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Expedition I| An all-in-one spacecraft!

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This is my 15 stage vertical launched rocket. It is capable of landing on the mun and also returning. The spacecraft has docking ports and 2 satellites alone the sides. The craft itself is capable of docking and becoming a space station. I have included the stock craft and a mechjeb version as well. Enjoy! Included is a picture of the ship. Link [https://www./?8k21ltxb3i6n3co]

[uPDATE] I managed to make the rocket a little bit more efficient along with more power. I added two boosters so that after you decouple your last two external engines, you can cut your main engine and use the boosters. I have also come to realize that the Apollo mod is required as I use one of their mono propellant tanks that I cannot loose. Here is the link for the Apollo mod: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/41585-Stock-and-Mod-several-variations-on-Apollo-11-style-craft

[Expedition II link]https://www./?n684i4ntabg7ld2


Edited by starsky396
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