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Good cargo-bay mods?

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So I just realized that I now need a manned space-shuttle, since I installed RT2, in order to startup my initial satellite network. What's a good mod for cargo bays?

(Any besides b9)

Edited by Tortoise
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This is my favorite. There are cargo frames and adapters as well, but you'd be most interested in the 2.5m and 3.75m sizes. They're both slightly wider than their stock sizes (so you could fit a 2.5m tank in the 2.5m bay), but also both round and I don't know if that will keep you from using them. But I think they're great.


Spaceplace Plus also has a couple cargo bay parts, but those are smaller and of a more specific shape.

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The one linked above is not Shuttle cargo bays, it's rocket manifolds and cargo bays (which it's still a very good mod, but not what you asked for), but Spaceplane Plus adds Mk2 Cargo bays that are actually better than B9 in that they can extend each other like the higher B9 bays can but worse than B9 in that they are a little to thin and that makes it difficult to mount radially inside the cargo bay without clipping. I think Lack Luster Labs has some cargo bays as well, but they are square to match his station parts.

Edited by Alshain
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...I now need a manned space-shuttle, since I installed RT2...

These things do not go together at all. You don't need manned and you don't need a shuttle. 'Fess up - What's the real reason? - we all know, you just want one because it looks cool. That's fine, we've all had that feeling at one time or another. Most people get over it pretty quickly.

Yes, I am just messing about.

Seriously though - your initial commsats need only be very small. Almost anything should be able to launch them, even unmanned.

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Seriously though - your initial commsats need only be very small. Almost anything should be able to launch them, even unmanned.

How do you launch an unmanned sattelite delivery vehicle without satellites in orbit when using RemoteTech 2? Is there something I'm missing?

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How do you launch an unmanned sattelite delivery vehicle without satellites in orbit when using RemoteTech 2? Is there something I'm missing?

I've always tackled that by having one launch vehicle carry all three or four satellites for an inital network. Use a fairly steep ascent profile so that you can circularize before you lose LoS with KSC. Then, when you reestablish contact with KSC after one orbit, push your apoapsis out to Kerbin-stationary orbit.

Then you just have to wait until your apoapsis has LoS with KSC again (should only take a couple orbits at most), raise your periapsis to whatever altitude you need for a correct deployment period, then start deployment. Your first satellite should always have a line of sight to KSC, so your second satellite should have a link to the first, etc.

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How do you launch an unmanned sattelite delivery vehicle without satellites in orbit when using RemoteTech 2? Is there something I'm missing?

Ninja'd by Boomerang. I would add that you can also a) launch straight up to Kerbin-stationary range (takes a lot of fuel) or B) use KOS.

The RT2 thread and associated web sites/pages have a lot of different techniques for getting started with it.

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How do you launch an unmanned sattelite delivery vehicle without satellites in orbit when using RemoteTech 2? Is there something I'm missing?

Step 1.) Launch up, but this time, don't go beyond the 45 degree mark, in fact make your turn pretty small, like to the edge of the little circle on the top of the NavBall. Launch up to 6 million meters. Mission control will let you keep your command, as long as you don't go past it's horizon.

Step 2.) Burn into orbit. I suggest having MechJeb installed and on your launcher or satellite to tell you the orbital period. Once your orbital period is up to 6 hours, CONGRATS! Now you have a KerboStationrary satellite that will stay in line with mission control and, due to the fact that it takes 6 hours for Kerbin to spin completely on it's axis and it will take 6 hours for you to orbit, you won't lose contact with MC.

Step 3.) Wash, rather, rinse, repeat with the second satellite, HOWEVER, only make your orbital period to 5 hours 55 minutes, meaning that Kerbin(and the first satellite as well) will spin faster than you. Time warp until the line of communication is just above the surface of Kerbin. Once at that point, burn to 6 hours orbital period. The dark side of the Mun will still have a comm blackout, but you can always send satellites there to clear that up.

There you go.

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How do you launch an unmanned sattelite delivery vehicle without satellites in orbit when using RemoteTech 2? Is there something I'm missing?

Why does your satellite delivery vehicle need to be unmanned? When I played with RT2 on a previous career mode (I haven't re-installed it yet), I actually found that it's way easier to send up tiny little commsats (usually just a probe core with some solar panels & an omnidirectional antennae) stacked up on top of a manned capsule. In fact, in career mode, I usually try to "double up" on missions: perform manned science stuff while also hauling a commsat or two up with me.

YOu can also get more clever with your launch stages: put a probe core + omnidirectional antennae on a lower stage and it can act as a relay for your orbit probe even it's not going to stay in orbit. It just bounces the signal around the curvature of Kerbin to get your satellite a few more precious seconds to complete it's orbital burn.

But yeah, it's true: That first commsat can be a tricky one.

Edited by LethalDose
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YOu can also get more clever with your launch stages: put a probe core + omnidirectional antennae on a lower stage and it can act as a relay for your orbit probe even it's not going to stay in orbit. It just bounces the signal around the curvature of Kerbin to get your satellite a few more precious seconds to complete it's orbital burn.

This. So much this. Holy crap, how the hell did I not think of that? I hate you :(

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B) use KOS.

that option is fine if you are a programmer, but, in the spirit of speaking for the non computer science/programmer people like myself: mechjeb may also be of assistance than the KOS. Hush you folks who find mechjeb to be bad. its a valid option, that should not be over looked.

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For the response to the first few questions or statements to my question:

Since I have FAR, I tend to take a more efficient flight profile which pushes my apoapsis farther away horizontally. So by time I'm like half way around the planet, coasting to my apoapsis, I've lost connection.

And also in this case, I'm launhcing at 270 and not 90, so I'll lose connection slightly faster because of that.

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For the response to the first few questions or statements to my question:

Since I have FAR, I tend to take a more efficient flight profile which pushes my apoapsis farther away horizontally. So by time I'm like half way around the planet, coasting to my apoapsis, I've lost connection.

And also in this case, I'm launhcing at 270 and not 90, so I'll lose connection slightly faster because of that.

Well, you can launch one probe prograde (at 90), so you can have at least one relay in range, and then launch one retrograde (at 270) when the first relay comes into LoS of KSC when the your retrograde relay is losing LoS.

Or you can just launch your retrograde satellite off the top (or bottom, for that manner) of a manned capsule.

I'm not clear on what advantages you're expecting to get from a westward orbit satellite though. It's not wrong to do it, you'll just have shorter windows over the KSC.

This. So much this. Holy crap, how the hell did I not think of that? I hate you :(

Uh, you're... welcome? I honestly only got the idea after I noticed I had a derelict chunk that did stay in orbit that was also occassionaly acting as a comm relay (it may not have even had a probe core, just panels, batteries, and an antenna).

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...And also in this case, I'm launhcing at 270 and not 90, so I'll lose connection slightly faster because of that...

If it's not at 90 degrees then it's never going to be in a stationary orbit. So much of this seems wrong, but Tortoise is asking about shuttle bays so I'll shut up about RT2.

So why a shuttle and why a bay? Is this the bit where you want it just because it looks cool?

Lol - no, it's ok, I'm just losing the plot here, ignore me.

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Why does your satellite delivery vehicle need to be unmanned?

Well I certainly never said it did, although it would seem it is possibly, the big question lingers... why? Maybe if your just looking for a special challenge I guess.

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