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[1.1] BDArmory v0.11.0.1 (+compatibility, fixes) - Apr 23


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So I reinstalled it and the vulcan is still snow white.

I ll test it to see if it still works fine but I have no idea why its white.

All the other parts are fine

edit: vulcan turret works works fine. It just looks like the texture for is gone

Edited by War Eagle 1
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  War Eagle 1 said:
So I reinstalled it and the vulcan is still snow white.

I ll test it to see if it still works fine but I have no idea why its white.

All the other parts are fine

edit: vulcan turret works works fine. It just looks like the texture for is gone

Did you somehow lose the texture? Check the folder. Reinstalling should have fixed it, assuming you didn't delete the texture from the zip by accident.

A note on how I'm going to handle building damage:

The DestructibleBuilding class (stock, attached to the KSC buildings) has a float value "Damage" which constantly decays to zero. I wrote a function that adds damage to whatever building I'm pointing at to see how high this Damage value has to be for the building to be destroyed. Even though I was adding a million damage per frame, the building was never destroyed, so I don't think the damage value affects it (at least not the way I expected it to). However, assuming that the Damage value has no other function, this is very useful (this might be a foolish assumption). I'm going to add a certain amount of damage to the building, depending on bullet momentum or explosive force, then check to see if the damage amount is higher than the building's impact momentum threshold (another built-in value). If it exceeds, I'll just call the Demolish() method on it.

This also means that if the building isn't attacked for a while, it's "health" will "regenerate", due to the damage decay that was already built-in.

I'm just putting this up here so that if anyone else finds out what the Damage value does (or if a Squad dev stops by), they can tell me not to mess with it.

Edited by BahamutoD
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  BahamutoD said:
Did you somehow lose the texture? Check the folder. Reinstalling should have fixed it, assuming you didn't delete the texture from the zip by accident.

A note on how I'm going to handle building damage:

The DestructibleBuilding class (stock, attached to the KSC buildings) has a float value "Damage" which constantly decays to zero. I wrote a function that adds damage to whatever building I'm pointing at to see how high this Damage value has to be for the building to be destroyed. Even though I was adding a million damage per frame, the building was never destroyed, so I don't think the damage value affects it (at least not the way I expected it to). However, assuming that the Damage value has no other function, this is very useful (this might be a foolish assumption). I'm going to add a certain amount of damage to the building, depending on bullet momentum or explosive force, then check to see if the damage amount is higher than the building's impact momentum threshold (another built-in value). If it exceeds, I'll just call the Demolish() method on it.

This also means that if the building isn't attacked for a while, it's "health" will "regenerate", due to the damage decay that was already built-in.

I'm just putting this up here so that if anyone else finds out what the Damage value does (or if a Squad dev stops by), they can tell me not to mess with it.

I just looked and the texture file is there.

I ll send you pics later

Can I do it via PM?

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- KSP 0.25 update


(click for video demo)

- Added HEKV-1 missile (for vacuum)

- Added Mk.82 SnakeEye bomb

- Added Goalkeeper CIWS


- Added Adjustable Missile Rail (Pylon)

- Added decouple speed and drop time tweakables to missiles/bombs

- Added action groups for toggling team, guard mode, target type to Weapon Manager


- New rocket/missile sound effects

- New explosion particle effects

- New flare detection

- Fix: Opening the map no longer breaks aiming reticles

- Fix: Settings (Alt-B) are persistent when saved

- Fix: Prevent firing when clicking on certain GUI elements (not all yet)

- Fix: Weapons do damage to buildings

- Fixed turret aimer problem when targeting a landed vessel

- Fixed Sidewinder collider diameter

- Fix: Missiles and guard turrets target center of mass instead of command module

- Fix: Weapon Manager part window gets refreshed when activating/deactivating guard mode

- Fix: Guard mode max range limit gets set to max physics range

- Fix: Guard mode will find new target if current target is behind cover

- Fix: Bullets fire towards fireTransforms forward(Z+) instead of pitchTransform's X+

- Converted textures to PNG format

- Changed explosion chance to destroy part

- Slight tweak to missile guidance

- Bunch of other small bug fixes


*- Important The new toolbar UI makes it easy to access the functions of the weapon manager attached to your craft. You can click on stuff on it to change or select them (team, weapon etc). Right now it only supports having a single weapon manager on your craft.

