, though, when there's nothing I want to do but next interplanetary it's just time to warp.

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If you do want to mix up the transfer windows a bit, say on a new save, you can edit the savefile right after making the save and change the UT value, thus changing the date when you start your program.

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If you do want to mix up the transfer windows a bit, say on a new save, you can edit the savefile right after making the save and change the UT value, thus changing the date when you start your program.

That's good to know; thanks. IMHOE, it'd be more interesting to start new saves at different dates/times.

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