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article on KSP in the French mainstream press


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Well it's time for some comments: I'm french so it's possible I messed up some translations but hope it's not too bad.

First, it is said that Santeri Koivisto is a finnish NOT Felipe nor Squad.

Une étude menée par Squad, l’éditeur mexicain du jeu montre que environ 7% des joueurs sont mêlés de près ou de loin au secteur aérospatial.

a study lead by Squad, the mexican editor of the game show that about 7% of [KSP] players are involved in aerospace stuff

Le modèle physique que Felipe Falanghe a créé pour Kerbal a inspiré quelques professeurs, parmi lesquels Santeri Koivisto.Ce Finlandais est un ancien instituteur qui a quitté son métier pour monter son entreprise : Teacher Gaming.

The physic model created by Felipe Falanghe for Kerbal inspired some teachers and among them Santeri Koivisto. This finnish former teacher left his job to start is own company: Teacher Gaming.

Second, the journalist didn't critic the french eductionnal system. He pointed that there are two schools, the inductive and the deductive, french use one the finnish use the other and this one seems to fit better to explain some stuffs to young people. He doesn't say, finnish inductive system is better or deductive system is better, he said that one allows to young finnish schoolers to played with Kerbal Edu when it would be considered as too inappropriate for french ones and be better for students who have a specialized cursus about physic. He said too that Pierre-Yves Martin see the game as a nice feature to young schoolers science enlightenment... Exactly what is said about finnish youg boyz and galz. And let them talk about what they want about their feeling about the game mechanics and science stuff connected with like TWR or 3D object movements.

The main point of the article is about the fact that Kerbal Space Program is a ludic video game who make people interested by science and finally have an edu mod when usually you have eductionnal game, not fun, not interesting and failing totally on their original purpose, making - young - people interested by science/history/whatever you can learn at school. And it's quite a nice compliment at the end... Especially when you know how videogame are considered by french media (I could say media cause no matter the country is more or less always same story "video games are evil, they make ppls mad and lazy and stupid! boooooh! Look at this poor normal schyzophrenic boy who murdered his hamster cause he wanted it evolve after playing pokemon!")

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To "touch" the basics of physic it's more than enough. We could say gravitation forces are badly modeled one applied at a time! shaaame! But no, it's matter of gameplay. Hopefully for ppl who want more realistic aerodynamic there is FAR and for the ones who want more realistic gravitionnal forces who require NASA knowledge level, well there are astronauts simulators or NASA program.

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To "touch" the basics of physic it's more than enough. We could say gravitation forces are badly modeled one applied at a time! shaaame! But no, it's matter of gameplay. Hopefully for ppl who want more realistic aerodynamic there is FAR and for the ones who want more realistic gravitionnal forces who require NASA knowledge level, well there are astronauts simulators or NASA program.

It doesn't require NASA knowledge at all. That's like saying FAR requires you to be a pilot.

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It doesn't require NASA knowledge at all. That's like saying FAR requires you to be a pilot.

It's less requiring NASA knowledge, and more the annoyance of finding that gravitational perturbations from the Mun have thrown your spacecraft from LKO into the sun while you weren't looking. Constant station-keeping for every vessel is not fun.

Edited by peadar1987
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