- I know, I know, there's no cannon shell ammo boxes yet. The thing is, I don't like the idea of making more ammo boxes for each new ammo type. That and ammo boxes were ugly IMO. I want to come up with a nicer solution for ammo.

Flare Detection

- For the new flare detection method, I took elements some of the suggestions posted on this thread. Missiles have a certain chance of targeting flares based on how far they are from the flare, and a 'dice roll' that each flare rolls when they spawn. Spawning multiple flares, then, will be more effective. Also tweaking its cone of vision and guidance makes it so missiles that are coming at you from the sides aren't impossible to defeat anymore. Likewise, missiles coming straight at you from in front or behind aren't 100% easy to defeat anymore.

Cluster Bombs

- Cluster bombs have a tweakable for what altitude they will split open. There's a set delay, so even if you release the bomb below the altitude threshold, it wont explode right away.

Destructible Buildings

- Not all structures are destroyed immediately by bombs. Some take several bombs in rapid succession to demolish.

- Only small, weak structures can be destroyed by bullets.

Some Balance Tweaking

- If you so desire, you can adjust the amount of damage that guns do by changing the DMG_MULTIPLIER value in settings.cfg

- You can also adjust the probability of missiles targeting flares with the FLARE_CHANCE_FACTOR value

Bomb clearance check

- There's a new Weapon Manager that checks to see if a bomb has enough space to drop without hitting yourself on the way out. If it might, it will try launching a different bomb if one is available. This means you can have bombs stacked vertically, and it will only drop the one on the bottom. Also it wont drop a bomb if you forgot to open your bomb bay.

Edited by BahamutoD
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Most excellent! The cluster bombs need a little more room than my freshly build craft can provide, so back to the drawing board. Dropping a cluster bomb against your own craft gets you the lags, har!

I guess no tweakable inline explosives because TweakScale is not working yet? Or is that for a later release?

Edited by Camacha
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  Camacha said:

I guess no tweakable inline explosives because TweakScale is not working yet? Or is that for a later release?

Its for later, but the code is there. Just add

name = BDExplosivePart
explosionFxSize = 2
blastRadius = 30
blastPower = 20

to any part to make it explosive.

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Whoopie, an update! :D

  BahamutoD said:

Would you like me to make a toolbar icon using the Bahamuto Dynamics logo? I can stick the word "armory" underneath it.

  BahamutoD said:
- I know, I know, there's no cannon shell ammo boxes yet. The thing is, I don't like the idea of making more ammo boxes for each new ammo type. That and ammo boxes were ugly IMO. I want to come up with a nicer solution for ammo.

Actually, I've been wanting to discuss a number of things with you, some of which are related to ammo boxes and surface attachment:

- Have you considered implementing your own version of the InfernalRobotics relative-part-position-rebuilding code? This would allow, for instance, a machine gun turret to be mounted on top of the Abrams turret, or an ammo box to be attached directly to a remote turret itself (The idea is that the ammo box/base of the smaller MG moves along with the main turret) - as an added bonus, I could make the ammo box KAS-compatible to allow Kerbals on EVA to manually reload turrets.

- If the above^ is possible, I will be able to make some better ammo storage boxes (not necessarily a new box for each type)

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  sumghai said:
Whoopie, an update! :D

Would you like me to make a toolbar icon using the Bahamuto Dynamics logo? I can stick the word "armory" underneath it.

If you think it will fit! It needs to be 38x38.

  sumghai said:

Actually, I've been wanting to discuss a number of things with you, some of which are related to ammo boxes and surface attachment:

- Have you considered implementing your own version of the InfernalRobotics relative-part-position-rebuilding code? This would allow, for instance, a machine gun turret to be mounted on top of the Abrams turret, or an ammo box to be attached directly to a remote turret itself (The idea is that the ammo box/base of the smaller MG moves along with the main turret) - as an added bonus, I could make the ammo box KAS-compatible to allow Kerbals on EVA to manually reload turrets.

- If the above^ is possible, I will be able to make some better ammo storage boxes (not necessarily a new box for each type)

I spent a few hours staring at infernal robotics code, and trying a few things out to get this to work but I still haven't figured it out. I really do want this to happen though. One of these days I'll take another stab at it.

