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[1.1] BDArmory v0.11.0.1 (+compatibility, fixes) - Apr 23


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  godarklight said:
Ello everyone!

@ogledhill, I'd have to work with BahamutoD for that to work well - there's a lot of issues that come up when dealing with multiplayer, and the DMPClient has a rather poor design that doesn't lend itself out well to other plugins interfacing with it. You'd also be pretty limited to the master controlled warp modes rather than subspace, otherwise you have to deal with some really strange time paradoxes :-/

DMP also gets pretty spaghetti in some (or a lot of...) cases, especially where KSP gets a little weird.

@Baha, If you're up for it I'll help, even though I'm not much of a PvP type of guy. You'll also be defining the interface for other plugins to use as well, I find that things get better if you have hindsight on actual usage, rather than trying to guess (as the current DMPModInterface thing is).

Also, forum watching bots are nice, you've got to get yourself one of these :)

Thank you for clarifying this as I was not sure why bdarmory wasn't working with dmp.

Edited by Whizzkid
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  tetryds said:
There is something very weird, JoystickButton0 was working for me, then it suddenly stoped working.

I changed it to joystick button 0 and it's now working again, let me fix my post up there.

What I found about the Saitek P880 seems like you have to put button(0) there to fire with the triangle button.

If anything, just use some joystick mapper program and you would be able to fire with any key you want.

Its not a Playstaton controller, its an actual Gamepad...

It has buttons 1 through 6 on the side, not triangles and that.

I will try Button(11) though.

- - - Updated - - -

  ogledhill14 said:
I know that development has slowed on this mod, however I would like to know if there are any plans for dmp compatibility.

There are not. It is too unstable and the official multilayer will probably break any integration, meaning it has to be redone (Plus having a hilariously broken mod meanwhile).

Once the official MP is out it will be integrated.

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  TendererMold said:
Just noticed something with the current version, the two bombs' cfg-s have the name part .cfg and not part.cfg, as such they do not appear in game. To fix this all you need to do is rename the .cfg to have no spaces! (In case any one was wondering)

It was known, but thanks!

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  RobloxianPLAYS said:
I installed the mod, but when I run the game, I get the parts but I can't use them

Might want to be a little more specific.

- - - Updated - - -

  TendererMold said:
Just noticed something with the current version, the two bombs' cfg-s have the name part .cfg and not part.cfg, as such they do not appear in game. To fix this all you need to do is rename the .cfg to have no spaces! (In case any one was wondering)

Indeed it was known.

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  Master_Evar said:
Just wondering

Does anyone know the largest amount of 500lb bombs on a jet plane/bomber in KSP that has ever been done?

EDIT: In this mod

No idea, but show us what you got :D

RobloxianPLAYS, did you try reinstalling the mod?

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  Master_Evar said:
Made a bomber with 228 bombs :D

Gonna post the .craft file in the Craft Exchange, but here are some pics:



Wow, that is awesome.

This require drastic measures!


So far yours is the one with the most bombs I have ever seen.

The most fun thing about this mod in KSP is that there are no limits at all.

Though for a "career mode warfare multiplayer" it would be interesting that these weapons get really expensive, but that would be easily done with some edits.

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  tetryds said:
Wow, that is awesome.

This require drastic measures!


So far yours is the one with the most bombs I have ever seen.

The most fun thing about this mod in KSP is that there are no limits at all.

Though for a "career mode warfare multiplayer" it would be interesting that these weapons get really expensive, but that would be easily done with some edits.

LAWL that's a lot of turrets and guns and... stuff. :D

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So, I've been messing around with this amazingly fun mod, but I have a slight problem.

I hear there's a bomb aimer, but I'm unsure as to whether it's a part, because I cannot find it. Is it just a function built in to the bombs? Or is there no bomb aimer, and I'm just hallucinating?

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  \ said:
So, I've been messing around with this amazingly fun mod, but I have a slight problem.

I hear there's a bomb aimer, but I'm unsure as to whether it's a part, because I cannot find it. Is it just a function built in to the bombs? Or is there no bomb aimer, and I'm just hallucinating?

It's built in. "Equip" the bombs and you will see a circle with a dot inside appear somewhere on the ground beneath you.

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  zxczxczbfg said:
Wasn't there a previous 30mm cannon design that the 108 was derived from, which was designed as a dual-purpose AA and AT gun?

Mk 101. Very low fire rate, the Mk 103 and 108 were electrically primed, Mk 101 was concussed, thus making for a bulkier gun with a lower fire rate. The Mk 103 is better.

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  Spooglecraft said:

Saying the File was not found, Also I have to lol at the Pz-IV Image in the background of the Parts main Picture as if you look closely it's the One from Girls Und Panzer before the Side Skirts and Turret Spaced armor was added :D

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  Bully056 said:
Saying the File was not found, Also I have to lol at the Pz-IV Image in the background of the Parts main Picture as if you look closely it's the One from Girls Und Panzer before the Side Skirts and Turret Spaced armor was added :D

Should be fixed now. And you're right, it's indeed the Pz-IV from GPAN. I used it because the picture had to be at a 1:1 ratio and I wanted the tank to be at the original ratio. This left some ugly space in the pic I had to cover, and this was the most fitting one I had.

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  victor tan said:
Is there anyway to enlarge the laser beam size.I need a custom made massive orbital laser for a project of mine.

(this is just a guess)



tracerStartWidth = 0.3

tracerEndWidth = 0.3

Higher values should make the beam wider.

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