What was your idea for better boxes?

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  sumghai said:
Would you like me to make a toolbar icon using the Bahamuto Dynamics logo? I can stick the word "armory" underneath it.

  BahamutoD said:
If you think it will fit! It needs to be 38x38.

I'll look into this either today or this weekend, but I suspect the "BD" part of the logo, plus the "Armory" would work fine.

I did a stock toolbar icon for stupid_chris's RealChute add-on, so I'm reasonably familiar with the 38 x 38 standard :)

Actually, I've been wanting to discuss a number of things with you, some of which are related to ammo boxes and surface attachment:

  BahamutoD said:
I spent a few hours staring at infernal robotics code, and trying a few things out to get this to work but I still haven't figured it out. I really do want this to happen though. One of these days I'll take another stab at it.

What was your idea for better boxes?

To be honest, it'll be a case-by-case basis as to how the improved ammo boxes could be implemented - e.g. dedicated universal ammo compartment that can be filled with varying combinations and quantities of cartridges and shells, specialist ammo boxes designed to be attached directly to turrets etc.

I'll make a list and get back to you later today.

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I know that the most recent B9 thing allowed you to change the type of part you had by switching through a list in the VAB/SPH perhaps you could do the same thing with the ammo boxes?

EDIT: Also love the new banner/picture in the OP.

Edited by King_komodo93
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  Robotdude said:
Loving the update, especially the cluster bomb and space missile. Any future plans for orbital weapons? (Weapons fired from orbit that hit targets on the ground)

Why not build your own? :) Especially combined with the earlier post on how to make explosives this should be very doable.

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Okies, here are the two candidates for an updated toolbar button icon - a blue one and a KSP-style white one:



  King_komodo93 said:
I know that the most recent B9 thing allowed you to change the type of part you had by switching through a list in the VAB/SPH perhaps you could do the same thing with the ammo boxes?

My proposal (which I will outline in a moment) is far more involved than the Firespitter-powered B9 part switching, and is for a feature that would be natively built into BD Armory.

Allowing direct / surface attachment of other parts to turrets

As described previously, this would be implemented using an adapted version of the Infernal Robotics code that detects the motion of any given turret and updates the relative position(s) of any other parts directly attached to said turret.

Example use cases:

- Attaching various machine gun turrets, headlights, antenna and other parts onto the M1 Abrams tank turret, such that when the tank turret is being aimed, all the attached parts move in unison. Note that any additional machine gun turrets / other weapons can still operate independently via guard mode etc. - it's just that their base transforms will be shifted along with the tank turret they're currently mounted on.

- Attaching ammo boxes to machine gun turrets, similar to the Crewed Remoted Operated Weapons System (CROWS); if the user (optionally) has Kerbal Attachment System installed, Kerbals on EVA can grab/remove/replace these ammo boxes:


Ammunition storage and/or management system(s)

- Some weapons like CROWS-type turrets could have small, specialty ammo boxes that attach directly to the weapon body/receiver (hence the suggestion for the IR-style child part position rebuilding)

- For the M1 Abrams tank turret or user-built craft that use multiple weapon/bullet cartridges/shell types, instead of having specialty ammo boxes, *universal* ammo storage part(s) could be configured by the user to store different ammo types at different quantities, in a manner similar to Modular Fuel Tanks. A custom part module would be needed:

name = BahaAmmoStorage
maxCapacity = 0.25 // Maximum total capacity, in KSP metric tons, of this universal container's ammo capacity. In other words, whatever mix of ammo you have in there, this is the upper limit.

- Form factors could include surface-attached boxes, stacked containers, or even built into the M1 Abrams Turret itself.

- The UI would allow users to add/edit/remove ammo types and quantities for each of these universal containers (e.g. maybe today I want 100 .50 cal. and 200 20x102mm rounds, but tomorrow I want 495 20x102mm rounds)

- Another advantage is scaleability - new ammo types and subtypes can be introduced without having to make dedicated storage containers unless necessary (e.g. CannonShells_HEAT, CannonShells_Incendiary, CannonShells_AP)

For both proposals, I can help with models and suggest pseudocode/logic for the plugin.

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